Bertie02 Member


  • Tacoma/Spanaway here.
  • I'm in the same boat as you but started with closer to 130 to lose. I've been following a mediterranean keto for 5 weeks just started week 6 and I'm down 30lbs. Before I went full keto I gradually reduced my carbs for a month to make sure I didn't have too long of the keto flu (during this timeframe I didn't lose any…
  • Just tried this to stop reaching for cookies and it worked. A little sweet with a full packet of sweetener but was surprisingly good. Mock Cinnabon 1⁄2 cup 1% fat cottage cheese 1 (1 g) packet sugar substitute 7 pecan halves, toasted if you prefer ground cinnamon Combine cottage cheese and sugar substitute. Sprinkle with…
  • Rest it. I ended up injuring my knee further because I didn't listen to my body when it was telling me to slow down and take a step back. It ended up causing me to have knee surgery and now I'm recovering and barely able to do anything because I don't have the range in my knee yet. Maybe take it easy by walking/running and…
  • Thanks everyone. Its nice to hear that others have had similar experiences that I do. I try to eat healthy non processed foods lots of protein, nuts, vegetables, fruit and minimal amount of refined or starchy carbs. I didn't purposely change my way of eating but things got busy at home and work plus traveling etc I stopped…
  • Unless you're trying to prevent pregnancy I don't think anyone should be on birth control. You will have to find the mix of what works for you. I was on a supplement called Ovablend and that worked for me, although I had to go off of it because it was causing protein in my urine. I'm hoping that my body has had enough time…
  • I've found in the past if I cut breads/pastas etc out slowly I don't have as much of a withdrawal from it when I cut it completely. With that being said, I've found that I much prefer to eat small amounts of breads/pastas vs none at all. For me its more realistic and I can still get my blood sugars down and lose weight.…
  • There is defiantly a psychological mind set to losing weight, there are tons of studies regarding stress affecting weight loss. I'm wondering if your diet is too restrictive. I know for me if I cut out all refined carbs my body stalls and holds on to or gains weight. Because of this I decided I'm not going to cut out…
  • I find that when I first make major changes in my exercise or food choices I stay hungry for a few days and it gets better. I like to think of it as self sabotage because its my body's way of saying its not happy with the changes and it trys to get me to eat something wrong or workout less etc. Good Luck
  • I focus more on my total carbs vs the breakdown. I also look at the nutritional breakdown of packages stuff to make sure its not pure sugar. Over all if you're eating healthy... lean meats, whole wheat, vegetables and fruits you're doing good. I've had to tweak what I consume and limit processed carbs and try and get most…
  • I say go for a walk. Especially on the days you can feel the stress throughout your whole body. This is what I do and it seems to make things a little more manageable.
  • Congrats! Its an amazing feeling to see a 2 instead of a 3 in front. I've been there a few times and can't wait to get back there myself.
  • I'm 5'9" and have a little over 100 to lose. 100lbs this year would be great but a steady downward number is my goal, getting healthier, and hopefully off some of the medications I've been put on because of my weight. Everyone feel free to add me!
  • I think its different based on each person. I know for me its not until I'm in the lower 200s that I can start running because I get shin splints easily and have weak knees and ankles. Other people weigh more and can run no problem. My suggestion if you feel that you can start running, start slow and easy, listen to your…
  • My first goal is 250, my overall goal is 190-200. When I get there I might feel differently and want to go lower or higher, as I haven't seen those #'s in 20 years (1993-1994).
  • I second using A&D or a Vaseline something to help the skin slide vs catching.
  • I've been on Metformin ER for multiple years and its not made to reverse PCOS or lose weight, its made to regulate your blood sugar. With that being said I know I have lost weight when it causes me stomach issues, which comes and goes depending on my eating habits.
  • I am right now. I'm in physical therapy for my knee so I've minimized all other activity because I need my knee to heal. If you eat within your calorie range that is given with no exercise you'll lose weight. In a way I'm kind of glad I'm not able to exercise like I normally would, because this has given me a chance to…
  • I really don't have an overall goal yet because I've been overweight for so long I don't know where I want to be. My first goal is to be under 300. Then I figured I would set mini goals of 30lbs.
  • Great Job! Such an inspiration!
  • You've probably gone out already, but I realized I forgot to tell you my favorite 'trick' when eating out or eating at someone elses house. Split the plate in quarters, 2 of those quarters should be veggies, 1 should be protein and the other your carb. If you apply this rule when eating food you really can't account for…
  • Plan on what you're going to have, that way when you get there your eyes are not wondering the menu getting you in trouble. By planning you can sorta figure out calories etc. Have a glass of water after your first beer, it might save you the calories of a second beer, and if you choose to have a second you at least had…
  • You look amazing! You have definately inspired me!
  • Every time you eat its a new chance. I know its not easy, and its even harder when you're not honest with yourself (like I am). Remember you're not alone. I struggle each meal to make healthy choices and stay on track. Most the time I fail, but that doesn't keep me from trying at my next meal. Small changes and baby steps.…
  • Sent you a friend request. I find myself messing up all the time. I'll have two or three good days and then suddenly I mess everything up. Or I do good in the morning and dinner is a disaster. I personally am looking for the moment that I get tired of being overweight. I had it before and lost 60lbs and was really…
  • I'm going for 10lbs by new years eve.
  • I don't have any, but I really like the idea of a bracelet, and getting a new bead every 10-20lbs.
  • Sent you a friend request. My heaviest was 356 I lost almost 80lbs and I've slowly gained it back over the last few years. Although I didn't hit 356 again have been back up to the 340's. I've been bouncing around in the teens to twenties for the last year. I've decided its now time to get my butt in gear and get down to a…