

  • Happy Valentines, everyone! So, I've decided to get back on the tracking wagon... But I only remembered to weigh in this morning, after I had eaten breakfast. So! I'm going to go with my weight from yesterday morning, if that's alright- it was 161.5 lbs.
  • I have no idea what my weight is this with x( I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and I can definitely see improvements, but I'm just so tuckered out lately! I think I'm coming down with something nasty. I know I haven't lost anything- and I've actually gained quite a bit of muscle- but I'm hoping for that to…
  • If you have an iPod, iTunes has this program where you can download things for free... iTunes U. I use it to download audio readings of books; a Florida college, I believe, has this one set of Sherlock Holmes that I flew through. There's tons of stuff there! Books read aloud, lectures, etc...
  • 157lbs. I ate too much junkfood this week! Our garbage disposal broke, so we've been eating out. I haven't been logging for that reason. Going to clean up the house sothe repair man can come over! This week, I will alternate days between strength training and cardio. I will get a reusable wate bottle and use it all the…
  • SW: 159lbs W1: 156.5lbs Happy Monday everyone!
  • I've got a big trip coming up this summer, and I just did the math... If I can lost 1.5 pounds a week, then I can meet my goal and more by the time I leave for the trip! I can't remember if I've said this here already... I've started the new year off well, but completely hectic!
  • 159 today! I think I'm really a little lower, but I had chips last night and not enough water. Started my workout routine again last night. Rach, I hope things get better for you! I know everyone here looks up to you and are so grateful to you for organizing this.
  • For some reason, I was convinced I was supposed to weigh-in tomorrow (technically today, since it's past midnight...)! Just goes to show I've been gone from the group too long. I'm only up to 158 since the holidays, which I guess is pretty good! Though, I still have New Years to worry about, I don't think it will be that…
  • 156.5lbs today. Didn't eat as well or exercise as much as I should have, but there's always this week!
  • -shudders- Not a fan of last weeks numbers, not at all... So I just need to look at it positively and give myself a kick in the butt! This week, I will: drink 8 cups of water eat mostly fresh food exercise 30min a day eliminate those 3.5lbs!
  • 159.5... yikes! Gotta get on top of it this week! Last week was my best friend and my brother's birthdays... and I'm too much of a sucker for cake.
  • 156 lbs! I have no idea how that happened... But I'm happy to accept it!
  • Today... I noticed that I had abs. Somewhere. Hiding underneath a bit of fat that still needs to go, but... Definitely abs. So excited!
  • Good luck to all of those in the states/anywhere celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow! Also, here's to wishing Jasper's surgery went fantastically!
  • 160.5... Not what I wanted to see, but alright. I'll try to fix that next week.
  • I weigh myself every day. Sometimes I wake up feeling chunky, and it makes me want to weigh in because I either want to be pleasantly surprised or be able to catch and see what my recent eating habits have done to my weight loss. It's all a personal thing, really. I do it because it keeps me on top of controlling my habits…
  • I lost 2.5lbs this week! Was 161 last week, just weighed in at 158.5. :) I hadn't really been able to catch any body changes in me, until I saw myself standing sideways in front of a mirror and my stomach wasn't bulging out. My shirts don't really fit anymore! Can't wait until my pants don't, either ;)
  • Ohmygoodnessgraciousme. I'm finally under 160lbs. It's not HUGE or anything, since it's only one pound down from yesterday, but it means I've finally kicked that plateau in the butt! Ahhhh! I am so happy! I know I don't talk here much, but this group has really helped me to stay motivated.
  • Wow Rach, thirty pounds! You look great! Proud of you (:
  • Hey, sorry I'm late! I got up early and went out to a job today, and I had no idea I would be out so long! I just got back, actually. I weighed in at 161lbs today, which I think is up .5lbs from last week? The good news is, I've been on my feet all day delivering phone books door-to-door, so I got a couple of hours of…
  • Motivated- I don't really have any tips there. But I just broke a plateau that had been getting me down, and these things made it easier for me to break it. Tell your MFP friends you're having trouble. They'll urge you on, and then be there for you when you succeed. Never allow success to be an option. Even if it doesn't…
  • I lost another pound today! This is the lowest I've been since I started on MFP, and marks 15 lbs lost since I started trying to lose weight! And, hopefully, it means my terrible, enthusiam crushing plateau is over. My goals: I WILL drink at least six glasses of water everyday I WILL walk for at least 45 mins everyday,…
  • My bet is that they're candy zombies! Or maybe chaperone zombies... On Saturday, I pretty much only ate carbs and chocolate milk, and yesterday my diet consisted of chocolate and more chocolate, but I've weighed in at 161.5 consistently for four days! Down a pound from last week. I just wanted to let you guys know how much…
  • I weigh myself every day, just so I can monitor what happens to my body when I eat certain things, but my official weigh in day is Monday because of several groups I've joined that weigh on Monday. I weigh around 12 in the afternoon, because it's most convenient for me, in my PJ top and my skivs, after using the bathroom.…
  • Last week I weighed in at 164.5, and today I weighed in at 162.5! I can almost feel it... Just over the curb and finally I'll be in the 150s again. I can't wait!
  • Rach, I was about 167 lbs eight weeks ago. I walk, between half an hour and an hour every day. Sometimes that's all I do, but usually I get on the Wii Fit later and do some games just to make sure I've done an hour of exercise... Even if the exercises I'm doing on the Wii aren't burning a ton of calories. And that's it!…
  • Did my forty-five continuous minutes! Just got back from a 50 minute walk. Have had about five glasses of water today, so halfway there! Haven't completely finished my exercising for today, but I'm pretty sure I'll only be under calories-wise by a little bit. Didn't get a chance to go out to buy a snack, but we did try a…
  • I'd love to join! Starting weight: 164.5 lbs Goal weight: 130 lbs I'm pretty close to today's challenges, even though I didn't see this thread until now! I've exercised for an hour and eight minutes today, with 48 minutes of continuous walking, and so far I've had eight cups of water. I've got 181 calories left, after…
  • Way to go, guys! This is fantastic!
  • To everyone who lost or maintained... Fabulous! Very proud of you :) Way to go, especially, jaspersmommy! Every time I see one of your workout updates I go "Woah... She'll be sleeping well tonight!" Great job. To those who gained... Smile! You'll do better next week, I'm certain. Sometimes, we all have the little dips in…