dontpanic1984 Member


  • Make a healthy smoothie! The calories can add up FAST, but it can be really good calories. When I make smoothies I do a base of soy milk, add frozen fruit and a big heaping handful of baby spinach. If I need/want more calories and nutrients, I add peanut butter and/or avocado. If you're freaked out by smoothies with…
  • I just bought a cheapo plastic hula hoop yesterday and hooped for 45 min straight! So far I can only hoop counterclockwise - which irritates me! I want to be able to go both ways so I can learn some hoop tricks/dancing. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing differently that makes it so hard for me to hoop clockwise. In…
  • Foil pouches! Season filet on both sides (I use salt, pepper, and lemon zest), place in the middle of a big piece of aluminum foil, then pile a mound of fresh veggies on top (ideas: broccoli florets, bell peppers, onion, carrot slices, zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc, etc). I then squeeze some lemon juice, sriracha…
  • Because you're losing a small amount of weight it's going to be quick at the beginning and then very slow (and require a lot more work as you get in better cardiovascular shape). My weight loss goals are almost identical to yours. I stopped checking the scale once I was above 140, so my starting weight was somewhere above…
  • here's a calculator to determine calories from heart rate. it's based on your average heart rate over the duration of your workout, so you might have to do a bit of guessing to get the average w/o a monitor. to…
  • If you're scared to zig-zag your calories, you can also try zig-zagging your workouts. Try your best not to have a regular, predictable workout schedule. Burn 400 calories doing cardio one day, then just take a 100 calorie walk on another day, etc. Also, I know everyone's really grinding this in, but definitely eat your…
  • It's very irritating being petite and small-framed when everyone wants to tell you that you don't need to worry about getting in shape - or they use it as a springboard to beat up on themselves for being bigger. I can't tell you how many times I was at the beginning of my weight loss and people would say, "You're only…
  • Hell yeah, go for the 4!
  • Whoa, you guys melted away! NICE.
  • FIXED. Thank you thank you!
  • Katybun - Thanks for your valiant effort, btw
  • Here's the URL I've got " " on the right (except lowercase). dunno what's wrong...
  • I don't think my pics worked....
  • You're wearing SKINNY JEANS!!! Very impressive results. Also, I love the wall color in the after pic.
  • A medium baked potato with 1 T smart balance, 2 T salsa, 1/4 C shredded mexican cheese. Also about 15 baby carrots and 4 T hummus for dipping. 473 calories, 10g of fiber. Good stuff.
  • Nice idea w/ the Sriracha! Taking notes...
  • Also, for those of you interested, I posted the ingredients to my tuna salad: It's also good in a hollowed out tomato!
  • Very true - and believe me, I'm anything but a low-carb enthusiast. It's just that I've realized that - like almost everything - it's too easy to over-do it on the calories from carbohydrates, especially bread. I already eat oatmeal every day for breakfast and usually have some other kind of whole grain in one of my meals.…
  • Awesome! I'm really glad to hear that, because I've never had any of my doctors or therapists push for me to exercise. I discovered how well it works completely on my own. I've got a friend who's been completely down in the dumps and has gained 30lb, and she's very aware now that the two are NOT unrelated. She and I had…
  • Hey, congratulations on feeling motivated to start a new lifestyle! Make sure to let us all know when you get those jeans on (WHEN not IF)! Keep it up and you'll feel more and more proud of yourself as you go on. When you hit a slump, make yourself a new workout mix of music so you can get fired up to get on the treadmill…
  • As far as hitting a plateau is concerned, not dwelling on it is the best way. When you learn to ignore the scale for a while and instead focus on how you feel, you'll get a much better result from your workout (emotionally and physically). I know I haven't lost an ounce in a while, but still every single time I have a good…
  • the last 10 pounds are always the slowest and most difficult. hang in there and keep it up. remember how much more energy you have and how much healthier you feel now than you did at your starting weight - that really helps with the motivation. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • for those of you in texas, HEB grocery stores have store brand "bakeshop light" breads. i like their honey wheat. 45 cal a slice! also, those of you who miss bread should try thomas bagel thins. i like the whole grain ones (110 cal each) with a bit of fat free cream cheese and crofter's superfruit spread (60 cal total for…
  • bump. trying this recipe soon
  • the ones in the refrigerated section? and how do you make chips out of them? curious, and excited to try :)
  • To be specific, I ended up having 64g of fat today, of which half was avocado and almonds. It just seems like a really big number. I ended the day on about 1275 kcal or so, I think.
  • also, i highly recommend baked potatoes topped with fresh veggies, salsa, and deli meat. it's not so many calories if you avoid cheese and butter, and if you're careful about the type and amount of meat. it's nutritious, low cal, and FILLING. Example: 1 med yukon gold potato (poke some holes in it and microwave for 6 min…
  • 1200 isn't a blanket number for all people. it's more of a guideline. i'm only 5' 1.5", small of frame, and a full time student who spends a lot of time sitting down pushing a pencil so 1200 net calories works great for me. the first week or so of 1200 i was like "WHYYYYY???? I NEED MORE FOOOOOOOOD!" and then all at once,…
  • make a biiiig batch of a healthy soup or something (freeze some of it if necessary) so that you have healthy, good food available when you get home, and all you have to do is heat and eat. also, it'd be a good idea to bring a bag of baby carrots and a few pieces of fruit to work with you, so you can snack and keep your…
  • you look so much younger. keep it up!