

  • Thank you! I have been following the Paleo Diet pretty strictly. Counting calories makes me obsessed with food, so I don't. Instead, I try to watch the size of my portions (with mixed success) and follow 10/14 eating schedule - that is I try to limit all of my food consumption in a 10-hour period, usually from 9am to 7pm.…
  • This is a very impressive result. Keep it up!
  • Thank! Hmm...that's strange! It works just fine on my computer.
  • I have not weighed myself since March 1st. Back then I was 146.6 and wanted to lose about 20lbs. By the look of my progress shots, I think I might have lost 5-6 pounds, so there is about 15lbs to go. This being said, I am not fixated on the numbers. If I am happy with the way I look at a higher weight, I most certainly…
  • Yes, there are many different variations. Some claim that not eating after 6 is a diet myth, but I am pretty sure the rate of my weight loss has increased since I've adopted this technique.
  • It is an intermittent fasting technique. You try to limit all of your food consumption to an 8 hour interval. For me, it works out to not eating after 6pm and having breakfast around 10am, but you can pick any interval you like.
  • Do you have a thyroid problem? I believe it is associated with slow metabolism. Also, how healthy are the calories you're consuming?
  • I am on day 26 of the 30 Day Shred, and have seen pretty good results. You can check out side by side comparison before 30DS, after Level 1 and Level 2 on my blog ( I am not counting calories or macronutrient ratios. All I do is eat 100% clean Paleo and follow 8/16…
  • If your avatar picture reflects how you're looking right now, I'd say you're doing just fine. I don't think you need to lose any more weight, but I would no call bony or scary skinny. You look quite toned!
  • How clean is your diet? You can only do so much by counting calories. What about the exercise?
  • Day four for me today. Still Liking level 3 much better than Level 2. The exercises are pretty tough, but not as unpleasant.
  • Stick to it! 10 Days from now, on the first day of L2, you'll be pretty nostalgic about how easy L1 was. I promise :)
  • I am yet to find any and would also like to know.
  • There are some foods that are commonly known to cause bloating, such as dairy, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, salty foods, beans, apples, pears, and carbonated beverages, but I suppose it would be pretty individual. If you're keeping a food journal, try also keeping track of when you feel bloated. This way you'll be able to…
  • Definitely take a closer look at your diet. Perhaps you're underestimating how many calories you're consuming. It is especially easy to do with "health foods." Personally, if I don't control myself, I end up snacking on a whole lot of fruit, which are known to be not as harmless (calorie-wise) as they seem. The only…
  • I'd recommend to try eating 100% clean for a couple month. Illuminate from your diet pretty much everything except from fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats + fish (if you are not a vegetarian), low-fat dairy (if you consume dairy), and grains (assuming you're not following Paleo). Don't fry anything in oil. Don't eat…
  • In my experience, sometimes one just needs make a choice. If I want my legs (which is where 90% of my fat gets stored) to look half way decent, I need to embrace a nearly flat chest :/
  • Well, if your old habit are as bad as mine than you could have easily cancelled out whatever progress you have made earlier. Perhaps, you should try making more gradual changes. If you tend to eat too much, don't reduce your calories to a point when you feel hungry all day. If you don't exercise, don't begin working out…
  • I keep hearing that people prefer level 3 to level 2. My first day is tomorrow. Hopefully, I will join the crowd of the L3 fans!
  • I had the most difficult time in the first five days of the level 2. Once I moved past the half point mark, thinks became a bit easier (for purely psychological reasons). Now that I have only one more workout left (later today), I am super excited about moving on to the next level.
  • I will be doing Ripped in 30 in April. After that I am planning on mixing up various Jillian's DVDs. I also like the idea of repeating 30DS some time later with heavier weights.
  • I'm not sure how healthy this is, but I know that completely eliminating salt from your diet might help to quickly lose the water weight. You can also introduce, one 24 hour fast a week, not eat after 6pm, and completely eliminate all sugar from your diet. Some people swear they see a visible result after 10 hours of…
  • It was day 2 of the second Level for me. I switched my 5lbs dumbbells to the 3lbs ones on some of the exercises, but it was still pretty tough. I did take slightly less breaks than yesterday, however, so hopefully it'll get a bit better as the time goes by.
  • I agree with everyone who says that you already look great, but I do think that if you lost the remaining 12lbs that are on your ticker and focused on toning up, you'd look even better.
  • Losing about 20lbs would put me exactly where I need to be. Extra motivation is always good, so feel free to add me! -Ma
  • I did find Level 2 much more challenging. In fact, even though Level 1 was not a piece of cake for my, I did not even break a sweat for the first 10 days. In contrast, I was sweating like a pig and cursing like a sailor for most for most of the yesterday's workout :)
  • To be honest, I doubt that one can lose this much weight in 2 weeks, especially if he/she is already pretty skinny. Since you didn't gain those 7 pounds in a week, I would assume most of them do not come from water weight or stuff still sitting in your intestines. As we all know, to get rid of one pound of fat a week you…
  • Thank you for the feedback! It's good to know that I am not the only one who sees some changes :)
  • I prefer Level 2 as well even despite sucking pretty bad today and having to stop every five seconds to catch a breath.
  • I've completed D1 of L2 on March 11th. Surprisingly, despite finding Level 2 extremely challenging and ending up plastered on the floor for a good five minutes after the workout, I think that I might prefer it to Level 1. Perhaps it has to do with all the plank poses, which I happen to like, and the decrease in the number…