No More Excuses - Week Two



  • Naokoheart
    @Amaline: I dunno,I think its because I have let certain unhealthy treats into my eating regime,
    so its thrown me off a pound. =/
    Weigh in isn't officially until tomorrow for this group,so it might
    have changed by tomorrow,I hope!
    I don't want to lose motivation so I am just going to keep trying,
    since it is for my health anyway,this journey. 8D

    I don't think I should be gaining muscle at this stage,
    I think its too early. =O
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all! Man do I feel revived this morning! Already have the house picked up except the floors......I might not be the most popular mom if I start the vacuum at 7:00 on a Saturday morning!!!:laugh: Getting ready to go to a craft fair with my mom and then off to do our own crafts. It is going to be a great day!

    I feel I can be strong today as far as calories. My mom doesn't eat right so I kind of have to watch around her::ohwell: But I am being positive!!!

    Off to find some breakfast right now! I usually give myself the week-ends off from the excercise but I may have to do something a little later on!! :)

    have a great Saturday everyone and I agree with Amanda.... We are strong and we can do this!!! Thanks for your encouragement there oh fierce leader!!!!
  • dariahrose
    dariahrose Posts: 12 Member
    So just to be clear tomorrow is weigh in day? Right? Made it to the gym four times this week and went for a half hour walk this morning! Might try to get to the gym again today.

    I have an engagement party tonight so I am slightly nervous about calorie counting but I'm going to try to eat light the rest of the day and make the veggie platter my best friend at the party. Overall it sounds like everyone is off to a good start! Having to hold accountable to all of you is helpful for my weight loss!

    Thanks for all of the support! I will report my weight tomorrow in the AM! Hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Sunday morning is weigh-in day for everybody where ever you are. When you get up on Sunday, weigh and shoot me your weight. The new thread and the weight chart won't be started for some of until Monday because of time zones.

    Ann, enjoy your time at the craft fair!!!

    Naoko, next week is another week, learn from this week and move on.

    Amaline, everytime I see your profile pic, it makes me smile. It looks like you are happy and care-free! :smile:
  • amaline
    Thanks Amanda! I love that pic - it was taken on the first day of the first trek I did with my Dad. Reminds me of good times and the beautiful scenery back home. The reason I look so happy is it took us 5 hours to get to the top of that dam hill :laugh:
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all!!! Just sent my weight to Amanda. 167. No loss but I am okay with that. Better than a gain.

    Got some devistating news last night that one of my x-employees fiance' passed away yesterday early morning. He was only a couple of years younger than me and it is just a constant reminder that life is so fragile, and to never take anything for granted. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems at any given moment. God can and will help you through anything that you don't feel you can get through.

    Now.....I plan to make the chicken chowder soup for Game day today. Can''t wait. It is suppose to be colder here today so it will be nice!!!

    Everyone have a great Sunday!!!
  • willow12
    Good Morning Everyone

    My weigh in 149.5... down 1/2 lb. I gotta start counting my cals if I want to see- CHANGE!

    Happy Sunday:smile:
  • SlimmingdownSusan
    I'm at 175. Seems I joined another group called, "more excuses". I'm having new kitchen tile laid this week, so instead of planning around that, I ended up eating out a lot to avoid getting in the kitchen. So since I ate out and started stress eating I didn't keep up with my food diary at all. I'm feeling pretty helpless and hopeless at this point, especially with Thanksgiving this week and family coming in.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Susan, you are not hopeless or helpless, you are wonderful!!!!! You are worth any and all effort you put in.:flowerforyou:

    Still "weighting" on 14 weights. Will post the new thread and chart in a couple of hours. Anybody want to grab the challenge?
  • yvonneh
    No change for me this week. Still at 181, but I did lose a little on bust & hips, so atleast the exercise seems to be doing some good.

    SlimmingdownSu - I'm with you on the concern about Thanksgiving, and the whole holiday season (they do "12 pounds of Christmas" at work for 2 and a half weeks and we take turns bringing in breakfast each day.) We had our Thanksgiving at work day before yesterday, and I'm just glad I didn't gain anything! I've been where you are numerous times, feeling powerless and I have to say, even if you don't stick to your eating plan, still log the food. It really helps. Even if you eat out, just estimate - if the food isn't on the MFP database, search on the internet to get a general idea. Just being aware has a huge effect on the quantity you eat. The past few years, every holiday season I go crazy and end up five pounds heavier. I'm really going to work hard, but even if we don't lose much, if we get through the holidays without gaining anything, I consider that a plus!
  • yvonneh
    Challenge suggestion - Find at least ten minutes of exercise where you wouldn't normally exercise. For example - if you work at a desk, get up twice during the day and do five minutes of calisthenics. Or take a 10 minute walk at lunch. Or climb stairs. Break it up if you want to.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Sunday MFP friends...Hope you all had a good week. I got my office cleaned out yesterday and started putting up Christmas decorations. I got 3 trees up and decorated and have 6 more to go. For some crazy reason I decided to decorate a different tree for each room of the house including bathrooms. It takes me about a week to get it all up. My husband lights up the outside so much that our neighbors tell us we could land a plane in the front yard. I think we are Christmas junkies. Anybody else crazy like us? Kinda dreading Thanksgiving this week. We will have 2 big family meals and I always eat too much. I'm going to try to exercise every day and hope that will help because I have to have a taste of everything. My plan will be to just take a bite and move on without eating like a pig. We'll see. Have a great day.

    P.S. The 10 minute challenge sounds good to me.
  • willow12
    Challenge suggestion - Find at least ten minutes of exercise where you wouldn't normally exercise. For example - if you work at a desk, get up twice during the day and do five minutes of calisthenics. Or take a 10 minute walk at lunch. Or climb stairs. Break it up if you want to.

    Gets my vote!!!
  • tigermom79
    Challenge suggestion - Find at least ten minutes of exercise where you wouldn't normally exercise. For example - if you work at a desk, get up twice during the day and do five minutes of calisthenics. Or take a 10 minute walk at lunch. Or climb stairs. Break it up if you want to.

    Great idea! Do we continue with last weeks push ups as well? I think I am even if it isn't part of the plan!!! :wink:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Just sent my weight to Amanda - down 2 pounds!!
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
    I've been super busy so I haven't checked in, but I 've been thinking about you all. Can't wait till Tuesday - off three days for Thanksgiving!
    The 10 minute challenge sounds great. I've been trying to do that at school and it seems to help my students stay motivated as well! Talk to you soon.
  • Samantha1987
    Uggh, weighed @ 190.5. :angry:

    Damn, I went up a bit from last time. I used to weigh in monthly (it's pretty nice seeing that 5lb+ drop one shot).

    I know with weekly weigh-ins I was EXPECTING to see the weight fluctuate but it's really tough actually seeing your numbers go up. :grumble:

    In the mean time, my cousin is living here. He's trying to gain weight, and at least eats double the calories I do, but STILL looses. :explode:

    I don't get too post much during the week, but I had missed the gym 2x this week, and basically had 2 bad days on dieting.

    I'm really upset at myself, but....~sighs~. It's new week.

    Lets do it team! See you on the next thread.