SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • KristinAshli
    Helloooooo Shorty's!

    Great job this week from all of you! We had a few of you breakthrough some major weight plateau's this week! (APPLAUSE!!) For those of you who gained, DON'T WORRY! Next week I know you will rock it and get those scales moving! Remember, "Just because you tripped, does NOT mean that you fell down!" You guys can do this! As for me, I'm very happy with my progress so far...4 weeks ago I set a goal to meet 150 pounds by today, and although I didn't quite reach it...I will gladly take a 1 pound loss for this week and ALMOST meeting my goal at 150.6! If it wasn't for you girls being there for me and staying in with the group, I couldn't have done it! You girls have been inspiring just hearing you stories, seeing your food journals and exercises, and blogs! So I want to thank ALL OF YOU for helping me reach my ALMOST first goal! hehe

    *Week 5 Mini Challenge:

    Everyone has a food weakness. This week, tell us your absolute "food weakness", meaning...the ONE specific type of food that is so bad for you, but you can't resist. The challenge here is to think of a possible "substitute" for your weakness to help with getting your fix, but not using as much calories, fat, sodium, etc. (EXAMPLE: Food Weakness - Ice Cream, Substitute - Frozen Low-fat Yogurt / Food Weakness - Regular Soda, Substitute - Diet Soda). So if you know of a recipe/food that could replace it...please share your secret! If you do not know of a substitute for your food weakness, ASK! And hopefully someone out of our Shorty's Group will have an answer for you! I wanted to do this to show what might be keeping us from our goals, and seeing if there are ways to find a healthier way to eat/drink what is said to be a "No, No!" Please write your food weakness and substitute! :)

    So here is our Week 4 Chart & Results!


  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes girls!

    Great work everyone on the sacrifices and sticking with it. All of you are so inspiring and even though my goal isn't to lose weight anymore I'd still like to be part of the Shorty's group on this wonderful journey we've all started together.

    Keep up the awesome work!

    Congratulations on the pregnancy how exciting for you :) my advice is rest as much as you can. I remember with my first I slept all of the time.. I know you will probably hear that a lot but it is true once that baby comes your sleep will never be the same anymore. Also drink lots of water, I drank a lot of water with both pregnancies and I must say my kids rather drink water than juice so it paid off :)
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Helloooooo Shorty's!

    Great job this week from all of you! We had a few of you breakthrough some major weight plateau's this week! (APPLAUSE!!) For those of you who gained, DON'T WORRY! Next week I know you will rock it and get those scales moving! Remember, "Just because you tripped, does NOT mean that you fell down!" You guys can do this! As for me, I'm very happy with my progress so far...4 weeks ago I set a goal to meet 150 pounds by today, and although I didn't quite reach it...I will gladly take a 1 pound loss for this week and ALMOST meeting my goal at 150.6! If it wasn't for you girls being there for me and staying in with the group, I couldn't have done it! You girls have been inspiring just hearing you stories, seeing your food journals and exercises, and blogs! So I want to thank ALL OF YOU for helping me reach my ALMOST first goal! hehe

    *Week 5 Mini Challenge:

    Everyone has a food weakness. This week, tell us your absolute "food weakness", meaning...the ONE specific type of food that is so bad for you, but you can't resist. The challenge here is to think of a possible "substitute" for your weakness to help with getting your fix, but not using as much calories, fat, sodium, etc. (EXAMPLE: Food Weakness - Ice Cream, Substitute - Frozen Low-fat Yogurt / Food Weakness - Regular Soda, Substitute - Diet Soda). So if you know of a recipe/food that could replace it...please share your secret! If you do not know of a substitute for your food weakness, ASK! And hopefully someone out of our Shorty's Group will have an answer for you! I wanted to do this to show what might be keeping us from our goals, and seeing if there are ways to find a healthier way to eat/drink what is said to be a "No, No!" Please write your food weakness and substitute! :)

    So here is our Week 4 Chart & Results!



    YAY!!! I broke my plateau that I had been battleling for the last 4 months. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, thank Kristin for this challenge because it has helped me stay focus and shoot for loosing at least a lb every week. Now here comes the weekend I really need to stay focused so that next week I am still in the 140's and not back up to the 150s. Congrats to the others who lost and those who also had a breakthrough. We can do THIS
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Haha, I'm the only one HEAVIER than when I started the challenge. But I've been bouncing around 150 for 4 months now and the challenge started on a good week where I got the scale down to 149. Now it's hovering around 151 again. Hopefully calorie zigzagging will start to show results. I was bad last night and celebrated a bit too much with my kickball team. Now I have to be good the rest of the week...
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks Kristin!! So happy to have this support....I'm really going to think hard about the challenge this week. It's easy and hard!! Anything with sugar can be a slippery slope for me, ice cream, cakes, cookies, cupcakes, but my tastes and emotions have up and down lately.

    I realize though that it's been a while since I made my "banana ice cream" which is just frozen bananas, almond milk and vanilla extract in the Vitamix. It's refreshing, healthy, yummy and satisfying so maybe that will be on the menu for the weekend! Can't wait to read what everyone comes up with and what new stuff I'll learn and want to make!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Haha, I'm the only one HEAVIER than when I started the challenge. But I've been bouncing around 150 for 4 months now and the challenge started on a good week where I got the scale down to 149. Now it's hovering around 151 again. Hopefully calorie zigzagging will start to show results. I was bad last night and celebrated a bit too much with my kickball team. Now I have to be good the rest of the week...

    That's exactly where I have been at, I keep bouncing between 151 and 149. I don't understand?! Is your food diary public? Maybe you and I are eating something we shouldnt be thats affecting our fluid retention? I know my sodium is usually pretty high.

  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks Kristin!! So happy to have this support....I'm really going to think hard about the challenge this week. It's easy and hard!! Anything with sugar can be a slippery slope for me, ice cream, cakes, cookies, cupcakes, but my tastes and emotions have up and down lately.

    I realize though that it's been a while since I made my "banana ice cream" which is just frozen bananas, almond milk and vanilla extract in the Vitamix. It's refreshing, healthy, yummy and satisfying so maybe that will be on the menu for the weekend! Can't wait to read what everyone comes up with and what new stuff I'll learn and want to make!

    Yummmm! That sounds like everything I need--but I love salty AND sweet so I'd probably scoop it with some pretzels..because I am a weirdo like that!
  • Buckwheat38
    Buckwheat38 Posts: 73
    Hum,,, my weekness,,, bread i love bread especially the ones with grains in it that you can taste!!! bread is my hugest weekness all reasons to eat bread are good for me lol
    how can i substitute bread?
    well beats me, you tell me :)

    congrats all of the shorty's on your losses
    i'm struggling as heck here, didn't loose in 2 weeks now :cry: which is a bit discouraging but im hanging in there and hoping for a good week

    have a great week all
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Great job everyone!

    My weakness? That's a tough one. I can binge on anything. But I would have to say that my biggest weakness is chips and salsa. I'll eat a whole bag of tostitos as long as there is salsa. I have started baking corn tortillas with a little salt. They come out crunchy and have the corn and salt flavor. They don't taste exactly like tostitos, but I get my fix.

    Buckwheat, bread is also a weakness for me. I used to make homemade bread, but I'd finish the loaf. I can't substitute it. I just buy low calorie breads. They aren't the same as those warm crusty loaves of french or italian that really get me. Don't worry about not losing, your body will adjust and you'll start losing again.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    My weakness
    SALTLY THINGS.....I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Tom's Salt & Vinegar Chips.....*sigh*.....though I haven't had any in months....I could eat several bags in one's sad....
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm sad cause I wish I had known about this challenge sooner. I am a Shorty, too. 4'11". I weigh 146.6 pounds and lost 2.8 pounds last week. I wish that I could join y'all... but I know y'all are well into your challenge. If someone has dropped out, maybe I could replace them or you could add me on and I can give you my weights for the last few weeks to get caught up. I understand if that is too much work and if you would rather not since this is ... what is it? 4th week?

    I want to let you all know that y'all are doing great! Keep up the excellent job of exercising and losing!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    My weakness? Oh man, there are so many things I would binge on if i didn't have will power. Luckily I grew up in a house knowing good from bad as far as foods go--although, this doesn't mean I don't find the bad incredibly tasty; it simply means I have Irish Catholic laden guilt attached to the ecstasy I experience while eating a whole bag of fire-y hot lime Cheetos to myself.

    Aside from guilt my other way of monitoring my cravings is I do not keep ANY bad food in the house so that when I have a craving the only why I can get to the bad food is by getting on the bus to go to the grocery store or walking down a huge hill to get to the 7-11 at the base of my house. And more often than not I'd rather be lazy than pig-out.
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    Hum,,, my weekness,,, bread i love bread especially the ones with grains in it that you can taste!!! bread is my hugest weekness all reasons to eat bread are good for me lol
    how can i substitute bread?
    well beats me, you tell me :)

    congrats all of the shorty's on your losses
    i'm struggling as heck here, didn't loose in 2 weeks now :cry: which is a bit discouraging but im hanging in there and hoping for a good week

    have a great week all

    That has to be my biggest weakness as well and I just cannot get myself to replace it... I will eat all types of bread, coming from an Italian family we have bread with almost every meal or we have a pasta dish on the side it is very very hard to substitute, but I have been trying my best to make a nice salad and for my bread replacement I use a few croutons :) Goodluck im in the same boat as you with the bread.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I used to have such an addiction to a dessert every single night. Had to be something sweet and delicious. I usually ate cookies and milk or ice cream. And lately I've been having a greek yogurt (the fruit on the bottom kind) and it's such a delicious treat! It's replaced ice cream for me, and junk food at night in general. Plus it's a great addition to my protein number at the end of the day.

    However, I still have that sweet tooth. I let myself have a single cupcake as a treat sometimes. It's portion controlled, they're deliciously gourmet lately (there's a place in my mall that has great ones that me and my boyfriend adore) and one little cupcake is all I need anymore. Not a giant slice of cake or a stack of cookies. One cupcake.
  • KristinAshli
    Great ladies! Bread...oooo JesaGrace...Salt & Vinegar chips make me drool i love them so much! IT'S RIDICULOUS! Well, i think mainly because i love salt, i know not good for you. (but i must say that ever since i started shorty's challenge...i hardly use ANY salt and guess what? I can ACTUALLY taste the food i am eating!! LOL! Well anywho...I'd have to say my weakness is french fries. REALLY BAD. So here's a little substitute...well, sort of...making homemade SWEET POTATO fries. They're yummy! The sweet potato is better for you, and will bake them in the oven at home and WAYYYYY much healthier!!! French fries are high in carbs and fat (sitting at 500 calories from McDonald's)..while you can make sweet potato french fries that are actually good tasting with high amounts of vitamin a & c (around 150 calories) and are good for you! You gotta try! So...whoever said we can't eat french fries?! ;)

    Hope everyone is having a good week! Weigh-in in two days! :) Good Luck yall!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Kristin--I love sweet potato fries, but recently I discovered butternut squash fries. I make them the same way I make the sweet potato fries, but they have even fewer calories. My husband actually likes the butternut squash fries better than the sweet potato fries. I'm up in the air about it--I love them both!
  • KristinAshli
    Ohhh nice! I might have to try that! I read up on it on google...looks delicious! :) Thank you Beck!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I lost 1.6 pounds this week!

    Happy Thursday everyone! Wow, it seems like today came fast. I did really well this week. I worked out and stayed within my goals every day. I think that's a first since the challenge started. Here's hoping that I can continue this for the rest of the challenge.

    Challenge Information:

    Height: 5'0"
    Starting Weight: 136.8
    Current Weight: 131.6
    12 Week Goal: 125
    Total Pounds Lost: 5.2
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Good Morning Shorty's. I weight in this morning at 164.0 Thats a 2.2 pound loss and thats lower than my goal for this challenge!!

    My weakness's are: Bread, so I use mostly wheat, unless I am trying to fill calories.
    Chips - So I have started eating Baked or Light. Still have to have my chips.
    And Ice Cream - I love my ice cream. I have started buying sugar free. Its really good, cant tell the difference and still get my ice cream fix. Sometimes I still buy the real thing - just make sure I only eat around 100 calories of it, though. Moderation!!

    Everyone have a blessed day!! The weekend is nearly here.:smile: