Does Everyone Count Calories?



  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I do intermittent fasting so I don't have to count but sometimes I do count to keep myself in check
  • MrsTattie
    MrsTattie Posts: 79 Member
    No! I don't count calories. I have been using this site since the start of jan the same time I started my get fit spree. I cook most meals and the quantities and ratios change each time. I also freeze food, then add to that when defrosted, so to get an accurate count for everything would be quite time consuming. I maintain that what and how i cook is healthy. My problem was portion control, bad snacking and too much wine. Now eat of a smaller plate, only healthy snacks and wine-Fridays! I also have upped the exercise and am loosing just over a pound a week, on average. Would it go faster if I counted calories? Perhaps.

    What I have found great about this site is the message boards - especially the success stories. They have really given me an idea of how long this project will be. Previously on diets I did not have a long-term vision and stalled after a month or so, depressed that I hadn't lost more. I am tracking my exercise - but I know that any entry in the database is to be taken with a pinch of salt - it is an average. As long as I use the same entry each time I know roughly what is happening. I also use this to track my weight - this was another problem previously, as I would lie to other folk about my start weight and goal......and ultimately to myself. Now, I update each week and that is motivating me.

    Do what works for you! This site is a great tool, but use it how you wish - and don't be put off my folk saying what you should or shouldn't do!
    Good luck
  • MissRinnyPoo
    Yep, I count. My trainer at the gym asked us to keep track of our calories for 5 days a week, and trying to eat "good" calories and to stay around our recommended intake.

    My husband and I are supposed to be doing it together but...he lacks motivation sometimes.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member

    this ^

    at the end of last year I was micromanaging the calories (was that carrot 110grams of just 95?...45 mins of exercise or 42.5?) It was just too much effort! I took a break of 2 months hovering about the same weight before I decided to start again. Now I use whats already listed. I use roughly the same proportions every time for the usual things ('about enough' in a stew is 100gms per vege, in soup its 200). I am not going to quibble about 50 cals here or there, and I must say, I am FAR better for it. YMMV.

    This exactly! I started micromanaging calories and workout times. I would have to weigh everything little thing or bust out the measuring spoons, cups, etc. It was so time consuming and created a ton of dirty dishes. By the time my plate had food on it, everyone else in the family was done eating, so I couldn't sit and enjoy dinner with them. Also, we live with my parents, so there are 4 adults trying to share one kitchen. My Mom has yelled at me numerous times about my measuring scales/tools being in her way!! So, I just try to "guestimate" on portion size. I know that's not the best way to go about weight loss, but I really have to keep the peace around the house.

    I totally understand about the portions in homemade food like stews and soups. How the heck am I supposed to measure how much beef I ate in a beef stew that was cooked in a 7 quart crock pot??
  • Lyly1983
    Lyly1983 Posts: 1
    I count calories as well as track my workouts. I've noticed that if you plan out your eating schedule the day before it makes it easier to stick to and easier make adjustments if youre eating too much or too little. It's also helpful to see your fat, carb, and sugar intake! :smile:
  • elyshaS
    elyshaS Posts: 21
    Thanks everyone!!!! I really appreciate your feedback!