No More Excuses - Week 3



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Nice posting, who knew white meat turkey had nearly half the calories of dark turkey meat turkey

    Now for my Rant, went out to lunch and tried to eat healthy, ordered the Longhorn Steakhouse - Chicken & Grilled Vegetable Salad W/Balsamic Vinaigrette - No Feta. Thinking (without the feta) it was probably around 400 calories only to find out that it was at least 620 calories assuming they normally put on a quarter cup of feta. If I would have known that, I wouldn't have had that one slice of hot just out of the oven bread. Guess I will have to burn an extra couple hundred calories in the gym tonight.

    BTW, TOTALLY WORH IT, it was delicious!

    It sounds great. I'm jealous. I had Progresso soup and a sandwich at home. Trying to make up for the double cheeseburger and onion rings last night from BK. If I had known the onion rings had over 300 calories, I could have done without them.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    :laugh: Isn't it funny just finding out the calorie amount of some foods make them seem less tasty!! :laugh:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hey everyone!!
    I am so happy it's Tuesday - 3 days off from school! Love my kids, but I need a break and so do they.
    I am excited about Thursday, but a little nervous. I am making pies so that I will be tired of looking at them by them time I take them to my sister's house.:laugh:
    I am also making mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes and a sugar free chocolate pie with cool whip. I am trying to make sure I have choices so that I don't feel guilty about eating too much or not enough (and offend someone)!
    I hope everyone is doing well with the challenge this week. I have my students up and walking, playing tag at recess, etc. I am also trying to do an extra 10 mins on the elliptical. Keep up the great work, team!:wink: You can do it!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey I just started doing the elliptical at the gym and LOVE it. I did 10 minutes the first day and now am up to 25 minutes on it. It is awesome!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Had a good day today! Stuck with my diet and its my first day of no soda! All water all the time baby and it wasnt too bad! Had a great Body jam classes (dance class for 60 min). Not looking forward to my low carb day tommorow...yuck!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Had a much better day today. Got to the gym and did 10 extra minutes on the elliptical. I could only do a couple of minutes when I first started. I had a great supper tonight totally by accident. It turned into BBQ chicken in the crock pot, which could have been put over a bun but I used brown rice. It started out as a whole chicken breast meal but was so tender it just fell apart. Here is the recipe:

    3 large chicken breasts defrosted
    1 pack onion soup mix
    1 can jellied cranberry sauce
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Put half of soup mix in bottom of crock pot
    Put in chicken breasts
    Cover with rest of soup mix
    Cover all with can of cranberry sauce
    I cooked it on high for 2 hours and then low for 2 hours but I'm sure just low setting for 4 to 5 hours would be fine. It just shredded when I tried to pick it up and was delicious! It made at least 6 servings.

    220 calories
    25 carbs
    3 fat
    23 protein

    This is only the chicken, would increase if you add a bun. Everybody have a great night and day tomorrow.
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Sorry it's been so long team. I had a busy week this past week. I did not lose any weight but I did maintain. My diet needs to be better and it was better today than the last few days. I also hadn't been working out with all that was going on. I know NO MORE EXCUSES! I did work out today and I did more than I would have due to the 10 minutes more. Congrats to all on their losses! I just entered my food for Thanksgiving day and...I won't do too bad! I will do my workout in the morning and I will use most of those calories, but at least I'm not going over! I'm back 100% now team! Logging food in the diary and working out...those last few pounds won't be around much longer! I hope you are all doing well and I will write more tomorrow after I have time to read all your posts.

    Be blessed,

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Okay I peeked at the scale tonight and if it is right and that number stays I will be so happy. I may be leaving the 160s shortly. I would be jazzed.

    Getting ready to watch the Biggest Loser and I am EXHAUSTED!!!! I decided for my extra 10 minutes (I have lots of 10 minutes today) I will pick up the house, porches and anything else, maybe even the car during the commercials. Unless of course I fall asleep. My friend just called and said she is wiped out too and she thought perhaps we should skip the gym tomorrow. I told her it was her choice but I would be there. The gym is closed at noon tomorrow and will be until next Monday. I need to get a hard core work-out in tomorrow. Then in the afternoon I am signed up to give blood.

    Today was interesting, went to Wal-Mart after dd's PT. I was pushing her wheelchair stroller with one hand and pulling the cart behind me with the other. I was like this has to count for some kind of exercise.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Oh good grief, has anybody else ever noticed how many commericals the Biggest Loser has??????
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Okay I peeked at the scale tonight and if it is right and that number stays I will be so happy. I may be leaving the 160s shortly. I would be jazzed.

    Getting ready to watch the Biggest Loser and I am EXHAUSTED!!!! I decided for my extra 10 minutes (I have lots of 10 minutes today) I will pick up the house, porches and anything else, maybe even the car during the commercials. Unless of course I fall asleep. My friend just called and said she is wiped out too and she thought perhaps we should skip the gym tomorrow. I told her it was her choice but I would be there. The gym is closed at noon tomorrow and will be until next Monday. I need to get a hard core work-out in tomorrow. Then in the afternoon I am signed up to give blood.

    Today was interesting, went to Wal-Mart after dd's PT. I was pushing her wheelchair stroller with one hand and pulling the cart behind me with the other. I was like this has to count for some kind of exercise.

    Good for you, Amanda. Stay strong with your gym motivation and most likely your friend will follow.
  • tigermom79
    Tamelab; Good for you! Leaving the 160's is a good thing for a lot of us. I am looking forward to it.

    Well,......confession time.....I was bad last night when I got home. I was so proud of myself all day cause I had done well on calories. Then.........I had chocolate and an iced coffee. EGADS......But today is a new day and I have an optomistic outlook!!!! :wink:

    Not real sure what I am going to do today for my extra 10 minutes. HMMMMM Maybe go for a walk at lunch time!

    Everyone have a blessed day!
  • tigermom79
    Oh good grief, has anybody else ever noticed how many commericals the Biggest Loser has??????

    Probably as many as Dancing with The Stars!!! EGADS!!! I get really tired of all the hype on these things, and then going to a commercial break that takes a good 5 minutes. And then it is the same commercials...... Just love all this comercialism!!!! :)
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I really noticed the commercials last night because I made myself do housework during the commericals. I just got back from the gym, exercised one hour, burnt 605 calories. Wonderful work-out!!!! My friend didn't come and I understand her family that she hasn't seen in 1 year and a half is in town.

    Anne, forget about last night and move on - it is already a new day!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Sorry guys...I haven't quite figured out how to post a response to someone else's post. I tried the "quote" button on Amanda's message and it looked like I was leaving the 160's (if only)! I have about 21 more pounds to go before I am there:smile:

    Hope everyone is having a good day. So far so good here. Just having lunch now. Finally got all my Christmas decorations up. I have grounded myself from buying anymore decorations this year, nowhere to put them!
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Happy Hump Day Everyone!

    I hope you are all having a great day. Went shopping (groceries - yuck!) and ran errands today. Haven't done much else. Plan to clean out the car, the dog pen, and straighten the house in a little bit. Always doing laundry around here - you'd think we were a family of 10 instead of 3:huh: That's going to be my extra 10 for the day. Gotta hit the elliptical in a little while after I take the dog for a walk.

    Anyone else planning to hit Black Friday sales in a couple of days???
  • tigermom79
    Happy Hump Day Everyone!

    I hope you are all having a great day. Went shopping (groceries - yuck!) and ran errands today. Haven't done much else. Plan to clean out the car, the dog pen, and straighten the house in a little bit. Always doing laundry around here - you'd think we were a family of 10 instead of 3:huh: That's going to be my extra 10 for the day. Gotta hit the elliptical in a little while after I take the dog for a walk.

    Anyone else planning to hit Black Friday sales in a couple of days???

    cah0806.....You bet....I am a bk Friday junkie!!! :laugh:

    Even though I have just about all of my shopping done....YEAH!!! I am still going to hit the stores. I absolutely love it. Just being out with the people and all I think is so much fun. Most of my friends hate it! :frown: I have even gotten my boys addicted to it so now they go out with me!

    I am getting ready to join a local fitness club in our community. One of my employees joined on Monday and really enjoys it so I thought what the heck.....Scheduling is going to be my only down fall as the classes are M-W-F from 5:45-6:45 so I am asking the instructor if I can exchange the Mon class for Tues since I teach baton twirling on Monday. Waiting to see what she says.

    Thanks for your encouraging words Amanda...Today has been a better day. Had mexican food for lunch but I think I will be okeedokee....

    Talk to everyone soon!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    How come the days I work out the most I am the least hungry??? :huh:

    My day in a nutshell, went to they gym, came home, cleaned out animal pens and this is not exactly an easy task. Hosed down the duck area and changed their water and feed, raked out the chicken house, refilled feed with 50 lb feed bags. Then headed to the goose pen, dumped their big swimming pool, cleaned out their house, this was poor planning, has to be done on my knees and then filled their feeder. Headed next to the goat pen and raked disgusting hay and waste away, pitchforked it or shoveled it on the ocmpost pen and then cleaned their house, put down new straw and so forth. Had to carry their water bucket. I am assuming this counted for calories burnt. Then dd and I made a cherry crisp, apple pie, pumpkin pie and I am taking a break. Next I will go make cow horn's out of the leftover pie filling, made a Grandma Dolly pie and the pumpkin ribbon bread. Then I am going to straighten the house and make dinner. Then I am going to fall on the couch and watch the special edition of the Biggest Loser. :laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I haven't made up my mind about Black Friday yet, I am leaning towards no this year although I am usually a BF junkie too!
  • littlebigbird
    Hi everyone. You all sound so busy. America just before Thanksgiving sounds just like the UK in the few days before Christmas!!

    Amanda - I'm exhausted just reading about everything you've done today. Where on earth do you find the energy?!!!!

    I'm having a much better week calorie and exercise-wise this week, so hopefully it'll show on the scales by Sunday!!

    Got my extra 10 minutes of exercise today pacing up and down the corridor at the university where my younger daughter was taking part in a music rehearsal, because the room I'd been invited to wait in was freezing cold. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining, and a marginally warmer pair of feet!
  • Angel1029
    Hey everyone!!!! I know I've been MIA but I've been bustin' my butt. I started P90X on Monday and I've been feeling it. My whole body is aching. So I've been working out for like an hour a day sometimes more. So this is a BIG step up from what I used to do so I think I've been putting in some challenges for myself. Hope everyone else is doing well. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!