Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 10!



  • brittanydaniel79
    Hey girls! Great job last week! I'm stuck at 199.

    My goals for this week...starting tomorrow:

    no cheese
    8+ cups of water every day
    increase speed of c25k week 3
    start the push up and sit up challenges again
  • ElvenMother427
    Noticed my pants were loose last night while trick-or-treating :) I had to keep pulling them up. So, today I tried on a pair of 14 jeans I had.....and the fit perfectly!!!!!!! No nice to be back in a 14....hoping to get to a 12 soon :):)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all! officially weighing in at 166.5.. finally down from last time! Love the weekly goals, so here are mine:

    I WILL NOT make excuses for not working out.
    I WILL NOT drink less than 8 glasses of water each day.
    I WILL NOT overendulge in the left over Halloween candy in the kitchen.
  • Katiekat1182
    Katiekat1182 Posts: 83 Member
    My goals:

    I will drink my water every day
    I will push myself in my workouts.
    I will be out of the obese range by the end of the week!
  • kayleigh333
    My goals:

    I WILL get back on track after these past few horrible days!
    I WILL find a way to exercise that doesn't aggravate my back (injured it on saturday :sad: )
    I WILL try to incorporate more fruit and veg in to my daily eating!

    Good luck, hope everyone has a good week!
  • sheilabennett
    Great job last week ladies!!!

    My goals this week:

    I WILL put my lunch together at night before I go to bed.
    I WILL make real meals instead of eating whatever is at hand
    I WILL start going back to the gym and stop making excuses

    Good luck everyone!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Nicely done ladies!

    Nam - I love your new photo! Beautiful!

    Rach - great idea to post our goals for the week.

    I WILL try to stay positive during this health/weight ordeal!

  • brittanydaniel79
    I love everyone's goals! Good luck this week girls!

    My motivation is definitely waning. Any tips on how to stay fired up about doing this whole losing weight thing? Maybe it's because I didn't lose weight for the first time since I started MFP--it's kind of a bummer!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh, I want to add another goal.

    I WILL NOT eat after 8pm. I'm bad about eating dinner right before bed and then going over my portions as well because I'm so hungry by then.

    Oh and I got a McD's iced coffee this morning and noticed the straw changes colors!!! Totally made my day. :laugh:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    They change colors?! I love it.

    Tired, tired, tired this morning. We have sign language therapy at noon, then the post office to mail the clothes I sold on e-bay. Clothes that are now too big = Extra Christmas money! :D
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    my boss looks at me today... and goes... you look great.

    so im like... what? my hair? (cuz she keeps saying she likes my hair haha)

    And she goes no... everything... you're really starting to look great.

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :-D

    sometimes people don't realize the impact of just a few words.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Well, I already failed one of my goals. Only had 7 glasses yesterday. :ohwell: Guess I'll try again today.

    Oh, but I did have the jar of queso staring at me from the fridge, luring me to its cheesy goodness, and I said no, you're not allowed! So success on that one. :smile:
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Way behind. But it seems nothing changed weight wise. 198 again this week.

  • abbycat900
    I lost another pound today! This is the lowest I've been since I started on MFP, and marks 15 lbs lost since I started trying to lose weight! And, hopefully, it means my terrible, enthusiam crushing plateau is over.

    My goals:
    I WILL drink at least six glasses of water everyday
    I WILL walk for at least 45 mins everyday, even if it's cold!
    I WILL weigh in the 150s by next week! Nothing else is acceptable!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    There is a big dark rain cloud all over my day. No seriously, it's flippin' pouring outside. I suppose today's work out will be indoors. Lame.
  • abbycat900
    I love everyone's goals! Good luck this week girls!

    My motivation is definitely waning. Any tips on how to stay fired up about doing this whole losing weight thing? Maybe it's because I didn't lose weight for the first time since I started MFP--it's kind of a bummer!

    Motivated- I don't really have any tips there. But I just broke a plateau that had been getting me down, and these things made it easier for me to break it.

    Tell your MFP friends you're having trouble. They'll urge you on, and then be there for you when you succeed.

    Never allow success to be an option. Even if it doesn't come tomorrow, or next week, know that you'll never make your goals unless you go out everyday and work out- even if it's something small.

    Don't completely cut out little treats. For instance, I've been stealing my brothers Halloween candy to nibble on, but I'm not having soda or fast food or dessert.

    Try and make what you do a routine. Then, even if you haven't lost weight, you feel compelled to go out an do it because you're used to that, and you've left the time in your day for it, so why not?

    And finally, most importantly, remember that even if the scale says you're not losing weight, know that you're doing something for your body that is more important than only losing weight: you're committing to a better, healthier, more active future.
  • brittanydaniel79
    I love everyone's goals! Good luck this week girls!

    My motivation is definitely waning. Any tips on how to stay fired up about doing this whole losing weight thing? Maybe it's because I didn't lose weight for the first time since I started MFP--it's kind of a bummer!

    Motivated- I don't really have any tips there. But I just broke a plateau that had been getting me down, and these things made it easier for me to break it.

    Tell your MFP friends you're having trouble. They'll urge you on, and then be there for you when you succeed.

    Never allow success to be an option. Even if it doesn't come tomorrow, or next week, know that you'll never make your goals unless you go out everyday and work out- even if it's something small.

    Don't completely cut out little treats. For instance, I've been stealing my brothers Halloween candy to nibble on, but I'm not having soda or fast food or dessert.

    Try and make what you do a routine. Then, even if you haven't lost weight, you feel compelled to go out an do it because you're used to that, and you've left the time in your day for it, so why not?

    And finally, most importantly, remember that even if the scale says you're not losing weight, know that you're doing something for your body that is more important than only losing weight: you're committing to a better, healthier, more active future.

    Abby, thank you! That's just what I needed :flowerforyou:

    BTW--I got 8 glasses of water in by noon today! And I'm not stopping there. :drinker:

    After work at 2, I'm going to go home, grab a pear to eat, maybe some powerade, and hit the treadmill hard!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    BTW--I got 8 glasses of water in by noon today! And I'm not stopping there. :drinker:

    Ugh, I got my iced coffee this morning so I haven't even started drinking water yet. Blah. Guess it's time!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning everyone. They have decided on a date for Grandmas' services (this weekend) however, I have no update on Grandpa yet. I'm not sure if he will make the funeral or not. I'll be glad when this week is over and everyone can start picking up the pieces and try and move on.

    I decided to start my own personal challenge by doing 14 days straight of the 30 day shred. Starting yesterday and do days 1-4 at level 1, then days 5-10 at level 2 and then 11-14 at level 3. I plan on measuring myself after those 14days ae up to see if there's a hint of change, we'll see! I just finished 2/14...I ache!! I know it's *mostly* a good ache, but still! I woke up and my butt muscles were killing me, lol! I'm still sick-ish. My sore throat is long gone, but I still have a horrible cough and running and stuffy nose, which is driving me crazy!

    I made my first ever 'seafood' dish last night, Super Scampi from Rachael Ray. I did everything (but the anchovies, I just COULDN'T add those!) and it turned out great!! My picky hubby who doesn't like to try new dishes LOVED it! It was my first time trying shrimp, I didn't like that part of it, but the pasta and flavors itself was fabulous. I recommend it to anyone, it's got a great flavor.

    On that note, it's time for me to cook up my lunch, Whole Wheat Chicken Helper (honey mustard---YUM!) and some carrots and maybe a banana or apple, not sure yet. Have a good day all!!

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • brittanydaniel79
    BTW--I got 8 glasses of water in by noon today! And I'm not stopping there. :drinker:

    Ugh, I got my iced coffee this morning so I haven't even started drinking water yet. Blah. Guess it's time!

    I really liked your paperclip idea last week! Get on it, girl! :)