Gyms in January



  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I haven't been to a gym in over 2 years:-) I forgot what the gym eye candy looks like:-/
  • dlei456
    dlei456 Posts: 201 Member
    I haven't been to a gym in over 2 years:-) I forgot what the gym eye candy looks like:-/

    Jan is a great time to join! Lol!

    Seriously, let's not be fitness snobs here!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Oh boy, gyms in January. It's like an annual collective groan at my gym. My personal fave are the numbnuts that take up swimming without knowing how to swim or have any pool etiquette. They get pissy when you won't share your lane (because you don't want a fist in your face), get pissed when you tell them to please not surf the lane lines, or want to stop and chit-chat with you about "how much do you swim everyday" how many laps is that", etc. Now, I'm all for a little friendly chatting, but when I am staring at the pace clock, leave me the F alone!!! I have a MP3 player on for a reason.

    Maybe I should get some of those STIHL ear protectors!!! I wonder if they float???

    My absolute favorite noob mistake are the guys, about 99% of the time it's guys, that cannot get into the pool without their cell phone. They accomplish this by leaving said phone on deck about 4 inches above the water line. They will swim 2 laps then check their phone, text, etc. Then, they give you the stank eye because you did a flip turn and splashed water on them and their phone.

    I seriously despise this time of year.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Oh boy, gyms in January. It's like an annual collective groan at my gym. My personal fave are the numbnuts that take up swimming without knowing how to swim or have any pool etiquette. They get pissy when you won't share your lane (because you don't want a fist in your face), get pissed when you tell them to please not surf the lane lines, or want to stop and chit-chat with you about "how much do you swim everyday" how many laps is that", etc. Now, I'm all for a little friendly chatting, but when I am staring at the pace clock, leave me the F alone!!! I have a MP3 player on for a reason.

    Maybe I should get some of those STIHL ear protectors!!! I wonder if they float???

    My absolute favorite noob mistake are the guys, about 99% of the time it's guys, that cannot get into the pool without their cell phone. They accomplish this by leaving said phone on deck about 4 inches above the water line. They will swim 2 laps then check their phone, text, etc. Then, they give you the stank eye because you did a flip turn and splashed water on them and their phone.

    I seriously despise this time of year.

    Nobody likes it when people get pissy in the pool.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I haven't been to a gym in over 2 years:-) I forgot what the gym eye candy looks like:-/

    Jan is a great time to join! Lol!

    Seriously, let's not be fitness snobs here!
    How is stating I haven't been to a gym in 2 years being a fitness snob lady? I got tired of the excessive time spent waiting to get in a workout and the expensive monthly dues.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I haven't been to a gym in over 2 years:-) I forgot what the gym eye candy looks like:-/

    Jan is a great time to join! Lol!

    Seriously, let's not be fitness snobs here!

    It doesn't necessarily mean we are being fitness snobs, we just don't like the rudeness and lack of consideration that probies have for other gym members. Kinda like you wouldn't join a pick-up basketball game with NBA all-stars without knowing the rules first. You would get trampled.
    That's how us old-timers feels regarding gym equipment, etc. If you want to try the machine that we are on, just ask. Not sure how it works, just ask. We get a break and you get to try a set. On the other hand, don't just plop down, send a few texts, suck on your water bottle, and do 3 reps with a 5 minute break.

    That's when we get snobby.
  • dlei456
    dlei456 Posts: 201 Member
    I haven't been to a gym in over 2 years:-) I forgot what the gym eye candy looks like:-/

    Jan is a great time to join! Lol!

    Seriously, let's not be fitness snobs here!
    How is stating I haven't been to a gym in 2 years being a fitness snob lady? I got tired of the excessive time spent waiting to get in a workout and the expensive monthly dues.

    Oops! Didn't mean you!!! I meant people who don't want others in the gym bc it makes it crowded!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member

    Nobody likes it when people get pissy in the pool.

    No pun intended.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Suck. The plague of people trying to fix 5-30 years of abusing their bodies by standing around in a gym for a month decends soon.

    Every year it seems to last a little longer.
    It's tough, but an annual thing. Maybe change your workout time for a month? 11:00am-3pm seems like the biggest lull in just about every gym I instructed in.

    After 8 always seems good at mine. And I'll probably just up my out of gym work out time to weather the storm.

    I'm already feeling a bit annoyed that gym isn't open proper hours this week - only 8-3, which for a mother with a child home for holidays is completely and utterly useless.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I just started at a gym yesterday, and I can promise that I am in it for the long haul. I started on this site just before Thanksgiving, but was losing weight before that. I'm down 22 lbs now from my highest and will do anything to keep going. I also do karate one night a week. I hope and pray that I don't annoy people at the gym while I am learning my way around. I was going to ask a couple people who appear to be long-time regulars (as there are no trainers at my gym) for help on beginning on the weight lifting equipment, but maybe I'll just try to figure it out on my own when the gym isn't as busy. I don't want to get in the way. I am continuing to make a big lifestyle change, and thankfully everyone I have talked to there so far has been supportive and understanding, but yeah...I'll just stick with what I know for now and stay in cardio world on the ellipticals or bikes to avoid being an inconvenience to anyone.

    Trust me, asking help from others is one of the best things you can do. Because then you're asking from people who have experienced it themselves, and you're probably giving somebody a little ego boost when asking for THEIR advice.
    Also, if I was asked for advice by newbies, I'd be so happy! Because it means you're actually looking to stick to it. It shows you're making an effort beyond just hopping on the elliptical and doing what you think is the right thing.

    Asking for help is a way to interact and build relationships with gym regulars. Ask but always be considerate. Thank goodness I joined years ago and asked for help. Actually said I need help, I can't do this alone and I continued to ask how to use the machines, weights, and everything I could. What the heck? I was uncomfortable enough and didn't want to remain so. Inguiring was my way of discovering and also building repoire. Im still at the same gym cause it's truly my home away from home. I am now a regular and its noticed by others on days when i dont work out. I have devoloped friendships there and care for several of my fellow gym mates very much. Honestly not loving the increased new crowd these past two weeks but I will help anyone who asks none the less. It made all the difference in my life and I remember the insecure feeling all too well. BTW, I joined my gym in May and never left. Its hard work but so worth it! Guess I beat the statistics :-)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i dont hate the masses and masses that start in january, but its annoying that hardly any of them see it through till march. Ive seen it the last few years. You can hardly get a machine in january
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I'm fortunate to have access to a treadmill and elliptical machine at my job, cause even at 6pm regardless of the month is a busy time at the gym. But I've definitely noticed that after Valentines Day it will die out a bit.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    I'll be part of the joining in January, staying through February and leaving in March crowd this year because I have a 10 mile race in April & I need treadmill access to stay conditioned until it warms up & I can do more outdoor running in March. I hope the regulars are nice & welcoming to all us of probies/newbies or whatever we're called.

    I used to be a regular & some of the AM regulars could be just as rude as anyone else because the gym was their social club & they spent a lot of time standing/sitting on machines to talk to each other. I never noticed any difference in attitudes with the January crowd, just the inconvenience of having so many more people, which is why I'll probably use Planet Fitness. They have some issues, but they also have a ton of machines.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Having been a regular at different gyms since high school - I have to say - what I have noticed is it's the regulars who stand around chit chatting and socializing at the gym, not the new members (with the exception of some who join in pairs or groups). New members may be confused on how to do things so they are slower on a machine than someone experienced - I guess that makes them a machine "hog". New members may spend more time with staff for help but that isn't socializing or chit chatting. I also notice the "socializing" goes on primarily in the evenings - and again, it's the regulars. I'm lucky that my gym near my office is overpriced so most go to the nearby PF instead leaving mine unclogged at lunch and PF like a sardine can. It's the price I pay for convenience.

    PF by my house in the evenings is already packed till about 730-8ish. If it get's crowded and I can't use things I'll go later, it's open till 11p or I'll use something else. I'm not going to stand around and complain about it.

    It must be frustrating making up individual plans as a trainer and people not showing up again... I feel for you there, but there are pitfalls and rewards in every job out there. I'm sure the good outweighs the bad!

    I don't get annoyed people stop showing up after Feb... March... it's their life and my gym succeeds by still collecting their $$ for the most part so who cares? Little bump in the road. Over it.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Dare I bump?

  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Tuesday night was so damn busy that I had to stand around for 15 minutes before I could do any of my exercises. Last night was much better.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Workout at home or outside for a month. It's not a bad way to mix up your workouts. I'm lucky that we have a treadmill and weights at home, so I can avoid the gym if it gets too bad. I just don't like the crowds and having to wait. I don't really care that there are new people at the gym, but when the "tourists" leave it makes it better for me. I only have a very limited window of time to workout with a new baby and I can't afford to wait in a line 10 deep to use the weight machines. I mean the gym only allows for 2 hours of childcare per day (8 hours a week).