

  • I'm right there with you on emotional eating, meaning I totally understand. Just try to get yourself busy doing something you enjoy to get your mind off the food. Good luck fighting those temptations! You'll feel so much better about yourself and you'll also be able to deal with what's going on in your life better. Knowing…
  • My goal is to be at 170 by the end of the month. It's going to be hard because of all the Christmas parties coming up. Plus I'll be at my mom's for two weeks & won't be home until after New Year's. It's worth a shot though!
  • I did well all week, and on Thursday morning I stepped on the scale. I was down 2 lbs! I enjoyed myself on Thanksgiving, but didn't go over the top with eating. But come Friday & Saturday I started sliding back a little. One of the downsides to having Thanksgiving dinner at your house is all the leftovers! So I am still at…
  • Amanda, can you change my weight to 175? That's what I was at yesterday. So my 10 min. of random exercise turned into a couple hours of raking pine straw and picking up tree limbs in my yard. I figure that counts for something, b/c I worked up quite a sweat on this chilly Nov. day. I also made a very naughty pumpkin…
  • I'm at 175. Seems I joined another group called, "more excuses". I'm having new kitchen tile laid this week, so instead of planning around that, I ended up eating out a lot to avoid getting in the kitchen. So since I ate out and started stress eating I didn't keep up with my food diary at all. I'm feeling pretty helpless…
  • Once when walking up some stairs, my husband wondered what he kept was my knees! My creaky knees were actually diagnosed several years ago...chondromalacia patella, which is a softening of the cartilage under the knee cap. As others have stated, I too have no pain in my knees. If it ever got to that I would…
  • Good evening everyone! I'm currently watching Biggest Loser & flipping back to DWTS. I'm fighting the urge to make a cup of hot chocolate, but that will put me way over ...I'm -10 cals for the day. I treated myself to some Breyer's All Natural ice cream. It's a BIG deal for me to not eat half the carton, but I kept to the…
  • That's so sweet! I'm ready to get this ball rollin' for the week. Binge eating has such a stronghold on me. I had stated in my first post that I deal with PMDD and also a baseline depression. I try to do everything I can to manage my situation...getting better sleep, exercise, meds, etc. But my eating is where I always…
  • Where do I go to find the chart? Thx Amanda for putting it together!
  • Blah! I've gained a few pounds since I last weighed in a couple weeks ago. I'm now at 176. BUT, I had it coming to me. I've been eating terrible! Ready to get back on track and have a good week! Good luck everyone!!
  • Forgot to include that my cals are set at 1600/day. I'm kind of afraid to lower that amount b/c of the many many times that I seem to fail at just keeping the 1600. I workout 3x a week, 1.5 hours each time
  • Good evening! My name is Susan. I live in Louisiana and my current weight is around 173. I'm trying to get down to 160 while my husband is deployed. He should be back sometime towards the end of February. I have 3 kids...a son, 12, and two girls, 5 & 20 mos. My biggest problem is the struggle I have with PMDD. I'll be…
  • Well, it's Tuesday & I'm getting back on track. I did ok at the fair...had some bbq & treated myself to an ice cream cone. I did not stop at two bites, but I did share it with my 19 mo. old. Then that night I nibbled on some stuff at our party, but caved in to McD's by night's end. Ugh! I tried to get better by Sunday, but…
  • We are at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Great job on the weight loss! I always seem to do way better when my husband is gone. Just hoping I can continue until he gets back in Feb!!
  • You certainly need to clear it with your ob/gyn before continue any exercise, and certainly omit the twisting and bending. It's usually pretty safe to continue exercise, especially since you were so active before you got pregnant. Congratulations btw! Being a healthy mommy will produce one healthy baby!
  • Good for you! I can totally relate to this type of situation. I love me some cheeseburgers and fries! But I have done better these past few weeks resisting to all the naughty stuff. It's been a long time coming. These small steps really add up to the lbs. you'll be losing!
  • I've been in that same situation many times. I determine for myself that I'm going to try Alli or some other diet pill. I make it to the store, go straight to the diet aids aisle, then something always tells me not to do it. It just isn't necessary. Just take it one meal at a time, one day at a time, and stay the course!…
  • I've been doing this for 2 weeks now. Even when I've had some bad food days (and I mean BAD), I still find myself staying accountable and tracking everything on my food & exercise logs. In the past that is something I wouldn't do. So I'm feeling pretty good about this site and have been recommending it to several of my…
  • I am within the same goal...20 lbs. by the end of January. My husband will be returning from deployment by then, so I'm on a mission! I prefer the message boards as well, as I don't check my email as often. Let me know!
  • thanks girls! I did so good all week, but I was out with the kids this afternoon and we stopped by a pizza buffet for lunch. I don't feel too bad about how I ate, but needless to say I need to take it easy the rest of the day! My husband does not have any kind of weight/eating issues. He's a doc and a health nut too, so…
  • I've only been at this a few days. Just a few nights ago I was plunging into the ice cream after the kids went to bed. I usually have a craving for sweets, so I've been sticking with low fat or fat free yogurt. It seems to have enough protein to get me thru the rest of the night. Good luck!