No More Excuses - Week Two



    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, I messed up yesterday, did good all day then my hubby is like lets get pizza (I love pizza). I did do some exercise yesterday so maybe it didn't hurt anything too bad, but today no excuses I will finish today eating well. :flowerforyou:

    Like I told Amanda, It's in the books! Today is a new day and we are all going to do this together!

    yes, we will do this together and today is a new day!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I have a couple of questions for anybody who has a minute. MFP has my calories set at 1,500 a day before exercise. My current weight is 183. Does that sound about right or too high? As your weight comes down, does your recommended caloric intake come down or do you need to do a reevaluation of some sort? Thanks for the help.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Wow, what an awesome support team. I feel bad today and should have known I was getting sick and that is why I was craving all the crap. That and stress! :frown: My throat hurts and I feel like I am dragging.100 lb weight behind me. I will move forward though.

    Ann, still praying for your dh's test results. Thanks for the update!

    Whitney, my friend is also doing the low carb days, high carb days thing. She just started it and so far is liking it. Your breakfast sounds delicious!
  • I have a couple of questions for anybody who has a minute. MFP has my calories set at 1,500 a day before exercise. My current weight is 183. Does that sound about right or too high? As your weight comes down, does your recommended caloric intake come down or do you need to do a reevaluation of some sort? Thanks for the help.

    Well, I definately am no expert. Mine actually came out that I should be at 1500 a day as well, but I have lowered it to 1200. I am at 167 right now. I don't like to add in calories for the workouts and excercise I do as I feel that is just not right. I do believe that as you loose weight you need to re-evaluate your calories. If you are being productive at 1500 then I would say that is good. If not try lowering a bit. I know my dr was shocked that I could be on 1200 as she thought I would be starving but really I'm not. And to be honest. Mainly I have just cut down on portions and cut out snacking on un-healthy stuff.

    Good luck!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Is there a particular reason I am too much of a blonde to figure out how to use the quote button??? :blushing:

    Tam - my calories are set at 1410 and I am following the recommend guidelines to lose 1 pound per week. I Do eat most of my exercise calories back in healthy foods, (forget about the chocolate chips :grumble: ) and have been losing. I weigh 164 as of last Sunday. I figure the worst thing that could happen if I don't eat my exercise calories is my body will go into starvation mode. I would rather lose the weight slowly than slow alot in a short time and stall my body out. I have lookng at people who have lost a lot of weight on here and they do eat most of their exercise calories. Good luck and let us know what you decide to do.

    Edited to add: As tigermom said when a person cuts out all the junk and processed food, it takes a lot of food to get to 1400. If you are full, I say quit eating, listen to your body because I have found as this journey progresses and you get healthy, your body will tell you what it needs.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    it was!!Im brand new to it as well! I did the atkins diet for like a week back in 2003 and i lost 7 lbs in 7 days (back when i was really thin and didnt even need to lose weight) but its hard to just keep giong with that sort of diet so when i heard of rotating carbs i was okay i think i can do that, we will see!
    Hope u feel better soon!!!:flowerforyou:
    Wow, what an awesome support team. I feel bad today and should have known I was getting sick and that is why I was craving all the crap. That and stress! :frown: My throat hurts and I feel like I am dragging.100 lb weight behind me. I will move forward though.

    Ann, still praying for your dh's test results. Thanks for the update!

    Whitney, my friend is also doing the low carb days, high carb days thing. She just started it and so far is liking it. Your breakfast sounds delicious!
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hey guys!
    I'm not an expert either but...
    Tammy - I have read in other posts/threads that once you begin losing weight, you need to redo your stats and goals to reflect the changes. I did that a few weeks ago, but it didn't affect my caloric intake.
    Ann - I also weigh around 167 and I am 1200 calories...
    So I do think that the weight, your goals, exercise, and everything work together to come up with those numbers.
    I don't eat all of my exercise calories either, but I do eat between 1200 and 1350 on a daily basis. I usually have anywhere from 150-300 calories left. Watch not just your calories though. Sometimes I go over on my carbs but not anything else!!
    Amanda - I sure hope you feel better. I needed to rest last night, but it felt so good to get out there and walk. It helped to relieve the stress that I think caused the headache to begin with. I will tell you that I don't buy just chocolate because I am the same way. But I get chocolate flavored cereal or breakfast bars (like Special K) to eat for a snack. I also get chocolate flavored Vitamin D supplements b/c I have a deficiency and they taste pretty good. If I can't do without, I get a Reese's cup - at least it has peanut butter for protein. :laugh: You'll do better today - I have faith in you.
    Well, I'll check in later (having my planning time right now). Have a great Tuesday!!
  • Hey Everyone just checking in.

    The stair master at the gym is killing me, lol.

    I'm on that thing for 20 minutes, it says I walked like 60 floors of stairs.

    The trainer says that the number one machine in the gym that cuts fat, so I'm trying.

    It's a cold day today here, so we made chicken soup (great on cals).

    Amanda, don't worry about yesterday, on cals, every 24 hours is a brand new slate.

    Keep it up guys! :wink:
  • Good evening everyone. I did half an hour of step aerobics with my Gilad DVD this evening, followed by 20 wall press-ups. Strangely the stepping is less hard work than 30 mins on the treadmill, yet according to the MFP exercise log, it uses more calories. Hmmm . . . not so sure about that one! :ohwell:

    Hope everyone's had/having a good day. :smile:
  • Didn't have such a great day today when I got back from football practice,
    just had a strange mood swing and felt low,I have just finished my 20 sit ups,
    and I am off to bed,hope everyone else is alright.
  • Hi all

    Yesterday- I did 30 mins on the stationary bike & 2 set of girlie( knee ) pushups & drank my water... today not so good.

    Amanda Shower pushups..... your my hero!!! My "biggest excuse" is - "I dont have the time"... I gotta take lessons from you :smile: & take the opppotunities to w/o when I can.

    Have a good nite all, I'm riding my bike & doing my push ups durning Biggest Loser.. anybody else fans??
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    ME ME ME! I love the Biggest Loser. I don't miss it, This year I missed two shows because of my son's football gams but as soon as I was home, it was on.

    Just got back from a 50 minute walk with my mom, didn't burn as many calories as yesterday. I made up a goal to burn at least 300 calories and so when we got back to where mom park here car I said I am walking part way up the hill. I always walk the hill, but I don't feel good so I was worried about breathing. She starts following along behind me and I literally ran up the hill until the HRM said 303 calories, then got in her car and collapsed. :laugh:

    My new shoes are leaving blisters all over my feet and so the store said they would take them back. Thank goodness!!

    My sister and I are going to go to the gym in the morning and I am going to try it. They have this thing where you can try it once for free.
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Amanda - Hope you like the gym! I joined once and I enjoyed it, but my schedule is so odd b/c of meetings and such that I just can't keep it up. I am definitely a lone exerciser anyway.
    I LOVE :love: the Biggest Loser. It is my favorite show!! I do the elliptical during the show! Well, trying to cook a healthy dinner including - get this - asparagus. I'll check in tomorrow. Hope you have a good night everyone!
  • I was a bad girl today!!!! Didn't write a thing down that I ate. So consiquently I'm sure I will be over my calories and you all have convinced me that I need to eat my excercise calories, so I will start doing that. HA.....maybe I will be okay because..........

    I just finished a mile walk/run/walk/run...etc.....133 calories. Hey it is a start anyway. My goal is to run the mile! HA....we will see!!!

    Another fess up.......I have never been a push up kind of girl so when I saw the challenge I thought, HA...not me!!!! Well then I remembered our team name! HMMMMM.....said to myself "are you a member of the team or not?" So......As soon as I am done typing I am off to do wall push ups. Amanda I too love your idea of doing them in the shower. Need to try that in the morning!:love:

    Then...sorry girls, not a fan of the biggest looser. Have to watch the results of Dancing With the Stars. My votes are for Donny but I'm afraid he may go home tonight!!! :ohwell:

    Everyone have a restful night and see you in the morning!

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Christy, I love aspargus. I planted some in my garden last year but it take two or three years to be able to harvest very much off the plant.

    Ann, I am glad to hear that you are a member of this team :laugh: ! We knew you were push-ups or not, but good for you for doing them. WTG! Also enjoy Dancing with the Stars! :smile:
  • Hey everyone, hope everyone is doing well. I didn't do anything yesterday, I had a tooth pulled last week and my head and left side of my face was pounding. I know that's an excuse but I just couldn't, the pressure was too bad.
    But today was better, knocked out my push ups and jumped rope for about 15 min. Now I'm off to bed. Everybody have a good night.
  • Good evening everyone! I'm currently watching Biggest Loser & flipping back to DWTS. I'm fighting the urge to make a cup of hot chocolate, but that will put me way over ...I'm -10 cals for the day. I treated myself to some Breyer's All Natural ice cream. It's a BIG deal for me to not eat half the carton, but I kept to the 1/2 c. serving size. Didn't make it to the gym today, but will do my push ups tonight and be at the gym in the am.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    NO FAIR, NO FAIR! I still have 1 hour and 18 minutes until the Biggest Loser comes on! :tongue:
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Amanda, I was in the chocolate chips today as well...I ended up sharing them with my 3 kids so that I wouldn`t eat them all!!! It was a bad idea as I weigh in at Weight Watchers tomorrow morning.
    Off to do my pushups,
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I just read through the posts and should`ve done that sooner, you are all motivating!!

    Did you see the transformation at the end of the Biggest Loser...she looked amazing!!!

    Tomorrow I am definitely committing to a run even though I was going to skip it because I will have to shower and redo my hair for our family Xmas pictures in the evening...I am really good at excuses!!!

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