coltrane23 Member


  • A 2 pound fluctuation in either direction could simply be water weight. A little extra salt one day, a little more water than usual, and you could see an increase. It could very easily disappear tomorrow. I weigh every day because I see some value in trending the information, and because it's habit by now, but I don't pay…
  • Congratulations! Yeah, I can't keep up with that schedule, but I'm since I'm doing more HIIT I'm going to be doing push-ups more often. I did a simple AMRAP the other day: 1 lat pulldown, 2 push-ups, 3 goblet squats. I was able to complete 27 rounds in 15 minutes, which means 56 push-ups (since I got through to the squats…
  • Improving to just over a 6mph pace in a couple months definitely seems achievable. One method I read about to improve your time for a distance: run faster for shorter intervals. So if you want to improve your time on 1.5 miles, for instance, run some 200m-400m sprints, or work on running 1K as fast as you can. You sort of…
  • I think today is going to be a fairly representative day for me for a while. High protein (1g/lb BW), low-ish fat (.5g/lb) and low(er) carbs (~.6g). Carbs generally timed to be post-workout (HIIT at lunch today). Calories are well under for the day, not by design but by circumstance. I don't anticipate being hungry this…
  • For the past 3 months or so, I've been trying to track macros while keeping an eye on calories. On lift days, I've tried to go over by 300 calories or so, and on rest days I've tried to be at or under the calories for the day. Mostly, I log only during the week because I can't/don't make time to log foods on the weekend.…
  • Congratulations! My big issue seems to be Friday night. I tend to lose weight during the week and put it back on with Friday night beer and pizza. It's temporary weight gain, but since I started packing on the carbs it hasn't been so temporary. Adding carbs has been the right thing to do, but it's pretty clear to me now…
  • I am going to have to start doing this soon. Push-ups are my nemesis, mainly because I don't do them often enough. I had a pretty significant shoulder injury, and I think a pectoral tear as well, but even before that I was terrible at them. That needs to change.
  • Sounds good to me. I've been treading water for a while now, and I'm good with where I am but I think I can be even better. I've hit all of my original goals and now I'm trying to figure out what my new goals should be. I started by aiming for bigger lifts, figuring if I'm adding muscle I should also be burning off fat. It…
  • 1/2 inch in 6 weeks? You got this. One day at a time, starting today. Things are good here. I have never really felt deprived over the last couple years, but right now I am feeling good about my experiment to try eating more calories and increasing the carbs. Tomorrow should be a good litmus test after two days of heavy…
  • Strength training followed by a metcon definitely helps when trying to get leaner. That's one of my deviations from what was working and why I'm making slower progress, but right now I don't have the time to follow up my lifts with a metcon. We're moving to a new house in a couple weeks and the new yard has some good spots…
  • I used to think that Primal/Paleo was low carb, too. I've learned over time though that you simply have to earn the carbs and pay attention to your sources. So yeah, a distance runner like yourself will want more carbs than your average desk jockey looking to lose some weight. I like berries, sweet potatoes, rice and…
  • I'm eating Primal/Paleo and lifting 3x a week. I'm trying to get leaner by lifting weights, which means lots of protein and (healthy) fats to feed the machine. As such, I can't get enough protein and fat. I adjusted my macronutrient goals to be 40/40/20 for protein/fat/carbs. The default settings are far too low for me on…
  • I'd recommend dropping your carbs and increasing your fats. Not just any fats, mind you: healthy fats. Coconut, avocado, olive oil, nuts . . . those sorts of fats. Your protein looks pretty good, but way too many carbs. Eating more fats will help your body process the proteins more effectively (i.e., build muscle). The…
  • My vice remains beer and pizza on Friday nights. And I'm not talking about the beer you buy by the case either--it's the $9/bottle, knock-you-on-your-tail Belgian brews that I like. My wife's homemade pizza and one big bottle of Belgian ale makes the week disappear into the rearview mirror. It costs me when I step on the…
  • Not familiar with that diet specifically, but I've been following Primal for the last 9 months or so, and I've dropped 60 lbs. and approx. 8 inches around my waist as a result. No grains, no legumes . . . all the meat and vegetables I can stuff my face with. Fruit, dairy, and nuts are limited, but I don't miss them. If you…
  • Similar issue since I've taken up running. I think it's probably tendinitis, but I'll be interested to hear other opinions as well. Really flared up on me last week, I ended up having to limp the last 1/2 mile home.
  • Bump for later . . . I'm a recent convert to almond milk, looking for a good recipe.
  • You may lose more weight if you do more cardio, but you're likely to lose muscle mass, too. I know I did. I lost a lot of weight by doing lots of CrossFit metcon workouts, high-rep w/ low weights, but now I'm hitting the heavy weights to regain some of the muscle mass I lost along with the fat. If I had it to do over…
  • I started simply with counting calories and modifying my intake accordingly. I was also working out with dumbbells in the garage and hitting the treadmill for a vigorous walk a couple times a week. After about three months, I started reading about Primal/Paleo eating and learned that not all calories are created equal.…
  • I've been dealing with this issue lately, too. Best way to deal with it is to build muscle mass--it's a natural fat burner, and it will take the place of the fat you're losing. I switched gears a bit late in my weight loss journey (shifted emphasis from burning fat to building muscle) and I'm older so my skin doesn't snap…
  • In the last month, when I decided to shift from strictly burning fat to attempting to build muscle, I also shifted my diet to support the new workout philosophy. I changed my goal on MFP from 2lb/week to 1.5lb/week to increase my calories. Manually adjusted my macro goals to 40% protein, 30% fats and 30% carbs. I try to…
  • I probably started Primal in mid-November 2010. I'd already lost 30 lbs. by then using Body-for-Life, but I didn't have a plan for what to do after the first 12 weeks (do another 12 weeks, and another, for the rest of my life . . . . ?). A friend of mine is a gym rat who's seriously into fitness, and he told me about…
  • I don't know Insanity really well, but I have the impression it's similar to CrossFit. I do CF 4 days a week, lift heavy weights on a couple of those days, and run 3 miles or more on another day. It's not quite the PBF format, but it's a similar concept and it's been working for me.
  • I log it as calisthenics, since it usually involves push-ups, pull-ups, etc. and it's always intense. I'm probably under-reporting my calories burnt given how hard I work, but that keeps me from overeating so I'm OK with that. I also have been doing some lifting prior to the daily WOD, so I track that separately as weight…
  • A friend of mine is a serious CrossFitter, and he started coaching me through some WODs at lunch a couple times a week in our office gym. Start slow, but if you give max effort every time you will see positive results. I have a structurally weakened knee (LCL tear, fractured fibula) and I've broken my right ankle twice,…