No More Excuses - Week 3



  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Sorry for my delay!! I weighted 161.5 yesterday but ate pizza which automatically adds a couple pounds (I think the salt) the next day so I am using Saturdays' weigh-in as today was 164.5 too much change from all week... If I weigh in Tuesday with 164ish I will post a message to change my weigh in..

    BUT I did put on my size 10 pants and YEAH -- they fit! So, feeling pretty good.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I lost 5 lbs this week!!! I am now at 155! I had an awesome weekend! I hope everyone else did too!

    You deserve your 5 pounds lost because you wore me out just reading about all of your exercise this past week!!!
  • 11kimberly11
    11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all, I stayed at 154. At least its not a gain! This week will be tough with Thanksgiving LOL
  • willow12
    I saw this on the 10 minute workout topic.... from laurajp

    "My 2009 new years resolution was to stop and do as many pushups and sit ups and I could for 1 minute each, three times a day. I cannot tell you how the combined six minutes a day has made me stronger and more fit. I've always worked out (strength and cardio, 3 times a week), but this just really gave me and extra push. Within the first month I started to see results in my strength. Now I've had to increase to 2 minutes each, 3 times a day....I can Easily do 50 man-style pushups! My arms are nicely toned, but still girly. Although I still have some belly fat (4 kids), my waist has lost another inch. It takes no hardly any extra time--just two minutes when you get up, sometime during the day, and after dinner."

    Thought it was SUPER inspiring & very doable!!!

    CONGRATS justjack51 & all that have lost this week!
  • dariahrose
    dariahrose Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry all,

    Was not by a computer yesterday. This week I weighed in at 227 which is a loss of 3 lbs :)

    I'm happy with the loss, but wish the numbers were a little higher. I feel like I'm getting sick :( If nothing else, that will help with calorie consumption.

    Looking forward to taking a stab at the challenge for this week. Hope everyone has a good week!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Happy Monday Team! Make it a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Put me down for 159 :( gained almost all of it back this weekend, both my parents arent going to be here for thanksgiving so we had it early this weekend.
    But im ready for a great week of LOTS of cardio!
  • littlebigbird
    Happy Monday everyone - and congratulations on some amazing losses . .. and some fanastic attitudes from those who have stuck.

    I really feel for all of you over the pond who are facing the challenge of Thanksgiving. We don't "do" Thanksgiving over here, but from watching TV and listening to all of you talking about the traditional holiday foods, I really admire your determination to stick to your plans - it all sounds completely yummy and sooooo not recommended by WW!! :tongue:

    The week has started well calorie-wise, and I put that down largely to the inspiration I'm getting from all of you. Thank you!! :flowerforyou:
  • SlimmingdownSusan
    Amanda, can you change my weight to 175? That's what I was at yesterday.

    So my 10 min. of random exercise turned into a couple hours of raking pine straw and picking up tree limbs in my yard. I figure that counts for something, b/c I worked up quite a sweat on this chilly Nov. day.

    I also made a very naughty pumpkin dessert, but I allowed myself to only have a few bites. I've stored the rest away for my company coming in tomorrow, and also going to give some away to the neighbor.
  • Naokoheart
    Oops I forgot all about the challenge for today,I will make sure to do it tomorrow
    after class! =]
  • yvonneh

    So my 10 min. of random exercise turned into a couple hours of raking pine straw and picking up tree limbs in my yard. I figure that counts for something, b/c I worked up quite a sweat on this chilly Nov. day.

    Both gardening and cleaning house are in the exercise database, so they do really count for something!
  • littlebigbird
    2 hours of gardening is definitely hard work - well done!!

    I've done 40 mins of step aerobics and 20 wall press-ups. I'm going to do some lesson planning now and when I need a break I'm going to put on some music and dance around the house for 10 mins. Goodness knows what my family and neighbours will think!
  • tigermom79
    My extra ten minutes of excercise today was decorating our office. Up and down and down and up the stairs and bending, and you name it I think we did it!!! YEAH!!!!

    Now off to a MS basketball game! Maybe I should get out there and run up and down the court with them!!! :laugh:

    Have a great night!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello all...I had a terrible day. My internet was out all day so Charter came again. I can't do my job without the internet. It is back up and now I have to work the next six hours until midnight. My oldest had a fender bender so I had to go to the school parking lot and wait for the state trooper. At least he didn't get a ticket. Now we just have to fix his car. No time to cook so we had Burger King. Now I'm over on my calories and I have no time to exercise. Whew, I hope tomorrow is a better day.
  • littlebigbird
    Oh tamelab, I do feel for you - what a frustrating day you've had! Take a deep breath and fingers, toes and eyes crossed for a great day tomorrow.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Hope everyone had a great day today! I did my high protein/low carb day today. Went great! I had a great work out session as well, 60 min of high impact aerobics class and then 30 min weight training. Going to do 20 min of abs before bed. Lets have a great day tommorow!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Tam, I am sorry about your rotten day. I am praying it is better for you tomorrow!!! (((HUGS))))!

    Crazy day here, too tired to type, editted the chart again, let me know if there is mistakes. Went to the gym and stayed in my caloires, got my extra 10 minutes in!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Amanda..Good job on Monday. The chart looks good. I hope you are not having to spend too much time on it.

    I typed last night with my running shoes on and got in two 10-minute sessions on the treadmill during breaks. Better than nothing but now I am off schedule for my C25K program this week. I am trying to put up Christmas decorations and get the house cleaned up for family on Saturday plus working every day. Feels like I am running in circles but it is getting there slowly. Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • tigermom79
    Tamelab; Great job!!! Amanda...You too! I don't start my Christmas stuff at home until after Thanksgiving. Will be having the family over on Thursday so I guess I better straighten up my house a little!! :grumble:

    I found the following on another sight but thought I would share it here. It is calorie counts for Thanksgiving foods. Now granted, they are generic counts depending on how each item is cooked, but it can give us a start in planning our meal wisely!!! :wink: Hope it helps!

    I couldn't figure out how to attach a file so I am just pasting the whole thing in here!

    Off to start my Tuesday!

    Calories in Thanksgiving Food
    By Mary_RD on Nov 24, 2009 12:00 PM in Tips & Updates

    Thanksgiving and dieting do not usually go together. Damage control is the order of the day. But at Calorie Count, knowledge is power, and so let’s Stop and Look at typical Thanksgiving foods.
    Pick and choose from your favorite foods based on the Calorie Count. Search Calorie Count’s Recipe Browser for recipes entered by our members, and use the Recipe Analyzer to analyze your own recipe and to create a lighter versions. Also, look for ideas at Eating Well and Cooking Light magazine websites and from’s Guides to Low Calorie and Low Fat Cooking.
    And so, without further ado, here are the calories a la carte.

    Apple cider, 1 cup: 115
    Champagne Punch, 6 ounces: 124
    Wine, 3.5 ounces: 84
    Kahlua Sombrero, 4 ounces: 340

    Appetizers and First Courses

    Mixed nuts, 1 ounce: 170
    Candied Pecans, 1 ounce: 139
    Cheese ball, 1 ounce: 110
    Crackers, 5: 80
    Crudités selection, 8 ounces: 75
    Sour Cream & Onion Dip, 2 tablespoons: 60
    Chex Mix, 2/3 cup: 130
    Stuffed Mushrooms, 6 small: 386
    Deviled Eggs, one: 59
    Cheese Puffs, one: 71
    Shrimp with Cocktail Sauce, 3: 30
    Fruit Cup, 1/2 cup: 70
    Sherbet, 1/4 cup: 55
    Pumpkin Soup, 8 ounces: 70


    Tossed salad with Oil and Vinegar, 10 ounces
    Ambrosia Salad, 1 cup: 183
    Molded Jell-O Salad, ½ cup: 103

    Main Course

    Dinner Roll, 1 small: 87
    Butter, 1 pat: 36
    Cheesy Corn Bread, 2" X 2": 96
    Turkey, roasted white meat, 4 ounces: 180
    Turkey, roasted dark meat, 4 ounces: 323
    Turkey Gravy, 1/4 cup: 50
    Stuffing, 1/2 cup: 190
    Mashed Potatoes, 1 cup: 190
    Candied Yams, 1/2 cup: 210
    Sweet Potato Casserole, 3/4 cup: 624
    Honey Glazed Carrots, 1/2 cup: 45
    Green Beans Almondine, 1/2 cup: 220
    Green Bean Casserole, 1/2 cup: 75
    Peas and Pearl Onions, 1/2 cup: 40
    Jellied Cranberry Sauce, 1/4 cup: 110
    Cranberry Relish, 1/2 cup: 76


    Pumpkin Pie, 1/8 of a 9" pie : 316
    Apple Pie, 1/8 of a 9" pie : 411
    Pecan Pie, 1/8 of a 9" pie : 503
    Vanilla Ice Cream, 1/2 cup: 145
    Pumpkin Roll with Cream Cheese Filling, 1" round: 306
    Chocolate Cream Pie, 1 large slice: 535
    Baked Apple, 1 apple: 182
    Tea, brewed, 8 ounces: 2
    Coffee, black: 10 ounces: 5
    Coffee with Cream and Sugar, 10 ounces: 120
    Coffee with Baileys Irish Cream and Sugar, 10 ounces: 186

    The numbers are derived from Calorie Count’s database of 106,000 foods and ingredients, and from the 278,000 recipes entered by our members over time. If your particular food is not in the database but you have a food label, you can enter it using the "add it here" link at the Food Log section of your Account Page.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Nice posting, who knew white meat turkey had nearly half the calories of dark turkey meat turkey

    Now for my Rant, went out to lunch and tried to eat healthy, ordered the Longhorn Steakhouse - Chicken & Grilled Vegetable Salad W/Balsamic Vinaigrette - No Feta. Thinking (without the feta) it was probably around 400 calories only to find out that it was at least 620 calories assuming they normally put on a quarter cup of feta. If I would have known that, I wouldn't have had that one slice of hot just out of the oven bread. Guess I will have to burn an extra couple hundred calories in the gym tonight.

    BTW, TOTALLY WORH IT, it was delicious!