watfordjc Member


  • My first 14 weeks (98 days): 46.5 pounds. The next 14 weeks: an estimated 21.25 pounds (or it might just be 5.6 pounds, me weighing less than 176 lb is unknown territory).
  • To lose 10 pounds of fat in a week, you'd need a deficit of 5,000 calories per day and you'd need 161 pounds of body fat. On the few days I have burned more than 5,500 calories there is no way I could have done so had I only consumed 500-1,000 calories. I expect most of the weight lost will be water and muscle, since it…
  • --http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/72/6/1445.full --http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=188147 --http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jobes/2011/509038/ Edited to add a further quote from that Journal of Obesity article:
  • Simplest answer: you don't burn enough calories from "normal daily activity" for a 1,000 calorie deficit to result in a calorie goal greater than or equal to 1,200 calories. Possible solutions: * Modify how you use MFP and use the TDEE-X% method if your exercise routine is regular so your exercise calories are included.…
  • You can't debunk a myth unless you account for all the possible factors. I have no idea if the numbers I am going to pull from my data is going to support calorie balance or not, but my hypothesis is that once I have done the math I might actually be able to determine whether I have lost or gained lean mass (I'm only a…
  • Unfortunately there is no way to do it by grams, AFAIK, on either MFP or BMF. Other than remembering your minimums and trying to hit them, your best bet would probably be asking for such a feature and hoping they implement your request. IIRC, it (or a similar request that would result in that functionality) has been…
  • Exercise should have zero effect on your macro percentages and zero effect on BMF calories consumed.
  • Well, what you do is walk half of it in 4 hours. Then take however long it takes to get back from the supermarket. I believe the confusion here is that when someone is asked how long something has taken them at the half way point, they generally won't say how long it will take them to finish. 13.1 miles in 4 hours is…
  • I don't usually quote myself, anyway... If you want a rough idea of what I would consider clean eating, Venuto has a list of some of the staples in his diet here: http://www.burnthefatblog.com/archives/2007/06/foods-that-burn-fat-the-top-10-lists.php
  • Obese people who are gaining weight consume more calories. Any study (or analysis of studies) that concludes obese people are obese because they consume more of X (or less of Y) sounds obvious. Some obese people have less energy. Having less energy may mean less cooking. Relying on prepared foods may mean eating less…
  • I probably am not the norm. I typically hate buying clothes anyway. When I started I bought new clothes (XXXL) from Under Armour because I knew comfortable clothes would make exercise easier. After ~30 pounds I bought some XL and XXL clothes, and am currently in L-XXL clothes. Most of my Under Armour shirts are XXL and are…
  • My personal experience, having lost significant weight through regularly lifting heavy (last time) and rarely lifting heavy (this time until a few weeks ago) is that the only effect lifting has that might seem like it makes a difference is that post workout full muscle look - if the muscle looks fuller, the arm fat looks…
  • My first day here I tracked two egg and salad cream sandwiches and 2 litres of Coca-Cola, IIRC, and was under my calorie goal a fair bit. My calorie balance was all over the place at first and took me about 9 weeks to consistently get it to where I wanted it and tweaking what I was eating (under meals I have 3 variations…
  • Since the media have always drummed into us (I was born in the 80's, other age groups may vary) how many calories are in fast food, the only fast food calorie shock I have had have been how few calories are in a Sub compared to a pizza or McNuggets (i.e. I assumed a Sub would have had more calories than it does, ergo after…
  • Most people on here are not the general public, although if you want to post something about a divisive subject and restrict the audience to a certain group it would probably be better to make the post in a group rather than in the general forum (as per the site terms, IIRC). Most Americans can't point to their State on a…
  • Hmmm... I weight my oats and milk - best way to prevent the bowl overflowing in the microwave, and the amount of milk left is either 700 ml, 400 ml, or 100 ml depending on how many bowls of porridge I have from that litre. I measure my cinnamon with a teaspoon because shaking a bottle is not the best way to estimate a…
  • Just out of curiosity... The heaviest spider species in Britain can weigh up to 2.5 grams. Calories unknown... but there are 121 calories in 100 grams of crickets. 8 spiders per year are probably at most 25 calories. Edited because I mis-copied. Araneus quadratus can at most weigh 2.25-2.5 grams (two different sources).
  • Unless your daily calorie goal is 1,200, in which case it would be hard to guess. If it is 1,200 it might be that 2 lb/week is too big a deficit for you. You can see your current daily deficit if you go to My Home -> Goals (Daily Calorie Deficit is on the right under Your Diet Profile). It will slowly drop as you lose…
  • You should be eating more, unless you want to lose some of your muscles, bones, and metabolism. You should not be focussing on daily weight changes. You can't measure fat loss day-to-day, you need to look at the pattern over several weeks.
  • If it is the app, and the Bodymedia web interface is similar to the Ki Fit web interface, there should be somewhere where it says edit off body. The Ki Fit interface groups any off-body period of 30 minutes or more and lets you manually say what you were doing, so (assuming the interface is similar) you should be able to…
  • I didn't get my Ki Fit (Bodymedia) until my fifth week so although I probably had a bigger deficit than I intended during my first 4 weeks most of that loss was water weight (and I gained 1.25 lb between the end of week 4 and the end of week 5). First week I lost 7.75 lb. Week 2 was 1.25 lb, Week 3 was 5.5 lb, and Week 4…
  • Incorrect. Daily goal = Calories from normal daily activity minus (weekly goal change in pound / 7 * 3500) Calories remaining = Daily goal - food + exercise Or to rearrange that... Food = daily goal + exercise - calories remaining Or... Food + calories remaining = daily goal + exercise Or... Food - daily goal = exercise -…
  • That is why virtually all body composition formulas take age into account. It's not just muscles, it is bone density too. And when you generalise, you reach "those 20-somethings" or words to that effect that keep popping up on this forum. Even personalised it might be "when I was younger I could..." and some of us have…
  • When I change consumption or exercise in either direction water weight and food weight follows. I call them weight adjustments. My first downwards adjustment was between my starting weigh-in and the end of my first week (well, really it continued until the end of my fourth week because that water weight didn't all come off…
  • I undereat, then I overeat, then I eat normal, then I overeat, then I undereat. That's going by what I did a couple of weeks ago (I logged everything anyway). Over the long term, it adds up to roughly a 300 calorie per day surplus (how I gained 100 pounds in 3 years) because I would generally not eat for 36 hours and then…
  • I was wondering this yesterday and figured if the energy from alcohol is used first, it still all comes down to energy balance. Having said that, I'm not sure how good alcohol is as a fuel for workouts. I haven't looked at the research linked to in this article, but it seems to suggest the research says it isn't that good…
  • IIRC, (double check I got the right culture... http://library.thinkquest.org/05aug/00723/index_files/Page357.htm) it is considered rude in Japanese culture to eat while walking. Some of us might consider slurping soup as rude. It's a cultural thing. As for French culture, I wouldn't be surprised if their working schedule…
  • "No thanks." "Na, having something later and can't afford the calories." "Sure, let's go for a 2 mile walk first." "Cookies! Gimme, gimme, gimme!" I generally aim to burn 4,000+ calories on days I expect to eat a lot. As there are days where I burn 5,000+ calories, and those are usually when I'm around others part of the…
  • Yes (no experience selling, but buying). After they follow the instructions (assuming creating a new account) the first time they connect it for Bodymedia Sync to transfer the profile data it will say something along the lines of "data already exists on the device, do you want to delete it?" They click yes, the device…
  • Lift heavy regularly either way. Feel your arms, thighs, calfs, abs, etc. without flexing your muscles. Do you want to lose the fat first? Feel your arms, thighs, calfs, abs, etc. whilst flexing your muscles. Do you want to gain a little muscle first? It is possible to intentionally lose fat and gain muscle at the same…