Emotional Eater

I was just dealt some really bad news (on top of some already bad news from last week) and really want to eat. Cheeseburger... cake... anything ...

My brain is telling me no but I am having a really hard time not going upstairs and grabbing something to eat.

Please help!


  • SlimmingdownSusan
    I'm right there with you on emotional eating, meaning I totally understand. Just try to get yourself busy doing something you enjoy to get your mind off the food. Good luck fighting those temptations! You'll feel so much better about yourself and you'll also be able to deal with what's going on in your life better. Knowing that you've eaten terribly just adds more stress.
  • lgfeilmeier
    I had this experience yesterday when I was craving a brownie. If you are craving cake see if you can get some Vitatop muffins from your grocery store. The deep chocolate one helped satisfy my chocolate craving and kept the calories under 100 for the snack. Just thought I'd share this tidbit in hopes that it would help calm one craving for the day. Drink more water too whenever you are hungry. Gum chewing helps. (Deal with craving)

    Also, be sure to reflect on the things that are going right for you. I know it's hard, but there have been studies that show people who are "thankful" all year round have more positive dispositions. Working out also helps get your endorphins up to make you feel better even when you are in a bad situation. (Deal with emotions)
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Deal with the craving in a new way, because the old way didn't work. Instead of letting the stress get to you, the best stress buster is exercise. Go for a walk or if you can a great work out at the gym. It will be much more productive than reaching for something to eat and you will like yourself better afterwards.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I have read numerous times and have even tried it for myself, that when feeling craving for something based on emotions, sit down and write out your feelings instead of eating them. Sometimes the energy you take to do that helps to put things into perspective, and then time passes as does the craving.

    Sorry about your bad news. I hope things get better for you. You are a strong person!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I know how you feel I just lost my dad and I turned down that road but trust me if you give in you will only hate yourself for doing it... Keep your chin up and just know we are all here for you. I agree on the writting keeping a journal has helped me
  • fitforme1981
    Hang in there! I can so relate to eating emotionally. Thru good time and bad food has been a comfort to me. Here's to making positive changes! Take care!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    First off... (hugs) sorry for the bad news!

    Secondly, I can totally understand your sudden craving for some 'comfort food' because I am the exact same way during times of stress. When I am wrestling with what I 'want', I keep reminding myself 'You WANT it, you don't NEED it.' And then I try to find some way to distract myself. Lately, my favorite distraction has been housekeeping. It burns a lot of calories, keeps me too busy to eat... and on top of it I wind up with a nice clean house!!!
  • LauraKate
    ugh!!!! i'm dealing with this right now....i was never much of an emotional eater when i was younger, if i got stressed i would just go running or something but now i am definitely an emotional eater because i can't just go running or soemthing while i'm at work. i try to control it ,but that is easier said than done :P the past few months work has been SUPER stressful and so frustrating, i just sit at my desk mad all day LOL and all i think about is snacking to make me happy even when i'm not hungry. fortunately our office is out of town so once i eat what i brought fo rthe day, then i have nothing else but often people bring treats in and the lunch counter is right by my desk and so i pick at those all day. UGH! also, my boyfriend is gone for work lots....so that doesn't help either :(