SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I am weighing in this morning at 161.8. Everyone have a great day!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Good morning, Shortys! I had a 0.8 lb loss this week. I'm content with slow and steady because it means I'll be more likely to keep it off. Any loss is a loss... especially since I haven't been exercising. I wish it would stop raining here already ~ it's been almost a week with no break in sight! I miss the beautiful weather for walking!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Good Morning Shortys! I can't believe a week has already gone by! My weigh in this morning is at 174.6. Still pushing along!! Can't wait to break into the 160's.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    My personal trainer kicked my butt on Tuesday! I've been back in the 150s for the past 2 days because of all the water retention in my sore muscles. I'm gonna give it one more day and drink plenty of water, hopefully it's back down tomorrow. I'll post my weight first thing tomorrow morning, since I know 150.3 isn't quite accurate! I'm just hoping its at least the same as last week's 149.3... Evil personal trainer...
  • Hello Shorty's! Today i weighed in at the same as last week 152.2...considering i ate terrible and had my mini vacation at the lake and ZERO exercise...i will gladly take the same. So here's my plan for next week...I'm going to work my butt off to see 149.9! That means i'm going to need to lose 2.3 pounds next week. I'm so frustrated to not be there goal was to hit the 140's 2 weeks ago! UGhhh!!'s not gonna make me lose my motivation to get there. In fact, im going to change my goal to be 145 by the end of our Shorty's Challenge. My goal was to be 137, buuuttt...i dont see that happening at the rate ive been going. So my new goal is going to be 145, if yall dont mind me setting a new goal for the challenge! I hope everyone has been doing good! For those of you who fell off the wagon like myself...PICK YOURSELF UP AND KEEP GOING! For those of you who lost and did AWESOME this weeek....EXCELLENT JOB! KEEP IT UP! :)

    Have a good day everyone! is weigh-in and I will be posting chart tmr morning! So be sure to give me your weigh-in before tmr morning! :)
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    So I'm 151.0 and BMI 29.2 as of this morning, so a loss of 1 lb....which I'm happy with. I kinda wish I had picked a higher goal too, but I'm going to leave it where it is, it's what I picked at the beginning and it will keep me pushing ahead.....and in reality, as long as I keep going down consistently over time, I'm really happy. This has really helped keep me on track and motivated!! The closer I get to goal, the slower it's going to go.....that's just takes harder work and more effort/intensity or longer time to burn the same calories at a lower weight. My this goal this week is the weight train consistently until I get to 3x a week and build more muscle back, hoping that will give my metabolism a boost over the coming weeks!! And eat more, more consistently, I've been off....Can't wait to see how we all do!!
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    well just as I thought I gained this week I weighed in this morning at 151.4 so that makes for a 0.8 gain alot better then I was expecting I ate really bad this weekend and I only managed to get a 35 minute workout in yesterday so ill take that. I thought I set a higher goal too I dont know why it says all time goal was 130 so I figured id only 140-145 during this challenge but thats ok.

    good job soo far shortys. Im really is usually my cheat day and I usually dont workout but I managed to get a workout in tonight :)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I would like to change my goal also, since I met the one I originally set. I would like to shoot for 150. That may be too low, with only 6 weeks left, but it will give me something to shoot for. Everyone have a great night!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hey everyone,

    So with my limited time at the gym this week with 3 sick kids (as well as TTOM!!) I am happy to have lost 1.3

    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 169
    Current Weight: 157.4
    12 Week Goal: 150
    Loss this week: 1.3
    Total Pounds Lost: 11.6

    When I started this challenge I picked 150 for my goal (19 pounds), I really did'nt think I would make it to that!! I am already over half way there so now I just need to keep pushing myself and I am very hopeful that I can achieve my goal and maybe even beat it :smile: I have noticed my weight loss slowing down a little so I hope that it keeps going, even if its just a little each week.

    Good job to everyone who is participating in this challenge - keep up the great work!

    Kristin you can so do 2.3 pounds next week, eat super clean and drink tons of water and keep up with the Zumba :happy:

    Good luck everybody.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Scale went back down somewhat, but still not all the way to what I was at last week. 149.6 lbs this morning, i'll take it. I was drinking last night so perhaps that had something to do with it.... nevertheless I'm gonna keep focusing to get it moving down more!
  • Good morning ladies! Here is Week 6 Chart and Results! We have made it to the halfway point! Good job to all of you for making it this long! We've had ups and downs, but here goes our next half of the challenge!

    Week 7 Mini Challenge:

    Tell us what you would do different than the first half of the Shorty's Challenge. Some of you might not need to change anything and just keep doing what you're doing! But for the rest of us, is there anything different that you would do for the next 6 weeks? If so, tell us your goals! Good Luck Shorty's!!! :)

    Week 6 Chart:


  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks Kristin!

    I totally understand your frustration too. I have been bouncing between 150-148 the last 6 weeks and have not seen the scale moving until now. I actually just recently changed my diet based on the recommendations of a personal trainer. It was definitely worth the change. I feel like I'm eating a lot of carbs... but who care is the scale is FINALLY moving!

    Keep up the good work girls!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    I won!! I was just thinking last night, "I'm gonna push myself so hard this week so I get on a star for Week 7..." I got on a star!!! ...okay cease boasting. While I did loose I simply lost the weight I gained last week and I think it was all due to my TOM...SO I'm gonna really push myself this week to loose.

    Let's do this!!

    For the remaining 6 weeks I have this goal:

    Eat 5 servings of fruits or veggies a day and drink at least 8 glasses of water/day.
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    Wow, so glad we're pushing ahead, and wow, at the halfway point! I've lost an average of a little over a lb. a week, for 7 lbs so slower than I thought but I'm happy with that, once I changed my macro percentages it's been pretty consistent and easier to do. What I might have done differently is started weight training again sooner, and my goal last week and for the remaining challenge and the rest of my life, is to weight train 3x a week! I've done 2 sessions this week and will make up a session tomorrow. I'm so inspired by our group and our chart :-) I started my own chart the week we started that I plan to keep up after the challenge. I know my loss will slow down as I get closer to goal now, so it's important to remind myself of the overall accomplishments and look at my weight loss over a month's time to put it into perspective and just the dedication and effort it takes to get to big goals....we are all feeling it but still doing so great and losing. Look at what we've done in a month and a half....Do you know when I see this chart, as a group WE HAVE LOST A WHOPPING 91.5 LBS at the HALF-WAY POINT......That's a few lbs shy of being a whole shorty!!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Kristin, thanks!

    Leela, that's awesome, nice job seeing that.

    Everyone, congratulations on logging and weighing in.

    6 weeks and 6 pounds. I'm right on track, which is pretty cool. I didn't actually think I would lose a pound a week. I don't see it when I look at myself in the mirror though. I can't wait to actually see a smaller me.

    I started zigzagging my calories these last two weeks and actually eating more calories per week. If I had it to do all over again, I would have done that from the beginning.
  • My idea for the rest of the challenge is Weight Watchers. I feel so much better after just two days. And I think this really is going to help. When you are counting cals as long as you stay at goal you are fine. When doing weight watchers, you have to really think about what you are eating. They have made the plan so that it considers how food is broken down in your body and the things that take less time are higher in points. The things that take more time are less points and keep you fuller, longer! Its great!

    Anyone who isn't budging, I recommend trying this!

    Good luck Shortys!
  • Yippeee!! I Ladies, yesterday I weighed in @ 150.6! I can taste the 140's now!! I told yall my goal was to be in the 140's by next weeks getting more and more motivated! Here's my plan for this week though, I've learned that doing a combination of P90X Ab Ripper X, Treadmill Run/Walk with Incline & a new workout I just started called "10 Minute Leg Blaster" works AWESOME for me!! Here's the best and more encouraging part...i do each one for 10 minutes. So...10 minutes of "10 Minute Leg Blaster", 10 minutes of P90X Ab Ripper X, and 10-20 minutes of Treadmill all in one session of exercise. It's great and more motivating knowing that "it's only 10 minutes!" And then also I have Zumba class on Tues/Wed. So that's what I'll be doing this week and it's great!

    If you want to know the exercise I do for "10 Minute Leg Blaster"..send me a message! It's awesome, and it's's definately challenging, but after the first few times, it's great! :)

    Also, my plan for the next 6 weeks is to do the 6 to 1 rule. Eat good for 6 days out of the week and 1 day (more like 1 meal really) where i get my "splurge". I also want to vary my exercises at home, so my body doesn't get used to doing the same thing over and over again. AAANNND...plan for AFTER the Challenge is over, begin P90X (once again) and finish it!!!

    Hope you girls are having a fantabulous week! Check in with Shorty's group and let me know how yall are doing! :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hmmm... what would I do differently. I've been trying to change things up since I'm stuck at the same weight it seems. No matter what I do, I keep bouncing right around 150. I had a good week where it was below 150 for 5 days or something, and then it went back up. Zig zagging my calories seems to work if I stick to it, but it's hard on the weekends when things get unpredictable. I do need to try to reign in the snacking and indulgences with my boyfriend tho, or just going out in general. Last night we had pizza, beer, and then ice cream! ACK! It showed this morning, but I went for a 4 mile run to make up for it.

    So, ultimately what I want to focus on going forward is keeping up with the exercise and not eating so much junk. Keep it to one day a week where I'm allowed a treat, not let that expand into several nights. It seems kickball on Thursdays is also a bad influence... haha
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    @Kristin...I like the idea of 10 minutes of 3 different things. I am going to do this for this coming week.

    10 minutes p90x, 10 minutes Jillian, 10 minutes abs.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Hey all. I really messed up last night. I was doing so well, but I started eating chips (my husband bought them and we haven't had any in the house for weeks). I told myself I wouldn't touch them, but I did. After eating so much, I was in a "salted state", I "realized" I needed something sweet. cream. I ordered a medium (which is really big) and ate it all! Uh! I don't know what I was thinking. I new I was doing it, but I couldn't stop myself. Trying to get back on track today.

    Kristin, I want to do P90X once I reach my goal weight. The last time I tried to do it, I was trying to lose weight and it wore me out. I think I need to be eating maintenance calories to do it. But I don't want to eat maintenance until I'm at my goal. So, my "goal" is to start P90X this summer!
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