Vacation! Yikers!

Hi everyone,

I am going on vacation in approx. 6 weeks. Sun, tropics, clothing minimal.. (fun times right?)

I don't expect miracles of 40, 30 or heck even 20 lb weight loss. What I would like to know however is what do each of you do for slightly-faster than recommended weight loss? (I.e. instead of 1-2 lbs a week, perhaps 2-3 lbs) Obviously only for the short term. Or alternatively, what type of exercise routine would you recommend to help facilitate this? Or both? Please keep in mind I am a vegetarian so anything relying on meat consumption is out. :)



  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    I'm not sure how healthy this is, but I know that completely eliminating salt from your diet might help to quickly lose the water weight. You can also introduce, one 24 hour fast a week, not eat after 6pm, and completely eliminate all sugar from your diet. Some people swear they see a visible result after 10 hours of Callanetics. Good luck!