nikongirl29 Member


  • I've been in here awhile - I just recently got serious about it last year. I did noom and lost almost 50 pounds (gained 10 of that back during the holidays) and I've recently started the Mediterranean diet because my Dr is trying to help me lower my cholesterol and triglycerides with diet and exercise 🤞
  • I need help too! I keep gaining and losing the same 1-2 pounds (and I am nowhere near goal, but have been doing it since October). I have tried eating more, eating less, exercising (I do, everyday!), and nothing is working! I'm getting so discouraged!
  • PS I won't measure again until at least day 15 and maybe on Day 15 take some more pictures to see if I LOOK like I have lost any because I have never been confident in my measuring skills! I will *TRY* to stay off of the scales too!!
  • I may quit, but it won't be today!! Day 8 of 30DS is in the books! I always feel better AFTER I do it, it's just motivating myself to get it done! One day at a time I guess! Thank you all for your encouraging words!
  • I am so glad I have read this thread! I am on Day 5, Level 1 of the 30DS and I gained 0.4 pounds!!! I was getting so discouraged, but am glad to see that I am not the only one losing weight! I can't wait to do my "after" picture to see the results!
  • Jumping Jacks Push Ups Bicycle Crunches
  • Day4 Done! I try to get it done in the morning so I can get my shower and have it done for the day (I too, do not like it lol!), but this morning I had an early appointment so I didn't get to do it until tonight AND... I did it!! I wanted to skip so bad, but I didn't - and I feel so much better about myself for doing it!…
  • Me too (hungrier!) - I'm not sure if it's because it's the weekend or if I feel like I deserve to eat more after working out so hard lol
  • Day 1 I worked out in PJs - as in rolled out of bed and started exercising Day 2 I wore 2 sports bras and my tennis shoes (with my PJs lol!) I want to look for one of those bra shirts today though and maybe start putting some pants on lol
  • I completed Day 1 this morning and my arms felt like jello for a little while after, but now I feel GREAT for finishing it! I have made some notes for tomorrow lol
  • Thanks mhalleymd! No bleeding (that I knew of) and the blood test were took like two weeks ago (but we just got the results back yesterday) - so I may not even still have an infection? Maybe it cured itself without antibiotics (lol), but I will for sure call the Dr. Monday!
  • I would love the hear the answer to HOW to get to sleep! It's after midnight and here I sit on MFP :/
  • I just hit day 110 of logging :) Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Maybe you guys can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong - I have Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party 3 and all I am able to do is use the controller to match arrows up. I thought it was where you follow dance moves, but it's just a video playing in the background and I'm having to use my controller - even on the…
  • I can't figure out Just Dance? If that helps lol
  • I'm also confused about how many calories to eat - MFP has me at 1200 calories a day to lose 1.5 pounds a week, but from what I "hear" 1200 is too low? Anyway - did you drop sodas when you first started or make a DRASTIC change in calories (or like before you started MFP you didn't write down what you eat at all, etc. -…
  • Me too! It SUCKS!
  • We are going to Disney World in May - it will be my husband and my 5 year old's first time - I want to look good in pictures and to be able to walk all day without getting winded or feeling like I am the one "holding everyone up" - also to be able to slip into any ride I want and not worry about fitting!
  • Will the actual Wii fit keep up with how many minutes per day I use it - or is it just how many minutes per each time I use it (like if I use it 30 minutes at 9am and 30 minutes at 3pm will it show 60 minutes on the Wii?
  • Oh and this isn't my first visit, but it's my 4 year old's (he'll be 5 this Thursday) and my husband's first visit. My aunt lived in Orlando about 5 minutes from Disney years ago so we used to go a lot, but I haven't been since 1999
  • We are doing the dining plan too and the thing I'm most looking forward to is the character breakfast - this will be my first time doing that - and I've been going to Disney for 30 years lol. I also look forward to seeing how my son will react to Disney (and my husband - this will be his first time!)
  • I'm not sure how much waiting time was in between and I don't plan on eating the calories so I guess it really doesn't matter, but it's still nice to remind myself I did something when I look back on today :) I think the formula is pretty accurate - and we walked at the mall for about 30 minutes before we went and did a…
  • I have done WW in the past (and I did lose, but gained it all back and more) - MFP is better for me because it's straight up what you eat - I don't know how weight watches is now, but it used to be based on a points system so I really overdid it - like I wouldn't eat all day so I could have a reece cup - I don't feel like…
  • Do you all plan on logging (food) while in Disney? I think I am going to try my best, but not worry myself too much about being totally strict on the eating
  • lol - keep in mind I have a short attention span so we don't need TOO long of a name or I will forget what our name is lol!
  • You can add me! I'm always up for new friends :)
  • Thanks everybody! Keep 'em comin'!!
  • I think fitness pal has been my most sensible way of eating so far! The weight loss is slower, but I think it's more permanent and a "forever" way of living - because who can eat just meat their whole life :) My biggest tip is plan, plan, plan - if you are going out to eat - plan ahead - know what you are going to eat - if…