MerRock Member


  • I've lost around 70 3 1/2 to 4 years ago (I'd made a New Year's resolution, so I started Jan 1, 2011 on losing weight) and have kept it off. I have about 5 lbs that I'll go up and down depending on the holidays and vacation. But overall, it's been stable. The trick for me was to get rid of the bigger clothes as soon as…
  • Great job! The weight loss is impressive, but I'm most impressed by the running! I grew up with very bad asthma, multiple inhalers ever day, never running more than 25 yards without wheezing. So VERY impressed by the running. Still what I struggle with the most (can run some, but it's always such a challenge.) Really, very…
  • I just keep seeing these sheep jumping, but not clearing the wine glass, and then they fall in and their wool gets dyed from the wine and then there's a big mess, but lots of happy sheep... I guess they'd be jumping over something like Cab or Merlot since that would go well with lamb. :laugh:
  • Ok, here's my info for week one. I have to get a bit more in early this week because I'll be traveling and it will be more difficult to get my workouts in. So I'm keeping my goal low this week. Week # 1 -- April 1st -- Goal 180 minutes: Mon: 60 minutes boot camp. 60 minutes Body Jam. Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total /…
  • Hi all. I'd like to join too. I have some silly questions though. Do I put the list for the week here and then just come back and edit it once I workout? Is there a specific group I join? I don't post a whole lot in forums, so just not sure hwo this works. Thanks!
  • I had a doctor tell me once that Albutarol can actually help you lose weight. I don't know if it's true, but it does make my heart speed up. I'm thinking that maybe the allergies themselves might make weight stay higher. A body with a lot of histamine in it would have swelling and inflammation, which could make water…
  • I've done BodyPump, BodyJam, BodyStep, CSWorx and Shbam. I LOVE BodyPump. It's SOO fun. I wasn't sure if I'd like it or be any good, but the time flies. I wear a body media fit armband, and I burn almost the same calories as I do when I run, which is awesome! I do BodyPump too, and it's a great workout for toning but…
  • I've not used BlendTec, but I LOVE my VitaMix, and I can't really think of anything I'd want to do that it can't do. Like a previous poster said, the tamper makes it possible to mix up very thick stuff very quickly. Just as an FYI, I bought my VitaMix at Costco.
  • I think one of the things to remember to, is patience. We've all seen biggest loser, and in our minds, we want to see the same tpe of weight loss. Reality is, that for most people, losing several pounds a week isn't going to happen. Even when I'm perfect on my food, exercise 6 days a week... well there are weeks I only…
  • I know this post is a little old. I was searching the message board to see if anyone had talked about TN. I actually had MVD surgery in September because it had gotten to the point where nothing stopped it, and it was controlling every part of my life. As I'm sure you guys know, there would be hours and hours where I…
  • Great job Mel!!! Very exciting that you were able to walk on your knee. I did 55 minutes of BodyJam (it's a dance aerobics type of class) and then swam for 1 mile (around 60 laps) which was another 30ish minutes of exercise. Happy Saturday!
  • Happy Valentine's everyone! It will be over in 1 hour here on the east coast, so you west coasters keep living it up! :) Thanks for the tip on doing something for our heart! Today I pushed myself into doing something I was a little scared of, but it was great. Last summer I was taking Les Mills Body Pump at my local gym. I…
  • Hi All. Sorry I was gone for a couple of days. Came down with a bad cold. :( Am feeling much better today so back on track. :) Swam laps for 40 minutes, and then have just been busy doing chores and getting organized for my upcoming trip. Happy Saturday!!
  • Today was an exciting day for me. This morning my Neurosurgeon said he feels my CSF leak from surgery is healed, and I'm officially okay to do whatever type of exercise I like again! I can start doing weight training again! WooHoo! So although it wasn't weight training, I went and took a tough class at the gym tonight for…
  • Too funny. Shop your shape said I was an hour glass (which I already knew, but wanted to check anyway) but the other calculator said they couldn't figure out my shape! LOL. I was pretty shocked by that, since it's one of the easiest to identify shapes!
  • I eat a smootie for lunch a lot of days after I workout. It does keep me full, but part of that is because it's huge. Around 32 ounces. Smoothies can get high in calories, so you have to be careful what you put in. Also, a good quality blender is essential. I have a Vitamix, which I love and couldn't live without. it's…
  • I ran for 40 minutes and took a walk tonight for 30 minutes. :)
  • Great job everyone!!!! I've made it all 21 days so far too, but a bit worried as I have 4 different work trips coming up over the next month! I always plan to workout when I travel, but then so much is going on it doesn't always happen! So I'm hoping that this will keep me accountable for the time I'm away from him.
    in Day 21 Comment by MerRock January 2013
  • I walked for an hour today. Happy Weekend all!
  • Thanks for making this active again. Great advice! And congratulations on maintaining your loss for 5 years!
  • I ran 1/2 hour this morning followed by 10 minutes of my toning routine. I think I'm still going to try to hit the gym and swim 1/2 at lunch, if I ever get away from my desk!
    in DAY 19 Comment by MerRock January 2013
  • Hi All. I felt like I took it too easy on my walking yesterday, so I tried making up for it today. I swam laps for 40 minutes, Ran/Walked for 30 and did my toning/circuit routine for another 20 minutes. So all in all a good day.
  • Great job on passing your challenge already!! Impressive! Today I walked for 45 minutes. Not the toughest of workouts, but I kind of needed a rest day today. Hmm... my goals for the year. Well as I get closer to my goal weight, I'd like to really build muscle this year. I did my first triathlon last year, but stopped after…
  • Great job everyone!!
    in Day 16: Comment by MerRock January 2013
  • I too wanted to say congratulations, and extend my sympathy for your loss. You are so strong to be able to rise above the depression and commit to your new lifestyle. I'm sure your story will help many out there who are struggling with similar stories. Thanks for sharing! Again, you look great!
  • I swam for 40 minutes. I even did a chunk of 1000 yard (40 laps) without even a 30 second break. Did 60 laps in all today, which included several sprints.
    in Day 16: Comment by MerRock January 2013
  • Really? I had no idea I could wear it in either of those places! I will have to try that. There are times with work that it just doesn't work on my arm, so I don't wear it that day. Then I feel lost without the data. Thanks, I'll have to try that!
  • Thanks for starting the thread. :) I swam for 40 minutes and walked for 30. One more day down!
  • An hour walking today. :) Melanie, it's Martin Luther King Day tomorrow. Work for me, but most schools are closed and it's a federal holiday.
  • That's amazing!!! Great Job! :drinker: How very exciting for you, and I'm glad you had great weather for it too! Today my workout was a full day spent cleaning, reorganizing and all of those wonderful house type things I feel inspired to do at the beginning of the year! I wear a bodymeadia fit (aka a body bugg like they…