Rororosie Member


  • Hi, I'm Rosie. I live in Arizona. Been page for like a zillion years since age 12 and I'm 58 now. I have been both solitary and in coven and in various groups that were more like circles and was in Pagan Pride for a while. I have a fair amount of knowledge, do a lot of divination and know tarot well, as well as have a good…
  • My basic post for me... Saturday a.m. I weighed in. Somewhat disappointed that it was a loss of -.4 pounds even though I totally know I would tell someone else that was great. I also totally know that it's not all calories in/calories out -- so although I never went above calories - I do go below some days. I know that's…
  • hi ladies - well started to read down and I'm going to have to stop. I have my opinions about everything and I debate them on my FB. I came here for support with weight loss so I'm going to have to be careful coming here if we are going to be engaged in debating the hot topics of the day. I just can't do it and it means I…
  • I enjoyed Lisa's front page!!!! I also read through so quickly and will probably be late on replies as I had a super busy day. Tonight is busy too. I had a quarrel with my daughter this a.m. about her website -- from my point of view, I had done an update in late April and since then was checking in with her about her…
  • So last night I was super tired right after work. At first I wondered why and then I remembered I had had insomnia the night before, doh! So I also had forgotten my tennis shoes - and had worn only my new balance "flip flops" (they don't really flip or flop though)... and it was not a regularly scheduled gym night... so I…
  • Hello my friends, this is my second day so I'm not a newbie anymore lol lol Jackie - welcome from this 2 day wonder. And welcome Jan too! Becca - I'm glad you know your veins. I used to go to a place that gave $30 vitamin drips (they are like $100 or more everywhere else) but it was a training place for naturopathic…
  • Oh I can't resist ya... I just read one page though Cheri - I like how you got your rental. I used that "personalize it with a letter" thing to get my pretty little condo that I love. It's a good technique. It helps the owner/property manager to know they are getting a good renter(s)! Nancy - hi I'm new too. I don't have…
  • Hi jumping in here, new... looks like this is a busy group, but I will try it and see if I can swim through and not drown. Will start doing replies in a little while after I hang out more. My name is Rosie, I live in the Phoenix Arizona area. I'm 58, I work as a project manager, and am not married. My one grown daughter is…
  • thanks.... well.... I am not totally sure I have mapped all the variables within the short time frame, but one day I did eat very low calories earlier in the day and my energy totally was sapped by the end of day.... so the next day I distributed my calories into the earlier part of the day and it seems like my levels were…
  • Consensus is BOTH! Both are fun. Agreed. And when i used to wear my heart rate monitor during classes drills and dance classes got me up to the same rate, but I will say stopping for a lot of talk during a class would probably make it be less helpful for weight loss but could be good for technique... I miss class... I…
  • I am wise woman who is also hella fun. Come to me for advice but also be prepared to giggle and guffaw. People don't tend to ask me for practical help with such as moving, but more for spirtual advice and comfort. Encouragement to grow and change, and sparks for creative ideas. Friend me now. You will not regret. Unless…
  • Congrats on the job. I used to be able to sometimes find 40DDs there, then I gained rather than losing and couldn't find bras that fit there, so I just stopped going. Knowing they hired you, it makes me feel MUCH more likely to go back and shop there as I lose the weight. I love love love sexy clothes, but for now would…
  • Ha! Well it is cute and it will help me remember it! Thanks!
  • Ugh I hate that disappear only to reppear again thing... how can a woman PLAN!?!??!?! AHHHHH... I was so regular in my cycles until periomenopause hit, then the closer I got to menopause, the more my cycles were unpredicable.... now I'm not really having them much but the randomness of hormone fluctuations is really really…
  • We'll be sending good energy for you to make it through. Do we get to have a party when we make it? Can we have little parties on the group, at least virtually? For each of us who makes it through the rite of passage!!!
  • All I can do is commiserate! I'm in the same state. I had 7 months, had a period in Feb. so now I'm counting over... March April May come on menopause!!!!
  • Oh yah, I am interested in friend adds too!
  • Never had migraines and cannot help with that. Periomenopause I know what you mean, mine started at age 41 and so it seemed like forever. Now I am firmly in menopause territory, waiting for my 12 months to role around so I can start figuring out the joys of post menopausal-ness..... For me it has been mostly mild, but…
  • Is it safe to walk outside in July? I'm serious. I always start staying inside about late June.... and go to the gym. Miss my walks, but it is so unpleasant to be outside. But now I have a little doggie and she likes her walks, and they are good for Mom too....
  • Thanks for having this group!!! Looking forward to learning more!
  • Tempe, Broadmor neighborhood. Lived in Arizona for 29 years, mostly in Tempe, but also in Prescott Valley, Glendale, and Mesa!
  • Hi Kids, sorry I haven't been on... I will try to get on more but for a while my attention may be consumed by job search and apartment search... I did weigh in at the Doctor's (I only weigh in every 1-2 months) and I lost 11 more pounds for a total of 22 (for some reason my ticker shows 23, so I might be wrong, it might be…
  • I was a member of this thread some time ago but haven't been able to get on for a while, and it may be a while before I can be really active in this thread again, but wanted to pop in and say hi. I have lost 22 pounds in the last 4 months, for me, at my age, I am very happy with it. It is very steady and I seem to have…
  • I use one of the cheaper watch ones, a MIO, and I find it very useful for gauging the intensity of my exericise. And yes I use it more when doing a new exercise. I take dance classes a lot and they tend to vary in terms of intensity. I also use the exercise bike at the gym and use it to test the accuracy of what the…
  • Just checkin in... I have been reading recent posts, hoping to gradually get to know everyone. I am one who cannot weigh daily. In fact, I cannot even weigh weekly. I weigh every 1-2 months at the doctors office. I can tell if I'm going in the right direction as my clothes will change in the meantime. I am just a sort of…
  • Hi, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Rosie and I have been on MFP for a while now. I have been recording and losing weight again for about 3 months now. I only weigh in every 1-2 months, so recently I changed my weight with a guess so I could get my top calories right. One of my goals this month is to weigh in at…
  • I agree with this, I'm an emotional eater... stress, etc. When I get rollin, I do well, but can be derailed by a bout of emotional eating. That's why I don't weigh in every week, because I get too emotional regardless of whether the results or good or bad (I weigh in at my doctor's appointment now so it's not every week…
  • Good job... my favorite saying is "There is no failure except NO LONGER TRYING". Every time I've worked on my food issues and losing weight I've learned and it is all culimating towards my eventual success. NEVER GIVE UP!
  • The journey starts with the first step... do the next thing you can do, then the next, and soon you will be well on your way. Make a plan for the wedding food, prepare by eating before hand and bring a protein bar or other portable food, and thinking over choices that might be the best for YOU! Good job on posting and…
  • I will agree... water is key. often when I THINK I am hungry I am actually really thirsty. Another thing I like to do is exercise - belly dance or walk or stretch or anything - or like many, distract myself with music (I sing and play guitar), or any other goal... usually once I'm fully hydrated, have moved and distracted…