weight loss and antidepressants

Anyone have an success with losing weight while on zoloft? What were your tricks?


  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I am currently taking Depakote, Seroquel, Wellbutrin and Ativan. When I started taking those, I packed on 20 lbs in 6 weeks. No kidding!!! That was 4 years ago and I am still battling those 20 lbs. Recently, I have discovered the best way to lose weight while on these meds is to strictly watch your diet and exercise; mix in strength training with a little more than average amount of cardio. All of the weight I gained was in my belly around my waist and hips.

    Also, antidepressants can serious disrupt how your body processes sugar. Really watch your sugar intake. That has been my downfall, as I have the sweet tooth from hell!!! And water, lots and lots of water. Hang in there and experiment. You will eventually find the right combo of diet and exercise.
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    I don't know if changing meds is an option for you, but I'm on Pristiq and it's AMAZING for killing appetite. I can actually get on with my days now because I'm not thinking about food, and it's helped a lot with my motivation - meaning i actually WANT to get out and exercise, rather than dreading it.
    I had a lot of trouble with weight while on Zoloft, so if you need to stay on it, I really hope your body agrees with it... Everyone's body is different and reacts differently, you might be lucky!
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm on Pristiq and Welbutrion and honestly, I haven't really noticed it affecting my weight one way or another. This kind of goes along with the "birth control makes you fat" thing, which I think is a myth. These pills do not "make you fat." They may make you hungry, or tired, or less motivated to exercise, but they don't "make you fat." YOU control what food you put in your mouth regardless of what medications you are on. (They can make you bloated, but that's not fat.)

    So just tell yourself "I control what I eat!" and think positive! You can do it. Don't let these meds slow you down! :)
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    I would say talk to your psychiatrist about how you are trying to lose weight. My psychiatrist felt that unless the pills patently didn't work you should try to match the side effects with your trouble. I sleep and eat too much so I needed an anti-depressant that decreased apetite and made you sleep less as a likely side-effect. Worth a conversation at least. If you can't change it, you can do it. You just need to focus and really think about if you *need* to eat.
  • melissammundy
    I'm on Pristiq and Welbutrion and honestly, I haven't really noticed it affecting my weight one way or another. This kind of goes along with the "birth control makes you fat" thing, which I think is a myth. These pills do not "make you fat." They may make you hungry, or tired, or less motivated to exercise, but they don't "make you fat." YOU control what food you put in your mouth regardless of what medications you are on. (They can make you bloated, but that's not fat.)

    So just tell yourself "I control what I eat!" and think positive! You can do it. Don't let these meds slow you down! :)

    Birth control does make you fat! lol well...... maybe just me. im on the depo shot and while it hasnt caused me to gain that much, i find it easier to put on weight and harder to lose it. when i got on it i weighed 134, in two months i was up to 141 :( now im back down to 134 and can not seem to get under it.
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    im on celexa and busporone and im losing weight
  • Mousavi9730
    My weight has been going up and down, it is frustrating for me. I am taking Paxil and Xanax, would that cause me to gain weight, does anybody know?? Should I quit antidepressants completely and see how I feel? I need feedback badly.
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    Had no luck with anything on Zoloft! lol After trying several others, finally on Pristiq and losing weight AND feeling great!! Everyone is different, may have to try several different ones before you can get everything you need from one (i.e. feeling like yourself, no loss of sexual desire, no weight gain/able to lose weight, etc...).
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    On Celexa and haven't noticed an impact either way
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    My weight has been going up and down, it is frustrating for me. I am taking Paxil and Xanax, would that cause me to gain weight, does anybody know?? Should I quit antidepressants completely and see how I feel? I need feedback badly.

    They don't make you "gain" weight, they may increase hunger and make it more difficult to lose what. Do not just go off of your medication, you will have withdrawl symptoms, it could be dangerous, talk to your psychiatrist
  • ❤B☩❤
    NOT being on birth control can certainly make you GAIN weight if you aren't careful! Just sayin'........... :wink:

    In my first month of being on Venlafaxine, I lost 10 pounds, and the second month I lost 7. Since then, I have tapered off, and am back to dealing with the regular struggles of everyday eating, etc.

    But whatever you do, as others have posted, DO NOT stop taking your meds. I did miss a couple of days and found myself suffering from excruciating headaches, almost to the point that I thought I might have been having a stroke. Good luck to you, and make 2012 a year for Y-O-U! :drinker:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It might be worth talking with your doctor but if Zoloft makes you feel better an nothing else does, isn't it worth a little extra work to feel good? Just be extra careful about portions and snacking. Being aware that these medicines can increase your appetite is good because it allows you to be proactive.

    I have been taking Xanax for years and I've never noticed any weight gain as a result. I'm not sure about Paxil, but the important thing is to take your medication as directed and figure out a way to eat healthy at the same time. I have had lupus for 12 years and not taking your meds can have devastating side effects, much worse than gaining a few pounds.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    double post
  • Brendanery1967
    Brendanery1967 Posts: 21 Member
    Do not quit your meds
  • sreed12
    I didn't think they still prescribed Paxil -I took it for about a year and although I didn't notice any change in appetite - I had zero sex drive. I stopped taking it cold turkey - which I 100% do not recommend - the side effects of stopping without weaning myself off nearly killed me
  • louisebear
    hiya i was on antidepressants two years ago, as i started too lose weight i started feeling good about myself and i found the more i exercised the more endorphines i realised giving me the same relaxed state of mind that the antidepressants gave me. i just throw them in the bin and havn't needed them since. Good Luck to you as i understand how hard it is too not rely on these tablets as we each have our own problems. i did battle with my tablets for two years before finally throwing them in the bin. xxxxx
  • louisebear
    hiya i was on antidepressants two years ago, as i started too lose weight i started feeling good about myself and i found the more i exercised the more endorphines i realised giving me the same relaxed state of mind that the antidepressants gave me. i just throw them in the bin and havn't needed them since. Good Luck to you as i understand how hard it is too not rely on these tablets as we each have our own problems. i did battle with my tablets for two years before finally throwing them in the bin. xxxxx
  • blueandigo
    I take zoloft and my weight has been up and down but sometimes I feel like that was my fault. Keep taking the meds because I had a withdrawal and I was postal. Then again I am on it for depression and anxiety so maybe that was how my body took it. When I had that withdrawal my weight shot up. Once I started back taking them the way I was supposed to I started my path for perfection again.
  • blueandigo
    I take zoloft and my weight has been up and down but sometimes I feel like that was my fault. Keep taking the meds because I had a withdrawal and I was postal. Then again I am on it for depression and anxiety so maybe that was how my body took it. When I had that withdrawal my weight shot up. Once I started back taking them the way I was supposed to I started my path for perfection again.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I stopped taking Zoloft, but for other, uh, undesirable side affects. Crazymeds is a great site to get info on the pros and cons of what you're taking and what it typically does. And it's in plain speak.

    Personally, I don't do well on SSRIs, but everyone is different.

    Of course, I've made it really clear to my psych that I want weight neutral meds. So I'm on Lamictal, Klonopin, and Wellbutrin at this point. She's talking about Lithium, but I'm not sure I want to go on that because I've read weight gain can be a problem. Another psych put me on Abilify, and no joke, I gained 80 pounds on it. Took me a year to take those 80 pounds off!