craigmandu Member


  • Well, my sunglasses come from the dollar store.... I mostly wear colored t-shirts that I can get 6 for $15..... All my dress clothes are bought on clearance and lower retail outlets.... So no, I would personally never pay that much. But if you want to reward yourself, absolutely do it. I do pay more for shoes...I like…
  • This is key to why you haven't seen the results you "expect" to see. You have taken on probably a much heightened exercise regimen, in addition to ensuring you are in a significant calorie deficit at the same time. It is a pretty big shock to the body to make large changes. The body will adjust, my guess is your body is…
  • Have you tried different arm spacing? Sounds to me like you are rotating your shoulders causing stress on your elbows, but without watching you do a couple no way to be sure. Or you could just be in an overtrain situation. I would suggest taking a couple of workouts off from pullups to see if the problem subsides.…
  • Been married 17 years...3 kids, youngest is in highschool. Have built a great life, lots of toys, own our home outright, no money worries, etc..etc... If I discovered my wife was having an affair, I would take a trip to a lawyer, everything would get liquidated, split down the middle and we would go our separate ways. I…
  • I don't cater to people that constantly want to be babied...excuse makers tend to bring out the worst in me!
  • Except when you are around "like-minded" people. Or people that really appreciate what you've accomplished, you simply come across as very self-centered if you are constantly reminding those around you how great you are. If that's what you like, rock on! If your conversations totally revolve around you however, it will…
  • Would probably just look like thick clips on the bar. And yea...OHP is just retarded, all the way around...I absolutely hate it, I struggle sometimes with warmup sets...
  • My workouts on lifting days ends up being about an hour....but it isn't really because it takes that long, a lot of that time is waiting on others...... I do about a 10 minute cardio warmup, about 40 mins of lifting (but in reality that's about 25-30 minutes, while usually having to wait 5-10 minutes on a station etc..),…
  • In addition to this, I would suggest you get some push up will help save your wrists. Most girls I know have weak wrists and regular pushups tend to give them pain in their wrists.
  • My wife is a travel agent, and I've been on many many cruises. The good thing, is they usually have ample amounts of things like fresh fruit, veggies etc... in their buffets (except for the specific buffets for sliders/dogs/etc..)... I've also noticed a trend over the past 6 or so years that a lot of the desserts are being…
  • This is an awesome reply. Also, how much of a calorie deficit are you in? Energy matters so much when we lift...if you have stalled, or think you are can you drop your deficit a little to see if you simply aren't getting enough energy to sustain your progress? For instance if I was a stall on my lifts, I would first…
  • Tell him awesome job on his weight loss! Oh and if you put your thigh gap and his together...good things happen! Just sayin!
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I believe that you can take on too much and end up not accomplishing what you want. If I wanted to run a half, I would focus on the training for that half...and if I did lift, it would probably be 2 times a week and I would be upping the weight extremely slowly. Some people have a lot of drive and I applaud that drive, but…
  • Nothing wrong with running. What I personally believe the "issue" is with whether or not to do a large cardio routine vs. a large lifting routine is that it is very hard to manage the two if you want to do them at the same time. It's hard to strength train and be prepping for marathons at the same time, as one will usually…
  • My wife at one point told me...."I'm so proud of you for the weight you have lost, but when you bring it up, I feel bad because I haven't had as much success"... All of us are genuinely excited when we lose weight, and we like to share that excitement with those around us. We rarely think about the other person "not"…
  • In my 17 years of marriage....I know more about the flaws of the friends/coworkers of my wife than I'm sure they themselves do. The reason guys don't really talk/act like that...we truly don't care what other men think.
  • QFT.... They've exchanged phone numbers and are texting. You have no idea what they've talked about. You know they were planning to meet. All of this without once her saying anything to you about any of it. If you don't think something wrong is going on here, you'd be fooling yourself. Move on man...really...or else you…
  • The truth is if there is a "hiding" factor to what a person is doing that you are married/committed to, something is wrong. It's perfectly ok in my mind if my wife flirts with someone online, as soon as that turns into "phone" conversations, that's where I would draw the line. The fact that a meeting of any sort was…
  • Just a complete and total massive amount of "overanalyzing" in this thread. And a ridiculous amount of food shaming.
  • Does the pain happen for pullups as well as chin-ups? Do you get any elbow pain if you do negatives?
  • Pretty much isn't going to happen in a healthy way. You would have to get very extreme and risk putting your health in danger to try to accomplish this goal. If you have less than 10lbs to lose aim for 0.5lb/wk, 10-40lbs aim for 1lb/wk, 40-70 aim for 1.5lbs/wk, more than 70 aim for 2lbs/wk. Those are common recommendations…
  • To be fair to the community at large, the people here simply give the best recommendations that they can based on their experiences and what they consider would apply to the "majority" of people that are trying to transform their physiques. If you think for one second that everyone on here is a professional, is going to…
  • Just break up!
  • I've never personally been intimidated by any woman...I have been in awe of a couple before. But not intimidated.
  • You need Leg Press for sure. You can get Dip/Pullup stations build into a good sized squat rack, yea you may not have free weights "yet", but you could have the squat station just for the pullup/dip parts of it and be ready for when you do get free weights. Without bench you need a chest press (and there are some that also…
  • I grew up in a family that raised livestock. If you don't want to eat meat/dairy/eggs..etc.. good for you. Just please for the love of god don't try to "coerce" me to join your lifestyle. I have a vegan friend and he will go on and on and on forever about every damn injustice he can find, and every "replacement" for meat…
  • Have you "told" your husband? Did he encourage you to explore this excitement? I would probably go buy a lottery ticket that instant if my wife ever said something like this to me!
  • My favorite book? I hate to say that 50 shades book, but it probably is. I've never read it, but my wife has...and thus it is a very good book in my opinion. There are a few others that I don't know the names of or titles to...but I like them too (again, I've never read them).
  • I just made some of these this weekend.... I happen to like them a lot. They aren't that expensive, and have a good flavor to them. Thanks for this recipe!