lemmyhead Member


  • Thought I wasn't going to make it within my calories today... then realised I hadn't logged my run! WOOOOH! Yes to all 3. Ran to work, and did a bunch of weed-whacking for 30min this evening. Lawns are out of control at the moment!
  • Yikes!! Almost forgot to check in for yesterday! Yes to all 3... walked to and from work (1hour each way); tracked everything (including the wine) and stayed under ... luckily I planned in the walks to cater for the wines! Got my priorities straight for once! P.s my yesterday = your today. Whaaaaaat?! Yeah that’s…
  • yes x3 today, ran to work and popped into the community garden for a bit over an hour as well. need to find some filling snacks for at work... i got pretty nibbly today and didn't have many options.
  • That poodle's going to need lots of walks! yes x3 here today. Managed to walk to work, stay within budget and track everything. Feel like I am much more on track this month! Hope everyone else is settling into a rhythm with it as well :smile:
  • While a stayed within my personal goal of within 500calories of the MFp target; as it was recovery from my event day, I am going to use a pass today, as I was also in the car so no real exercise either. Sore shoulder but will keep up walking/running until that heals enough for some weights at the gym next week.
  • Yes x3! My run ended up taking 5hours, and was more of a mud scramble than an actual run. Made it though. Couldn’t even eat back those exercise calories, and trust me I tried!!
  • Yes x3.... lots of eating, loooooads of water, and lots of running errands around town collecting food, race registrations, compulsory gear checks all ready for tomorrow’s event. My team of 4 runners will cover 87kms in the hills and forest...and looks like it will be rain too. My segment will be 24km..that should earn me…
  • Feb 7th and 8th - both pass days. 7th I ended up working late the. Meeting an old friend for a few drinks - nothing crazy but went over calories a little. 8th - traveling for 6 hours and eating on the go left me over calories and no time for a run ... to make up for it, I am traveling g for a running event. On the 10th…
  • Wrote a big update and pressed the “done” button... it just took me out of the community area in the app and I lost the post. Summary ... yes x 3. Still have a cold, have a running event this weekend. Getting nervous with this cold. Prepping house for painting and some more gardening yesterday, lots of on-feet time.
  • Feb 5th - 3 x yes's! (thought i was going to go over on cals, but managed to keep my self under control!)
  • Feb 4th. Achieved lots in the garden today, yes x3
  • Well my Saturday is coming to a close. I wondered about wearing a heart rate monitor while i was doing my epic house cleaning mission today... instead i just logged that conservatively and went for a small run as well. Tracked: Yes Exercised: Yes Stayed In goal/budget: Yes. In fact, waaaaaaaay under. I feel there might be…
  • Sometimes I wish I’d put on my heart rate monitor before starting my cleaning mission! I’m not talking weekly normal chores here... more like an epic spring clean (except its mid summer in my part of the world).
  • despite still being unwell, i managed yes to all 3 ... luckily i had to move furniture at work, which took about an hour and worked up a little sweat! Exercise:Yes Budget: Yes Tracked: yesss (even that chocolate biscuit ... first one all week, was a friday treat :smile: )
  • Congratulations to all of the January Winners! Well done, you should all be very proud of your achievement :smile: I got a bit lost in January, so hoping Feb will work out better. Working with what life has dealt me, I had some sort of infection/flu yesterday, so today (1st Feb for me here in New Zealand) I have only just…
  • Fell off the wagon a wee bit with checking in during January, but I did keep logging most of Jan, and the days I didn't track, I kept myself *mostly* in check too. Here's hoping for a more consistent February! Well done to everyone who took part in January, and Congratulations to those who got into the winners circle!
  • Yes to all 3 today. Managed to get to the gym before flight Tomorrow will be hard. Funeral and family catch ups.
  • I wish i could train my cat to come for runs with me... instead she somehow finds burger patties and cauliflower from neighbours bins and brings them to me in the night... Anywho, January 7th, success! Exercise - yes, long run day (16km / 3hours on the trails) calorie budget ... yes. went out for lunch and had to guess the…
  • I take my own lunch most days ... the hard part is when we have office morning tea (once a month), then birthdays people bring in cake (it feels more like once a week), and then there is a bowl of candy (though getting better at avoiding that...) It's also a mental/politeness challenge for me, as people go out of their way…
  • Oops running a bit late on the 5th, and 6th! Jan 5th Exercise: Yes - more gardening - moved a small mountain of soil for a few hours. Now my everything hurts. Calorie budget - yess Tracked it all - yesssss ... logged the moving soil as a mix of gardening and "shovelling snow" ... while I am mid summer... seems legit. Jan…
  • I'm going to find it hard to keep checking in once I go back to work on the 8th. Being in the office makes it so much harder to make good choices and stick by them. I'd also like to change my mindset when I have had a long/tough/challenging day... instead of thinking "Give me a wine", I want to think "Let me run this off".…
  • Jan 4 ... yes x3 ... moved a trailer load of dirt in the hot sun, and pruned trees for a few hours. Had many opportunities to make bad food choices, but managed to push past those and wait for good food ... a little hungry still but have budget available if i decide to have some fruit.
  • January 3 Exercise- yep ... 3 hours stacking firewood and clearing the garage Calories - yep, well under today Tracked - yes, every little nibble
  • I second the advice to get a good sports bra! Protect them boobies! It's pricey, but not only better for you, but also made me a more confident runner. With those under control, start out with some good shoes. I made the rookie mistake of starting out with some cheap runners... got shin splints very quickly. Moved into…
  • Sometimes my average run pace is so slow that its the speed of MFP's "Brisk Walk" when I go to log it... don't be afraid of walking; even top athletes who run ultra distances still walk parts of their races. Someone else mentioned try run a block then walk a block... I started out even less than that; I would run "to the…
  • January 2 Exercise - Yes - 1 hour gardening, 2 hours cooking, 20min strength Calories Budget - yes ... though a little hungry right now, but too comfy in bed to get food. Tracked - yeeeeessssssss including the xmas cake ... left the rest at my sisters house so it can no longer tempt me...
  • Well looks like I might be the only one from the Southern Hemisphere... though there is still time ... :smile: January 1 Exercised: Yes - 1 hour run + 1 hour gardening Calories in goal: Yes - ate back most of my exercise calories but that is what I do... Tracked: Yep ... all there... including the christmas cake o:)
  • Does your foot surgery mean you can't exercise your arms as well? You can still get your heart rate up with arm based exercises while you're recovering your foot from surgery. Try this website for some ideas: http://darebee.com/workouts/superx-workout.html - this particular workout is "Perfect for: Anyone recovering from…
  • Don't always trust the first option that comes up when you go to log things. Check the nutrition values against the label of your packet until you get a better idea of your regular products. Don't "eyeball servings" on anything... except spinach and lettuce. Drink more water. Pee more often. Drink even more water. Measure…
  • Also, when you're eating at restaurants/bars/cafes, never assume it's gluten free! I've been caught out by many things ... the most surprising was hot fries at a bar ... turned out they had a delicious and invisible flavoured coating that was wheat based. And if in doubt ... just don't eat it :-(