SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • supersarah14
    I can't believe it! I finally have a loss. :smile: New weight is 154.2, which is a 2lb loss!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Congrats everyone--even those that gained--it's shows determination that we all showed up this week for weigh-in. I lost .5 lbs which is WAY more than I expected to lose. I have also been catching up with friends and enjoying the holiday (seems the case for most people) so I have been eating copious amounts of food and enjoying the finer things in life--or what I consider to be my vices--eating out, beers, whiskey, sugar, carbs and cigarettes! Yeesh!

    I want to hope back on the weight loss wagon--so next week I am aiming for 1.5-2lbs weight loss. ::deep breath::
  • KayLeigh6710
    Congrats everyone--even those that gained--it's shows determination that we all showed up this week for weigh-in. I lost .5 lbs which is WAY more than I expected to lose. I have also been catching up with friends and enjoying the holiday (seems the case for most people) so I have been eating copious amounts of food and enjoying the finer things in life--or what I consider to be my vices--eating out, beers, whiskey, sugar, carbs and cigarettes! Yeesh!

    I want to hope back on the weight loss wagon--so next week I am aiming for 1.5-2lbs weight loss. ::deep breath::

    Taco- you can do this.... you just have to get in the right state of mind, visiting with friends is only an EXCUSE if you let it be.... you can still make healthy choices when visiting!! And believe me i know its hard!!

    Good Luck this week ladies
  • KristinAshli
    Good Morning all you Shorty's!! Considering Easter Weekend...not bad girls!! I managed to come down ALMOST a pound! I will take it...considering I did binge this weekend for Easter! Well, here is our chart for Week 3 Results! :) This week I want to do something a little fun...I want to do a "Mini Challenge" every week to make it more interesting! SO...this week:


    This week, I want everyone to sacrifice SOMETHING and tell your story. Whether it didn't drink a coke, you didn't eat that piece of chocolate cake at the birthday party, you turned down an alocholic beverage (high calories), maybe you went out to eat with family/friends and made an excellent meal choice or maybe you didn't sit on the couch one day and pushed yourself to do another workout? SO...that is your challenge this week...I want to hear at least ONE STORY where you had a moment this week and said NO! This is going to be a huge step in the process of your weight loss, to let others and yourself know...hey, you know what? I'm serious..I want to lose weight and I'm not going to let this get in my way! :)

    If you have challenge ideas...send me a message with your thoughts! I would love to know!
    Good Luck next week, as we are already on WEEK 4!!! I'm proud of all of you for sticking with the challenge, even if you have been's great to see THAT much of dedication girls!
    GO SHORTY'S!!!!


  • KayLeigh6710
    Thanks sooo much for keeping track of all this!!

    I love the idea of the mini challenge this week.......

    I had issues yesterday. I had a paper to write for class, the option to go the buffet and a local casino, or go to ZUMBA!
    I went to ZUMBA and it felt great! All this week I've been not feeling well and even tho my sinus' are clearing up, now I'm dealing with the coughing as a result! It felt great to say NO to the casino and YES to ZUMBA! Granted I went out to eat after with my boy but I didn't do terrible and still believe i was under a little even with eating out and not knowing exactly how many calories were in my food.

    Good luck this week ladies! I can't wait to read some great stories!!
  • KristinAshli
    Thank you KayLeigh! The little mini challenges will be for the following week though! So you'll have to tell us another story at weigh-in next Thursday! LOL! Or i guess you guys can write it on here the day OF, instead waiting until Thursday's weigh-in. So the Week 4 Mini Challenge will be from April 29th - May 5th! Write it on our Shorty's Challenge page, that way we can be sure to all read your story! Can't wait to hear everyone's stories! :)
  • powlschick
    powlschick Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I have a story about sacrifice to help motivate ;)

    Just last night, my boyfriend and some friends and I went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. If you have ever been there, you should know that they have some really amazing burgers. I knew it would be a challenge to not order one, so I put some time aside to research the menu before we got there so that I could avoid purusing the burger selection. I told my boyfriend about the calorie content in the burgers, and he too decided to opt for a healthier option. As soon as we got to our booth and sat down, my friends ordered burgers, and though tempted, my boyfriend and I stuck to our guns, and instead he order a smoked salmon fillet, mashed potatoes and broccali (off of the Fit and Trim menu: calories for whole meal: 509), and I ordered Spaghetti Squash Marinara (off the Fit and Trim menu: calories for whole meal: 406) As soon as the waitress walked away, I felt some regret.. I had wanted that burger so bad!! As soon as the meals came, the waitress put the burgers down first and then the salmon and mine came last. It looked good, but it wasn't what I seemed to be craving, especially looking at the bugers and fries across from me.. However, once I started eatting it, it was AMAZING!! So much flavor and freshness, and so low calories for the portion size!! I got to eat till I was full (and I didn't even finish it!) and was still below 406 calories for my dinner. INCREDIBLE! Guilt free, and delicious. It was SO worth it!

  • mommy2two07
    mommy2two07 Posts: 128 Member
    Is anybody on here 5'2" and around 150 lbs? I am 5'2" and have gone from 230-240 down to around 175lbs, but now it seems like I am getting more critical of my body and especially my stomach area. My original goal is 150lbs, but I am so afraid that I will get to that and still have the bad stomach area. 150lbs is still a bit high on bmi charts, but I do not want to get so low that I have a hard time of realistically maintaining my weight.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Is anybody on here 5'2" and around 150 lbs? I am 5'2" and have gone from 230-240 down to around 175lbs, but now it seems like I am getting more critical of my body and especially my stomach area. My original goal is 150lbs, but I am so afraid that I will get to that and still have the bad stomach area. 150lbs is still a bit high on bmi charts, but I do not want to get so low that I have a hard time of realistically maintaining my weight.

    I'm 5'2.5" and hovering right around 150 right now. I started at 215 myself. My stomach area is still a bit of a trouble spot, but I've noticed it has been flattening out and the skin is going back to where it belongs. I want to lose another 10 lbs, or at least drop my body fat percentage down more so my stomach and thighs shrink a bit. I'm thinking realistically and if my body doesn't want to go any lower, I'll have to deal with it, but I plan to keep building muscle and working out, so it probably will shrink even if my weight stays the same! It's hard to know unless you get down to that weight. Just take it a few pounds at a time and see how you look and feel.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm liking this challenge! My sacrifice is that I'm going to try to BRING my lunch to work a few days next week, instead of relying on fast food (like Chick Fil A) or the cafeteria. It's cheaper and healthier! I think I'm gonna try to make some homemade pasta salad this weekend and get some low sodium lunchmeat for sandwiches.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Chart looks awesome as always Kristin! You are doing a super job. Hopefully I will have my mini challenge story tonight. I am going to a birthday party and hopefully can stay away from the cake and ice cream! Will let ya'll know. Everyone have a great Friday!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks sooo much for keeping track of all this!!

    I love the idea of the mini challenge this week.......

    I had issues yesterday. I had a paper to write for class, the option to go the buffet and a local casino, or go to ZUMBA!
    I went to ZUMBA and it felt great! All this week I've been not feeling well and even tho my sinus' are clearing up, now I'm dealing with the coughing as a result! It felt great to say NO to the casino and YES to ZUMBA! Granted I went out to eat after with my boy but I didn't do terrible and still believe i was under a little even with eating out and not knowing exactly how many calories were in my food.

    Good luck this week ladies! I can't wait to read some great stories!!

    That's some dedication, girl! Nice job!! Mmm, buffets. Heheh. Get it ZUMBA girl!!!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I have a story about sacrifice to help motivate ;)

    Just last night, my boyfriend and some friends and I went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. If you have ever been there, you should know that they have some really amazing burgers. I knew it would be a challenge to not order one, so I put some time aside to research the menu before we got there so that I could avoid purusing the burger selection. I told my boyfriend about the calorie content in the burgers, and he too decided to opt for a healthier option. As soon as we got to our booth and sat down, my friends ordered burgers, and though tempted, my boyfriend and I stuck to our guns, and instead he order a smoked salmon fillet, mashed potatoes and broccali (off of the Fit and Trim menu: calories for whole meal: 509), and I ordered Spaghetti Squash Marinara (off the Fit and Trim menu: calories for whole meal: 406) As soon as the waitress walked away, I felt some regret.. I had wanted that burger so bad!! As soon as the meals came, the waitress put the burgers down first and then the salmon and mine came last. It looked good, but it wasn't what I seemed to be craving, especially looking at the bugers and fries across from me.. However, once I started eatting it, it was AMAZING!! So much flavor and freshness, and so low calories for the portion size!! I got to eat till I was full (and I didn't even finish it!) and was still below 406 calories for my dinner. INCREDIBLE! Guilt free, and delicious. It was SO worth it!


    I wish that every menu had calorie content or at least a "lighter options" kinda menu like you explained above. I think in Washington they have a law that requires nutrional information on all menus--I REALLY hope that comes to Oregon seeing as a lot of the best resturants are local and small it's impossible to find nutrional information online so it is a lot of guessing. GREAT JOB--I will def. get this (and sadly not a burger...well veggie burger...) next time I am in there.
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Is anybody on here 5'2" and around 150 lbs? I am 5'2" and have gone from 230-240 down to around 175lbs, but now it seems like I am getting more critical of my body and especially my stomach area. My original goal is 150lbs, but I am so afraid that I will get to that and still have the bad stomach area. 150lbs is still a bit high on bmi charts, but I do not want to get so low that I have a hard time of realistically maintaining my weight.

    I am 5'2 and 145. I posted a picture of my belly from front and side on my photos @ 147.5. Of course everyone has different proportions --I store most all of my fat in my stomach and arms), but you can check out my belly in that picture for an ideaaaa. I am hoping to get down to 132.5...but seeing my belly still this big (in my opinion, of course) at 10 pounds from goal weight...I'm re-thinking my GW too! (You may need to add me to see pictures...I dunno, but I'll accept!) I'm trying to do a 15 minute ab workout nightly...when I get to my computer i'll send you a link to the youtube video I use if you want.
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    I'm liking this challenge! My sacrifice is that I'm going to try to BRING my lunch to work a few days next week, instead of relying on fast food (like Chick Fil A) or the cafeteria. It's cheaper and healthier! I think I'm gonna try to make some homemade pasta salad this weekend and get some low sodium lunchmeat for sandwiches.

    Good goal! Every other Friday I have to work a double and I have no time to get home for an hour and make lunch. Here's some lunch ideas: Larabars/Protein bars and Carrot Juice. Hummus with carrots, peppers, pita chips and kalamata olives. Lunch meat, veggies and pesto/mayo/mustard/etc. all wrapped in a tortilla. Left-overs if you have a microwave. A smoothie (with peanut butter for protein). Cold pasta, diced red onion, red pepper, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, black olives, and feta--tossed with your favoirte light dressing. Hope that helps--that is a really good goal!
  • KayLeigh6710
    So this is kind of a lame example, but last night my boyfriend and I went to Applebees to have a drink or two because my girlfriend works there. So we went up and when she asked if we wanted a menu I automatically said no.... That place is freaking TERRIBLE!! But Nate was like maybe!!! So he got one asked what we should get I and I looked up the calories! They weren't worth it! I told him I wasn't eating because it was late anyway, I hadn't gotten to track my calories very well for the day, and I wasn't really hungry anyway...... We ended up not getting food and I got to have a proud moment for him too!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Good morning Shorty's! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

    So Friday night I attended a birthday party where I did not eat any cake, ice cream , and only half a slice of pizza. This is the closest thing to a success story I will have this week.

    Everyone have a great Monday (if thats even possible):wink:
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    Happy Monday everyone!

    I haven't had a chance to message on here all that often, but just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the motivational posts, and sharing successes and failures! its so nice to know that we are not alone in this journey.

    Good luck to everyone on this weeks weigh in!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    My success for the week is that I finally brought my lunch to work! I didn't yesterday and ended up eating a salad from Chick Fil A with an obscene 1100mg of sodium. Not happening anymore. I made a turkey breast stuffed pita with cheese and balsamic. Plus I brought string cheese and clementines. No high sodium mess for me!
  • KayLeigh6710
    My success for the week is that I finally brought my lunch to work! I didn't yesterday and ended up eating a salad from Chick Fil A with an obscene 1100mg of sodium. Not happening anymore. I made a turkey breast stuffed pita with cheese and balsamic. Plus I brought string cheese and clementines. No high sodium mess for me!

    Good job! Keep up the great work. Even if you don't MAKE your lunch you can still bring it! You can get a lean cuisine or smart ones are the sodium isn't great, but if you drink plenty of water you should be fine, right?