No More Excuses - Week Two



  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Okay everyone...I've had a long day with a bad headache. I get fun:sick:
    Anyway, I was going to do drive thru for dinner, but I said no much to my daughter's dismay!!!
    I was going to come home and crash, but I said no!!!
    I went ahead and put my exercise in my diary so now I have to do it.
    No more more excuses....

    I hope everyone had a good Monday. Talk to you tomorrow!
    Good night :wink:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello all...I had a great day yesterday. The weather is warm in SC so we got in some kayaking after I finished my workout at the gym. Today was another beautiful day but I had to work all day. Eating dinner now and then hitting the treadmill. Hope the weather holds for one more day of kayaking this week. Staying on track so far. Have a great evening!
  • I just did 20 knee pushups with my feet on the ground,I am going to go for another 20 knee pushups with
    my feet off of the ground,lol.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Naoko, great job on the basketball playing and the push-ups. You can do them.

    Christy, I am sorry that you feel so awful today. Way to go on your effort about skipping drive-thru and also exercising. I am not trying to talk you out of exercising but be kind to yourself. If your head hurts that bad, maybe your body is screaming rest. Just my 2 cents.

    Tamelab, kayaking sounds fun. I have never gone, but I love water.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Dh came home and I split. Went for a 37 minute walk / run and burnt 400 calories. It was lovely, lovely, lovely! Can't wait to do it again!!!!!!!! :smile:
  • Just checking in. Looks like everyone is doing great this week! Good stuff all of you!

    I skipped my run last night as I had to go get some warm weather gear and a heater and a blanket! I am totally unprepared for winter and had no idea it got this cold in China. 2 weeks ago I was running in a t shirt and shorts and sweating madly and now I can't even break a sweat when I run it's so cold :noway:

    However amazingly enough I did it this morning instead! Was still cold but at least not dark. Veeeeery windy - do you think I burn more calories running into a headwind? :laugh: I had to sleep in my running gear to make sure I had no excuses in the morning.

    Going to do my pushup challenge when I get home tonight, I actually thought we were doing them 3 times a week so I have a few to catch up on - 60 push ups! eek!

    Mandy hope your kids get better soon! They are lucky they have a lovely Mum to pamper them
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello all... Just wanted to say thanks. I didn't want to get on the treadmill tonight to do Couch to 5K but because of our group and my commitment I did it. I also got in my 20 push-ups, didn't realize how weak I was in that exercise! Sleep well.

    Amanda: Kayaking is one of my favorites. We started with inflatable kayaks and just got hard shell ones last Christmas. I think we paid about $60 for the inflatable ones at Wal-Mart, which is a good way to see if you will like it without spending a lot of money. Good job on your exercise while you have sick children. Hope everyone is better soon!
  • dariahrose
    dariahrose Posts: 12 Member
    Just got back from the gym :) I did 35 mins on the elliptical and 200 sit-ups. I attempted push-ups but only got half-way thru (they are hard)!

    Hope everyone is having a great week!!!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Im in NC and it was gorgeous here as well, chased my 19 month old around the park for 45 minutes up the stairs and down the slides...gotta count for something lol. Had a great rest of the day, eating wise i didnt stray, i did go in the kitchen tonite and scan the fridge and cabinets but i asked myself ( am i really even hungry or do i want to eat, and i knew my answer so i turned around and walked out) didnt do 60 min of Body attack, just 30 minutes and then 15 minutes on the elliptical, i was literally in pain doing that class (im soooo sore from yesterday like u wouldnt believe). Startin to get a lil hungry and its late...i think i will make some night time tea and hopefully that will help me sleep as well! Goodnight! Lets have a great day tommorow!
    Hello all...I had a great day yesterday. The weather is warm in SC so we got in some kayaking after I finished my workout at the gym. Today was another beautiful day but I had to work all day. Eating dinner now and then hitting the treadmill. Hope the weather holds for one more day of kayaking this week. Staying on track so far. Have a great evening!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a great Monday!! That is so awesome!!

    I ran about 3 miles today total. Used the treadmill.. yuck, too windy outside!!, to alternate fast paces with walk breaks. Was good... just wish I could have done more, time ran out and had to pick up the little one... but, I plan to get my push ups in tonight -- the military press style with some pulse push ups in between...

    BTW if anyone wants to increase their number suggest you do 10 full push ups alternated with 10- short choppy pulse type push ups, repeat! You can do knees with these no prob. Should help build those smaller muscles that help with pumping out push ups!

    Happy dreams all!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Team, I had a love relationship with a bag of chocolate chips tonight, I didn't eat them all but enough to totally mess up today. I am not sure why but I could get just a few and go back for more. WHY, WHY, WHY??????
  • Aww Manda it's ok!! Everyone has slip ups! :flowerforyou:

    Just tell that bag of chocolate chips it's dumped now and jump on the bike tommorrow and put some miles between you and it :laugh:
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Team, I had a love relationship with a bag of chocolate chips tonight, I didn't eat them all but enough to totally mess up today. I am not sure why but I could get just a few and go back for more. WHY, WHY, WHY??????

    Tomorrow is a new day, so what -- it happened, let it go and don't let it be an excuse to stop what you are doing!! Tomorrow starts fresh, new calorie dairy and new exercise day.

    :happy: no worries
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning everyone...Off to a good start with a good breakfast. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Team, I had a love relationship with a bag of chocolate chips tonight, I didn't eat them all but enough to totally mess up today. I am not sure why but I could get just a few and go back for more. WHY, WHY, WHY??????

    Tomorrow is a new day, so what -- it happened, let it go and don't let it be an excuse to stop what you are doing!! Tomorrow starts fresh, new calorie dairy and new exercise day.

    :happy: no worries

    Amanda: Shake it off. Today is a new day. Just get back on track and have a great day!!
  • Team, I had a love relationship with a bag of chocolate chips tonight, I didn't eat them all but enough to totally mess up today. I am not sure why but I could get just a few and go back for more. WHY, WHY, WHY??????

    As others have said, today is a new day, and you can start fresh. But to answer your question as to perhaps "why" so maybe it will help in the future, here's what I learned when I visited a nutritionist a and asked his this very same question - why do people, especially women, crave chocolate? And there really is a biological reason!

    When our stress hormones get higher and/or we are tired, and especially when we get our periods, we crave things that will stimulate the neurotransmitter seratonin, which calms and relaxes. Chocolate stimulate production of seratonin in the brain (as do many comfort foods). He said it only takes about an ounce to perk us up, and dark chocolate does it with fewer calories than milk, so just have an ounce everyday or whenever you want it.

    As well as I remember, you were dealing with a sick child yesterday, so your body was probably just craving the chocolate to counterbalance those stress hormones.

    I've found if I keep Dove chocolate around, and then have one or two with a cup of herbal tea, I can have both the chocolate and the relaxing effects without the guilt. I've even gone so far as to leave two out for the day, then put the rest in the freezer so they are too hard to eat quickly. Someone else also told me they'll melt the ounce of chocolate and then dip strawberries in it. That way you get the fruit serving, and you get to enjoy the chocolate longer.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, I messed up yesterday, did good all day then my hubby is like lets get pizza (I love pizza). I did do some exercise yesterday so maybe it didn't hurt anything too bad, but today no excuses I will finish today eating well. :flowerforyou:
  • Team, I had a love relationship with a bag of chocolate chips tonight, I didn't eat them all but enough to totally mess up today. I am not sure why but I could get just a few and go back for more. WHY, WHY, WHY??????

    As others have said, today is a new day, and you can start fresh. But to answer your question as to perhaps "why" so maybe it will help in the future, here's what I learned when I visited a nutritionist a and asked his this very same question - why do people, especially women, crave chocolate? And there really is a biological reason!

    When our stress hormones get higher and/or we are tired, and especially when we get our periods, we crave things that will stimulate the neurotransmitter seratonin, which calms and relaxes. Chocolate stimulate production of seratonin in the brain (as do many comfort foods). He said it only takes about an ounce to perk us up, and dark chocolate does it with fewer calories than milk, so just have an ounce everyday or whenever you want it.

    As well as I remember, you were dealing with a sick child yesterday, so your body was probably just craving the chocolate to counterbalance those stress hormones.

    I've found if I keep Dove chocolate around, and then have one or two with a cup of herbal tea, I can have both the chocolate and the relaxing effects without the guilt. I've even gone so far as to leave two out for the day, then put the rest in the freezer so they are too hard to eat quickly. Someone else also told me they'll melt the ounce of chocolate and then dip strawberries in it. That way you get the fruit serving, and you get to enjoy the chocolate longer.

    I love the melting the chocolate idea!!! I am going to use that!

    Amanda; It's in the books! On to a better day!

    Well, we got results from my dh's tests. It was good news in that it wasn't as bad as it could have been. We have another hump to get over this morning as he had more blood work done last night and will get the results at his appt this am. Please pray for the best! FORGET THE FEAR, FIND THE FAITH!!!!! Hey......that motto works for weight loss too! One of my employees told me that the other day when it was so tuff with the waiting and all. I have adapted it, and now realize it doesn't fit for just when you are scared to death, but in anything you set out to do!!!! YEAH!!!!!!

    With all the stuff going on, my oldest who came home to be with us during this trying time, said, "How about I go get sonic?" EGADS!!!! I was so proud of myself.....I told him if he would do that for him and his brothers that would be great, but don't worry about me, and along with everything else, my dh had 3 teeth pulled yesterday so couldn't eat either. When we got home they all said, mom we have an extra hamburger if you want it. I managed to get out a "No thanks!!! " YIPEE!!!! Found my way to a baked potatoe! is to everyone having a super duper day and smart decisions.
  • Well, I messed up yesterday, did good all day then my hubby is like lets get pizza (I love pizza). I did do some exercise yesterday so maybe it didn't hurt anything too bad, but today no excuses I will finish today eating well. :flowerforyou:

    Like I told Amanda, It's in the books! Today is a new day and we are all going to do this together!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    This is going to be a tough day!!!I am starting my rotating carbs. So today im eating about 70 carbs which compared to what i usually eat without even realizing its going to be quite a challenge!Luckily i only have to do it every 3 days so there is a light at the end of the tunnel i just have to get thru the day! So this morning i had 5 egg whites with spinach, black olives, low fat feta and parmesan cheese. Im about to go to my pilates class for an hour in about 20 minutes, its gonna be tough cuz im super sore still! Hope everyone has a great day! We can do this!!:smile:
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