FireRox21 Member


  • I live at home with my parents and they have the junk food in the house. They are slowly coming around, but no matter what, Del Taco still manages to get in the kitchen. I can't lock the doors, etc. because we are all on different schedules. I see the sleep doctor to discuss my sleep study results in a couple of weeks, so…
  • Tell myself to take it way more seriously!!! I joined In 2009 and am just now starting to work with the program.
  • I don't think I'm going to the right Costco stores!! Mine never has dessert or pizza samples. They usually have crackers, nuts, fish, cheese, and rarely deli meats for samples.
  • I don't go to the food court. I'm only talking about the little samples. My trainer, who watches my diet like a hawk, told me to have a cheat day. If not, I would go crazy.
  • I have that movie on my Netflix. My trainer wants me to start juicing in the New Year. She wants me to do a 3 day juice fast, but I can eat some fruit so I have something solid in my stomach when I take my meds. She does one every 4 months and swears by it. I, too, am a bit afraid of the cost of juicing. I love fruits and…
  • I got 12 tubes of dried out super glue, 12 pocket knives, a Gillette for men pack of disposable razors and a can of Axe body spray from my Dad. Guess he didn't get the memo 33 years ago that I was born a girl. He got my Mom a giant bag of rubber bands. Really.
  • Same here. Whenever I feel the urge to snack, I grab tangerines, a banana, etc. I asked my trainer about fruits to stay away from as well, and his answer was never stay away from fruit. Even if you go over your sugar for the day, if it is from natural sugar like that in fruit, it is way better than a candy bar!!
  • I've been working too hard this month to let myself go for even one day. I have an hour of circuit training followed by a two hour swim practice in the morning, so I think I will be good for the day. But, portion control is still my top concern. I'll enjoy, but in moderation.
  • I have been doing nothing but cardio for the past three years and have yet to lose any weight. In fact, I have gained. I started with a trainer this week and he has me warm up for a lap on a treadmill, but stresses strength/resistance training. After I work out for an hour doing dry land, he has me swim for an hour and a…
  • This is why I never work out without my HRM. The MFP database tells me that I burn over 1000 calories for certain workouts when I really have only burned closer to 500!!!
  • Some one mentioned the price factor of these foods. For most people, organic is just not financially possible. I make my boyfriend a salad everyday for his lunch at work. I would be broke if I bought only organic!! As far as causing problems in rats, well, my biologic injectable medicine I have to take for Rheumatoid…
  • Rockin' and rollin' here in Ontario. The IE.
  • [/quote] this ^ at the end of last year I was micromanaging the calories (was that carrot 110grams of just 95?...45 mins of exercise or 42.5?) It was just too much effort! I took a break of 2 months hovering about the same weight before I decided to start again. Now I use whats already listed. I use roughly the same…
  • I started out gung-ho counting calories only. Then I went to counting calories and tracking workout calories. Then I went to tracking calories and workout calories minus default calories burned, etc. Then, it all just got too tedious and time consuming. It was taking me almost two hours a day to add in my food, etc. I…
  • How long have you guys been together? If you want a guy that sticks like glue, you can have mine!!! If he could have me surgically attached to his hip, I think he would. It drives me batcrap bonkers sometimes!!! I love him, but I do value my alone time. We've been together for six years though. Kinda like a…
  • Me too!! I wear my trusty Swedes. I'm not sure what's worse though, the onions or the chlorine from my goggles?!
  • I usually weigh in on Sunday or Monday mornings. Kinda gives me an idea of what I need to improve on during the week.
  • I've been on prednisone for 16 years for RA. I have fluctuated dosages from as high as 25mg/day down to 2.5mg/day. I am currently on 10mg/day. I did gain weight in my early 20's when the dosages were higher to control RA flares, but the weight gain was not substantial. There was some bloating, but I found that if I drank…
  • I'm glad to hear that exercising at night isn't bad because I do it everyday! I usually don't get to sleep till about 3am due to having to get my BF up, fed, dressed and off to work at 2:30am. I am so not a morning person either. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and am usually pretty stiff in the mornings anyway. I hit the pool…
  • Ryan Reynolds and Keanu Reeves I got to get dressed in the same locker room with Keanu before and after a pick-up ice hockey game we played together in Pasadena, CA. I could hardly concentrate on the game and I BEGGED my team mates to let me play defense just so I could stand in front of Keanu. I got hit with more pucks…
  • Ontario, CA About 4 streets away from Upland!
  • Don't EVEN get me started on the sagging!!! I'm only 32, but I've had numerous women at the gym ask me how many kids do I have. They are horribly embarrassed when I tell them NONE!! Mine hang down to my belly button!!! And what really kills my self-confidence is when I'm trying to be sexy whilst my BF and I have *ahem*…
  • I have never understand that either. I always laugh when I hear girls in the locker room at the gym talk about how they wished they had bigger boobs. I always tell them that after a few years of carrying them around, they will be praying for their small boobs again. The only thing I can figure is that the fake ones are…
  • This. I'm a DDD and it's horrible. I wear two sport bras for dryland training. My swimming workouts are another story. I tried wearing a sport bra under my swimsuit, but I had so much drag in the water, I decided it wasn't worth it. My boyfriend is the same way, too. I saw a Dr about a breast reduction. Dr was all for it,…
  • I swim 5 days a week, about 3000 meters which usually takes me about an hour and a half. I swim US Masters workouts. Two weeks ago I started Power 90. I alternate cardio and strength training, but I do the abdominal workout everyday. So, Power 90 six days a week with Sunday off from everything for rest. I have lost 2 lbs…
  • No pun intended.
  • It doesn't necessarily mean we are being fitness snobs, we just don't like the rudeness and lack of consideration that probies have for other gym members. Kinda like you wouldn't join a pick-up basketball game with NBA all-stars without knowing the rules first. You would get trampled. That's how us old-timers feels…
  • Oh boy, gyms in January. It's like an annual collective groan at my gym. My personal fave are the numbnuts that take up swimming without knowing how to swim or have any pool etiquette. They get pissy when you won't share your lane (because you don't want a fist in your face), get pissed when you tell them to please not…
  • I am currently taking Depakote, Seroquel, Wellbutrin and Ativan. When I started taking those, I packed on 20 lbs in 6 weeks. No kidding!!! That was 4 years ago and I am still battling those 20 lbs. Recently, I have discovered the best way to lose weight while on these meds is to strictly watch your diet and exercise; mix…
  • I always weigh after cooking. The only time I will weigh before cooking is if the package info states the calorie info before cooking and the after cooking info is not included. Kinda like on a box of cereal when it tells you the info with cereal alone and with cereal with a certain amount of milk added. Usually when you…