No More Excuses - Week 3


Congratulations to JustJack with biggest percentage lost so far.

I am still waiting on lots of weights, will update the chart this evening.

Thanks to Yvonneh :smile: the challenge is to move an additional 10 minutes a day. This means if you plan to exercise 30 minutes then you need to 10 more minutes sometime during the day. It doesn't have to be all together, heck it can be two minutes here and two minutes here till it adds to 10. I know I and at least one other is going to continue to do the push-up challenge also. Good luck!!!!!


  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Joining the gym last week was huge exercise progress for me, now I really need to watch my calories this week. Let's do it!!!!
  • willow12
    Yip-ee Week 3

    Samantha... same here, little time to post!! Dont be upset... its a new day/ week & a chance to make good choices... :smile:

    tigermom.. great idea think I will do the same. ... could be our weekly "add- on" challenge :wink:

    Week1- 20 pushups
    Week 2- 10 mins of EXTRA w/o or exercise

    Amanda you & me both on the cals, :flowerforyou: THANKS:flowerforyou: for taking the time to work on a chart for our group !!
  • littlebigbird
    Hi - so after losing a pound each week for the last few weeks and not feeling I deserved to - it was payback time today. I gained 2!!! Eek - will have to work my butt off this week to lose them again. I know exactly what I did wrong, so no excuses. I exercised well but didn't stick to my calories - so I have nobody to blame but myself.

    Congratulations to everyone who lost. I hope I'll be joining you in celebrating next week.
  • Naokoheart
    I like the look of this challenge,gives me an excuse to jump onto the treadmill,
    or the elliptical for an extra 10 minutes. ;D
  • littlebigbird
    Yes - great challenge. I'll be able to walk upstairs at work more and do a bit of dancing around my living room!! :laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Littlebigbird, you gained 2 pounds, I wouldn't beat myself up too badly. Look at your ticker! WTG!!
  • littlebigbird
    Thanks Amanda. It might be just the wake-up call I needed to get myself back on track!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I love the 10 minute challenge, I am going to continue with push ups as well!!
    ps...we already had Thanksgiving in Canada and I lived through it by playing with all the younger children while everyone ate appetizers and then just eating one plateful of food and a small piece of dessert. It felt great not needing to fall asleep due to overeating after the meal!! Sometime told me to visualize all week how I was going to eat so that I had a plan to follow.
  • tigermom79
    I love the 10 minute challenge, I am going to continue with push ups as well!!
    ps...we already had Thanksgiving in Canada and I lived through it by playing with all the younger children while everyone ate appetizers and then just eating one plateful of food and a small piece of dessert. It felt great not needing to fall asleep due to overeating after the meal!! Sometime told me to visualize all week how I was going to eat so that I had a plan to follow.

    Great Job! I like the idea of one plateful!!! I am going to make that my mission for Thursday. I may even set myself a smaller plate than everyone else to limit portions! That's my plan!!!!

    Just got off the treadmill. I wasn't going to do it today but after the no loss for the week, (and I had some ice cream), I figured I better. Feel a little better because I did.

    For the rest of you that didn't have the success you wanted. HANG IN THERE! We all have downfalls, and hurdles, but we can get over them because we know what is waiting for us on the other end.......Healthy, active, and beautiful people!!! !:happy: Let's learn and move on! NO MORE EXCUSES!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, thanks for the inspiritation!!!!!!

    Having a good day, getting housework done, was going to go for a walk today but it is pouring and had the youngest dd for decided against it. Focusing on my calories this week and today is proving to be good.

    If anybody would like to see changes on the chart, please post what you would like different so the team can discuss it. I made the chart but it can definitely be changed. We are a team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Does this mean I have immunity this week?

    Smoked (and sliced up) my 1st Turkey today, soaked it overnight in brine. The local grocery story was selling them for 40 cents per pound. Turned out great.

    I took 4 oz of the turkey, put it in between two slices of pepperidge farm thin sliced bread with a little BBQ sauce. Surprisingly it was just as good as any brisket sandwich on a bun, and just a filling. Had a little corn and stuffing with it, the whole meal was under 500 calories 7g of fat, 42 protein, and best of all, I have about 5 lbs of leftover turkey.

    I see lots of turkey in my future, turkey salad, turkey on toast, turkey quesadilas, leftover turkey......................
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Amanda - I think everything you've done looks great. A big thank you!:flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone has a great week! If you didn't do well this past week, tomorrow is a new day. Love the challenge...I agree with you who said to keep up the push-up challenge. I didn't realized I needed such work in that area.

    I dread Thursday also...I think cooking does me in b/c I taste test while I am cooking constantly. Anyway we'll see how it goes. Have a great night everyone.

    And yes, justjack, I think we'll keep you.:bigsmile: Oh heck, let's keep everyone. Our team is great!! I better go...I feel a cheer coming on.:laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Justjack, you are stuck with us. We are keeping you!

    We are going to my in-laws Thursday and I am responsible for a cherry crisp, apple pie, pumpkin pie and I am going to make that pumpkin ribbon bread that is posted here in the recipes section. Looks delicious, and I will be happy I get cream cheese!!! LOL
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    I lost 5 lbs this week!!! I am now at 155! I had an awesome weekend! I hope everyone else did too!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    actually just in case let me weigh in with u tommorow morning so i can make sure i didnt gain anymore back this weekend, i was weighing 155 on thursday so i dont want to start the week innaccurate.
    I lost 5 lbs this week!!! I am now at 155! I had an awesome weekend! I hope everyone else did too!
  • yvonneh
    wks777 - That's great! What a great feeling it must be!

    And great for everyone. Regardless of whether or not we lost this week, if we just keep sticking to it, we'll reach our goals.

    Speaking of goals, I wanted to share something with you guys in case some of you want to try making one yourself. I've made up a slogan to keep me on track. Or perhaps it is a mantra, and I already feel it helping me focus. I've got 36 pounds to go, and with the calories/exercise program I set up on MFP, I should lose about 1.5 pounds a week, or 6 pounds a month. My birthday is in February, the halfway point. So I wrote down my goals for each month, then realized I had a rhyme: "Halfway by my B'day; All the Way by May." Just like our group's name, "No More Excuses" I think this is just the sort of thing that can help me resist those yummies at work, or take that walk even if I'm tired.

    I wish everyone a great week! And I like the idea of picturing yourself all week being in control on Thanksgiving.
  • amaline
    Hey everyone. Congrats to all those who had losses!

    I had no loss at all :frown: BUT my jeans feel looser so I'll take it! Feeling happy and healthy so that's what counts.

    I like our exercise challenge. I am going to start taking the stairs instead of the elevator every day - that's 7 flights 4 times a day. Phew!

    Good luck to you all staying strong through the holidays! That's one good (or bad depending on how you look at it) thing about being in China - no holiday food tempations. Back home Christmas is in Summer so although we do have a lot of food it's generally BBQ and Salad and in my family it's plenty of Seafood so it makes it easier to be healthy.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Yvonneh, I love your saying, that is so cool!

    Whitney, WTG on your weight loss!
  • tigermom79
    I lost 5 lbs this week!!! I am now at 155! I had an awesome weekend! I hope everyone else did too!

    Wonderful!!!! Did you do anything special or extra, or just stuck to the plan?
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    I lost 5 lbs this week!!! I am now at 155! I had an awesome weekend! I hope everyone else did too!

    Uh oh, I hope i don't fall below the yellow line now.