Sparlingo Member


  • What a timely topic! I was literally just thinking about this very thing on my run tonight. I used to be VERY self-conscious about what others thought while I exercised, because I knew I was out of shape. I had a friend offer to run with me once years ago, and I nearly cancelled on her several times leading up to the run…
  • My dog and I would be up for a meet-up!
  • The photo didn't work - Use the direct URL and put {img} {/img} around it (using square brackets instead of curly. Something like this: {img}{/img} Congratulations on your weight loss, though! I bet the photo is impressive :smile:. Edited as I see you have the large photo up now. Use photobucket to…
  • Use to put the individual photos side by side. (That's what I did for these to give you an idea: You'll see the difference then. Also, don't forget to take measurements along the way. That measuring tape won't lie! Great…
  • Wow! That is truly impressive!! Great job. Congrats on the healthy changes in your life :smile:. All the best for you in your continuing success!!
  • :flowerforyou: There needs to be a smiley with a superhero cape.
  • I know what you mean!! I was fine with normal sports bras in Zumba until I had my son and started to breastfeed . . . Now I worry about giving myself a black eye. Reading with interest.
  • Yep! Wish I had been a little more diligent when I got pregnant again after my weight loss. I didn't gain a horrendous amount, but I miss being small! Working hard to get back there. Some things I enjoy about being smaller: looking good in clothes, being faster, being stronger (lifting weights), being more energetic,…
  • Wow! The description of the change from failing your pulm fx test to biking many miles - that alone made me all teary eyed with pride and I don't even know you. Clearly you don't need me to tell you you rock. But you rock!!
  • That progress is insane! You look frickin' amazing!
  • Wow! You look great! What a transformation :flowerforyou:
  • Congrats on your success so far! The photos didn't work, but you've got the coding right - I think you need to use a photo hosting site like photobucket or flickr or whatnot to post photos in the forums. I bet you look fabulous in them, though!
  • I wouldn't say it made me happy, but it certainly contributed greatly! It's not just the weight loss, though - knowing you're making positive changes and getting healthy contributes to confidence, even if you haven't "arrived" appearance-wise. I find I can wear shorts or a swimsuit and not be constantly thinking about what…
  • I started at 164 lbs (took "before" photos at 162 lbs). I lost until I was 107 lbs and then got pregnant again. Now I'm losing again. Anyway, here's what I looked like at 142 lbs: I highly recommend taking photos now so that you can compare later.…
  • If you're in a food court, opt for a pita place. I love the felafel pita at a local chain here.
  • Do what motivates you best! There is no wrong answer. I have friends that weigh weekly, others that weigh monthly. I have friends that weigh daily and record every weight, be it up or down (for trending graph purposes). Still others weigh daily but only record weekly (e.g. every Friday) or after a change proves consistent…
  • I lost 57 lbs in 9 months. --->
  • Bump - just downloaded the Stronglifts 5x5 app. . . nervous and excited to give it a go.
  • You can look through my entries - for most of my 57 lbs loss I took monthly progress photos. I'd say the changes were significant by about 3 months in. I'm also a shorty though (5'0").
  • Great progress! You should be proud, and definitely keep the before photos. Your jaw will drop looking at the changes when you get where you're going :smile:. Do you have anyone else that can take the photos for you? My husband takes my photos once a month in the same spot (I even try for the same lighting/time of…
  • Impressive change!! You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Keep it up!
  • Very visible difference - great work!!
  • A combination of weight lifting, running and Zumba helped me lose 57 lbs before I got pregnant with my son (I don't have photos from my lowest weight). He's one month old now, so I'm back to losing (doing weight, measurements and pictures on June 1st as my new "before"). I plan on doing it the same way this time :smile:.…
  • Hmm - so I'm noticing the photos I submitted to this thread were pretty early into my weight loss, and some ladies had mentioned that they were helpful. I hope that showing ones from a little further along would be even more helpful! The belly area definitely kept getting better. Shortly after these photos I got pregnant…
  • Just a reminder for the blogs... right click -> copy, right click -> paste. Skip the code stuff. Seriously. :smile: It's been working with my photobucket pictures!
  • I'm with you on the selfie thing . . . when every angle is just not quite the right one and you realize that it actually has nothing to do with the angle. Love this little story. You have every reason to be proud of your accomplishments, and to be confident of an even better photo at next year's game. You look GREAT!
  • You are not alone! Totally napping during the days now on my non-work days. Also, Zumba is getting harder. . . I go for treadmill walks at the gym now and waiting for the weather to be more kind for outdoor activity with Olivia. I was hoping to be way more active during my third trimester, but I haven't totally phoned it…
  • I'm not going to weigh in on if your excess weight got there by better means or not. The simple conclusion is if you continue to eat the foods that you do, in the quantities that you do, with the level of activity that you have, you will remain overweight, and likely continue to gain a bit of weight over time. If you're…
  • Also, very time-specific goals *can* be a good thing if they're realistic, but they also have to be FLEXIBLE! That is to say, don't beat yourself up if you're not your ideal weight by bathing suit season. If you're smaller than where you were when you started, and you're building healthy eating habits and learning to love…