SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    I'm at 133.2 this week, which is a gain of .2 and takes me back to my beginning weight!

    haha... i would be upset, but work has been so busy that I have not had any time at all to work out, and have been grabbing food where I can instead of eating my delicious home cooked meals like I normally do. So, I suppose I am happy that during this period, i have maintained the same weight with little fluctuation.

    I'd like to congratulate everyone who is doing so well and thank Kristin for setting this up for all of us. I like that it keeps me accountable for my actions.

    3 more weeks of crazy busy 14 hour days, then back to running! Gee I miss having time for the gym.

    If anyone has any tips for trying to fit in exercise in an office setting.. i'm all ears!
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    I lose 1.2 lbs weighing in at 150.6.... Im sooo close to my 10 lbs I was hoping i could have pushed for that other half but thats ok Ill hit it next week. goodluck shorties keep it up :)

    My weakness is bread. I come from an italian family where we eat bread with almost evert meal. its extremely hard to say no to those nice soft buttery biscuits or that fresh loaf of italian bread, what Ive been trying to do is just eat a small piece instead of 3 slices or Ill make myself a nice salad and ill add some croutons.
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Congrats to everyone who lost this week! I unfortunately gained +0.2 but not a major setback. The last few weeks have been super busy at home and at work so I've had trouble staying on track, specially lack of exercise. It's a new week though!

    Weakness?? Well I love everything! ~ LOL. Okay, an exaggeration, but I do love to eat ~ and I'm always ready to talk about the next meal. I did recently discover a healthier substitute for my ice cream craving. The mall has a new place called Red Mango. They have all natural low fat frozen yogurt, and you can get it topped with delicious fresh fruit like strawberries or mango (or mini dark chocolate chips because antioxidants are important! haha!)
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    So this week I'm down 2.2 lbs!! It seems I wasn't really losing much until just recently. I don't know what's changed, but I hope it continues!!

    My weakness is white rice! I can eat a LOT of it. But I've learned to scale it down and enjoy 1 cup of it once or twice a week. At first I didn't think I could do so little, but it's not so bad. I've really scaled down my portions and I think my tummy is getting used to it finally. Haha.

    GO TEAM!!! :drinker:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think this calorie zigzagging is working because I lost 1.4 lbs this week! I weighed in at 149.3 lbs this morning. While it still isn't the low 149.1 that I started this challenge at, I think it's a real loss and not dehydration from having a beer the night before. I'm really hoping to keep myself in check tonight at kickball happy hour and this weekend. I have a 5K Saturday morning!
  • Weighing in at 152.... not bad considering my week and a half of not logging! and eating terribly.

    Today I'm starting to get back on track! Wish me luck.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Well I wish I would've seen this thread 4 weeks ago I would've def' joined ...:ohwell: :tongue:
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    Hi Kristin and Everyone!!

    So I'm thrilled I lost 2 lbs this week and am at 29.4 BMI!! I'm having a tough week, so food wasn't even on my mind. It would be great if this stays with me after the stress of the situation is gone :-) Hope everyone had great results! It looks like everyone is in a good place from the posts I read.

    As for the challenge, there's so much I love but one substitution I learned is that I made a nacho recipe using Trader Joe's Baked Blue Corn Chips, weighed my cheese (used mix of two kinds) and I put greek yogurt, fat free cottage cheese and Enchilada Sauce in the food processor (instead of sour cream and got extra protein), and put 1/2 a roasted chicken patty in it, with tomatoes, and a little guac.....yummy!! In general, I use fat free greek yogurt a lot of different ways, to help replace mayo, sour cream, whipped cream, you name it.

    Also, I'm pretty much sold on doing much smaller portions of my treats so I get the real taste without blowing the day! Didn't get to do my banana frozen ice cream as planned but I will in the coming days.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Shorty's :happy:

    Much happier this week, the scales are moving again yay!! I think there is definately something to this calorie zigzaging thing, on Sunday (Mothers Day) I way overate and pretty much ate just loads of carbs, cream cakes and slices - thanks to my Mum having a big bake up for Afternoon tea and I just decided that for one day I would eat what I wanted to, also the kids made pancakes for me for Breakfast. I did'nt go crazy but I'm sure my calories were pretty high (I did'nt even log that day it was so bad :noway: ) Anyway hop on the scales Monday morning and it was down a little!! Tuesday I have been doing a low carb day before I weigh in on Wednesday for another 12 week progamme and by Wednesday I was way down.

    So my current weight is 158.7, in the 150's :happy:

    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 169
    Current Weight: 158.7
    12 Week Goal: 150
    Loss this week: 4
    Total Pounds Lost: 10.3

    And I have finished my 12 week body transformation programme I had been doing with Australia's Biggest Loser trainer Michelle, it was all online and included a menu and exercise programme. In the 12 weeks I have lost a total of 25.6 pounds and 13.88% body weight, also around 18 inches gone!! We have a big group workout with her on Saturday (they are expecting around 700 people, wow its going to be huge :laugh: oh and its going to be freezing and possible hail storms!! - ahh what fun) then there is a big party on Saturday night where I get to dress up and show off my new curves, can't wait.

    All the best for the coming week everyone, we can do it!!

    Sara - good luck with your 5k, I have tried running so many times but just can't seem to stick with it :frown: Have fun :smile:
    and KayLeigh good luck getting back on track, you did so well at the start, you got this!!
  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    Great work Shorty's!

    So, as you all now, I'm now 8 weeks pregnant. I've been suffering from nausea like you wouldn't believe (I'm not calling it morning sickness anymore, because it doesn't matter what time of the day it is!) and have been feeling super hungry/exhausted/throwing up most days. I've definitely put on weight, and I've decided that so long as I keep tracking my intake and exercise, I'll be fine. I know my body is going through all of these changes and my hormones are in overload, so I know I just have to let it happen, but try and be mindful and aware of what's going on.

    I'm up 1kg - about 2.2lbs which I'm hoping is water weight, but I haven't shifted it all week so that's fine.

    I participated in the "Mother's Day Classic" fun run on Sunday, which is an 8km fun run to raise awareness for breast cancer. Seeings that my energy levels have been shot, my goal was to just keep jogging/running the whole way, no matter how long it took me (before I knew I was pregnant, my goal was to complete it in 55mins) and I was so proud of myself for doing it and for not stopping. My official time was 49.35mins so I'm so glad that I did it and made it all the way!
  • Okay ladies! Here is Week 5 Chart & Results! We had EXACTLY half gain and half lose this week! I was definately apart of the losers this week, but I wanted to say to not get discouraged. Those of you who are like me and struggling to get out of the 150's...GRRRR!!!!! That's all i have to say. LOL! No, but really...just think..we still have 7 weeks left to meet some goals ladies, we can do this! As for the Week challenge this week...I don't really have one, but I thought maybe writing down a workout routine or certain workout moves that have really been helping you to reach your goal. If you dont really have an exercise that you know works for you, maybe we can learn from others that let us know what kind they do! Good Job to all of you this week and Good Luck to everyone this next week! :)


  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Congrats to the break-throughs and winners! I am SO happy to see weight-gain was a trend this week. It feels better to not be the only one. We can do it, girls!!

    My work-out routine this month:

    10 days Level 1 of 30 Day Shred
    MWF Couch to 5k Week 1
    Tues/Thurs 30 minute walk with dog

    Day Rest (Walk dog 60 minutes)

    10 days Level 2 of 30DS
    MWF C25k Week 2
    Tues/Thurs 30 minute walk with dog

    Day Rest (Walk dog 60 minutes)

    10 days Level 3 of 30DS
    MWF C25k Week 3
    Tues/Thurs 30 minute walk with dog

    My 30DS is almost over and I need a new routine...this "challenge" will give me some great ideas!!
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    I just had to say to JessyT919 congrats on the great time in your race! Especially with the raging hormones and nauseau, you're a superstar, but then women are so awesome! :-)

    To all my Shorty friends who gained, see it through it's only a week in your life and we are working for health for the rest of our lives, so worth it! It's frustrating but we've all been there and will be again probably.

    Excited about the challenge, I love it!! I finally got my ample *kitten* off the hiking trail and to the gym yesterday to start weight training again after months of not doing it. My challenge will be to do at least 3x a week.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    My workouts included the 30 day shred during the month of April. I did it every day, mostly in the mornings and then would sometimes do the elliptical or stationary bike in the evenings when I could. During those 30 days, I lost 10 pounds and 7 1/4 inches. This is where most of my weight loss came from. I am now doing Ripped in 30 and adding some of 6 week 6 pack in the evenings, when I can. I am hoping to see similiar results. I totally recommend Jillian Michaels workouts. The ones I have done are about 30 -35 minutes from warm up to cool down, so it doesn't take a lot to fit it in your days. Not a lot of cardio, but it worked for me. Of course, I am heavier than most everyone in this challenge, so I have more to lose at this point.

    Congratulations to everyone for sticking with this challenge! I love the accountability and support everyone gives. And thanks again to Kristin for keeping up with everyone and making awesome charts!!

    Have a great weekend.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Amandac, great job!

    Everyone, great job! Whether you gained or lost, you're moving in the right direction by trying to get healthier. 7 more weeks, we can do this!

    My workout routine is ChaLEAN Extreme with added cardio. I've started Zumba and will be doing that on Wednesdays.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Thanks everyone, after losing almost nothing last week it felt good to see those scales go down again!

    Not having such a great week so far though. Kids are sick so that means no gym for me :cry: I usually go to the gym first thing in the morning and my twins go in the creche, if my routine is broken I find it really hard to get motivated to do any exercise!! Still trying to stick to the plan food wise though.

    My other 12 week challenge has finished now and we had a huge group workout with around 700 people on Sat which was just AWESOME!! It was cold and it rained and it was muddy but it was so much fun, although I am still sore 2 days later!! Then we had a big party and I got to get all dressed up which I don't do very often. I actually wore a dress (other than my wedding probably the first time I have worn a dress in forever!!) it was great.

    My workouts are mainly the gym machines, elliptical, mountain climber, stepper, rower although I have just started with a personal trainer to add some weight work in as I think I really need to change things up a bit. I really want to look into Boxing as I have done it once and loved it!! Don't know if the finances will stretch that far though!! I really want to try Zumba but my gym has it on at really bad times for me. I guess I just need to make more of an effort because I'm sure I would love it.

    I hope everyone is having a great week :smile:
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I've been doing the 30 Day Shred (I'm on D17 today! Woo!) and I've also started the C25K. On the other days I'm not running, then I try to work in another 30 min workout like Turbo Jam or another Jillian DVD. It seems to be working pretty good for me so far!
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    Goodluck shortys with weigh in tomorrow...Im feeling a bit nervous for the weighin tomorrow, I have ovarian cysts and had some type of attack on Monday not sure if a cyst actually burst or if it was just causing me a ton of pain but I was not in any shape to workout monday or tuesday, however I pushed a last minute workout today and now Im starting to think I should have just rested 1 more day. Cant wait to see how everyone did tomorrow :)
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Good morning Shortys!

    I only lost .8 pounds this week. Any loss is better than a gain, but I feel like I work so hard each week and don't see the results. I should stop watching biggest loser... It's made me want bigger losses.

    Challenge Information:

    Height: 5'0"
    Starting Weight: 136.8
    Last Week's Weight: 131.6
    Current Weight: 130.8
    12 Week Goal: 125
    Total Pounds Lost: 6

    Astauff, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm happy that you felt well enough to get a last minute workout in, but don't push yourself too hard.
  • I'm at 151.7 today.

    Good luck ladies
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