Urinalysis results? Also NSV!

Ok first, I have been exercising great and eating great and haven't lost so was feeling discouraged, but then, today I got the results back from some bloodwork and I to take for life insurance and my cholestorol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, Glucose, etc. have improved SOOO much! The only thing that is "high" now (and it's not even that bad) is my triglycerides! The bad news is according to the urinalysis my "Leukocyte Esterase" was positive, my "URN Blood" (which I asume means I have blood in my urine?) was positive, my WBC Count (Urine) was high and my URN Red Blood Count was high. Of course I don't find out the results until Friday afternoon so I will have to wait until Monday to go to a dr., but from what I have googled, it means I have a bladder or kidney infection. I have also been losing hair. Have any of you experienced this? I was wondering if that's all normal with weight loss? I have lost 23 pounds so that's not a super amount and it's been a slow loss


  • halleymw
    halleymw Posts: 246 Member
    Those results do go along with a uti, UNLESS you were having vaginal bleeding at the time. You might want to go to the local urgent care or call your doctor to see if he will call in an antibiotic instead of waiting until monday, delaying antibiotics could result in the infection getting worse. This has NOTHING to do with dieting.
  • nikongirl29
    nikongirl29 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks mhalleymd! No bleeding (that I knew of) and the blood test were took like two weeks ago (but we just got the results back yesterday) - so I may not even still have an infection? Maybe it cured itself without antibiotics (lol), but I will for sure call the Dr. Monday!
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    Oh man, kidney infections are serious business. I had chronic infections when I was young due to what was supposed to be a one-way valve going both ways, and I was on antibiotics for years until they invented the surgery to fix it. If you had a kidney infection, it's possible that it went dormant (mine were kinda cyclical until they figured out what the problem was and put me on antibiotics), but it's unlikely that it will go completely away on its own. Fortunately if it's not due to a physical problem, like mine were, it'll probably just take a few days of antibiotics to completely clear it up. But don't decide you feel ok and not take the meds if the doctor prescribes them, because you can get serious fevers and other miserable side effects as a result - I actually wound up hospitalized because of a fever that resulted from the infection.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    If possible I would be at a clinic or urgent care tomorrow getting a new urinalysis. I don't like the idea of waiting until Monday. IF you still have an infection you want to know as soon as possible so you can start treating. Allowing a UTI, bladder, or kidney infection to get worse can lead to serious health issues.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    1. Losing hair can be associated with weight loss. Take your vitamins!!!!

    2. It's a weekend...if you don't feel sick, don't run to get an antibiotic....let you immune system attempt to do its job. Follow up with your doc, see if you need a urinalysis and a culture....if you need an antibiotic, get the RIGHT antibiotic.

    3. Pee in a cup....is the urine cloudy? Is it dark? Do you see visible blood? Blood in your urine could be simple cross contamination from your period.

    ...Enjoy your weekend, and don't over-react.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    ....and yes, I have had a lot of experience with this....more than I care to admit!