Clean eating

Can someone tell me, guide me, show me , what a Clean eating diet is ?

I searched the ent, and everyone has a different idea of what it is, I am just wondering if theres a specific go to diet that is used often by most or if its just certain food you avoid, any help would be greatly appreciated, i would just like to know how to start and what to eat and what not to .

Thank you


  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    I don't usually quote myself, anyway...
    Most of my definitions are based on Tom Venuto's definitions. So...

    "Clean eating has no official definition, but it’s usually described as avoiding processed foods, chemicals, preservatives and artificial ingredients. Instead, clean eaters choose natural foods, the way they came out of the ground or as close to their natural form as possible. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, 100% whole grains, egg whites, fish, and chicken breast are clean eating staples." -- Tom Venuto,

    On top of that is the "percentage". Some (most?) clean eaters aim for 80-90% of their food consumption to be clean. A few aim to "eat clean" 100% of the time, which for me would lower my compliance rate so I'm not even going to attempt that again.

    If you want a rough idea of what I would consider clean eating, Venuto has a list of some of the staples in his diet here:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I'm afraid you will never find what you are looking for.

    Clean eating is a somewhat generic term for eating non (or less) processed foods. Every person has their own idea of what 'clean' really is.

    I think it has become a bit of a fad, perpetrated by those who wish to be seen as somehow superior over those who are regular eaters.

    Bottom line is if the bulk of your diet is made up of nutritious foods the occasional treat (clean or unclean) is not going to hinder your health or your progress.
  • redmohca89
    redmohca89 Posts: 130 Member
    Okay, great. Thanks guys,
    I understand now. I will look at those links and see what I can come up with for myself.
  • penutbuttercups01
    Most certainly can help you wiht that.

    I eat clean by avoiding, processed and refined foods & sugars. white rice, white bread, biscuits,pasta, bottled juices, bottled sauces,packet chips, cakes, cupcakes, jam and all other spreads, cereals and all other packet pre cooked foods. soft drinks (sodas) I also avoid dairy in all shapes and forms, milk, cheese, yogurt and so forth.

    My diet is basically made up of whole foods, organic fresh fruit & veggies, whole grains - quinoa, brown or black rice, spelt,rye,rolled oats,chia seeds,nuts of all sorts as long as in natural state), fresh cooked beans and other legumes. lean porteins chicken breast, turkey breast, grassfed beef & pork, as well as lamb. fresh wild seafood. I also drink almond milk when I feel the need to do so or just to have with my oats.

    I mainly stick to water & tea(green or white) but from time to time i will also consume freshly squeezed juice and coconut water.

    Some find this to be quiet restrictve but of course you can tailor it to suit you, I understand eating organic can be costly but in my experience it works best. My tip is to do it slowly becasue alot of people tend to fail quiet quickly at it but I definatelly reccomend it , I love it and I wouldnt eat any other way, i been doing it for over 2 years now and although i may have slip ups here and there or at a party I might grab a "non clean item" i still maintain the life stayle daily with no issues at all.
  • redmohca89
    redmohca89 Posts: 130 Member
    Wow, Thank you Peanutbuttercups
    Thats very helpful to know.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    I go by ingredients in things, if it has an ingredient that I don't know what it is or wouldn't add it to my food then I don't eat it. I am a quite relaxed 'clean eater' in that I still have dairy and eat tinned stuff as long as it fits with my 'recognise all ingredients' quota. I don't eat processed carbs though like pasta and bread (although I eat rye bread) and I eat brown rice instead of white. And no refined sugar, just natural sugars like honey
  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member
    Can I add to your reply. You are probably right in that there is no firm definition of clean eating. But the word is the thing that is the fad. We tend to use smartypants terms for things. But in these days of foods which have been adulterated by chemicals, meats which have added hormones and antibiotics and milk which has bovine viruses - in my mind it is more positive to avoid all of these foods and just eat natural fruits and vegetables fish and meats. If you do this then you can avoid the impact upon health in later life.

    The elephant has strong bones and teeth - and all it eats are thorns. There is no such thing as a fat elephant - it is just an elephant. Stay positive because it is important to see the whole truth before making hasty decisions about things
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    All food is clean

    Unless you get it dirty.

    IIFYM !
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Most certainly can help you wiht that.

    I eat clean by avoiding, processed and refined foods & sugars. white rice, white bread, biscuits,pasta, bottled juices, bottled sauces,packet chips, cakes, cupcakes, jam and all other spreads, cereals and all other packet pre cooked foods. soft drinks (sodas) I also avoid dairy in all shapes and forms, milk, cheese, yogurt and so forth.

    My diet is basically made up of whole foods, organic fresh fruit & veggies, whole grains - quinoa, brown or black rice, spelt,rye,rolled oats,chia seeds,nuts of all sorts as long as in natural state), fresh cooked beans and other legumes. lean porteins chicken breast, turkey breast, grassfed beef & pork, as well as lamb. fresh wild seafood. I also drink almond milk when I feel the need to do so or just to have with my oats.

    I mainly stick to water & tea(green or white) but from time to time i will also consume freshly squeezed juice and coconut water.

    Some find this to be quiet restrictve but of course you can tailor it to suit you, I understand eating organic can be costly but in my experience it works best. My tip is to do it slowly becasue alot of people tend to fail quiet quickly at it but I definatelly reccomend it , I love it and I wouldnt eat any other way, i been doing it for over 2 years now and although i may have slip ups here and there or at a party I might grab a "non clean item" i still maintain the life stayle daily with no issues at all.

    You're already a second person who says no cheese in clean eating. Why? And why no dairy? You can have good milk and yogurts from organic farmers.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Can someone tell me, guide me, show me , what a Clean eating diet is ?

    I searched the ent, and everyone has a different idea of what it is, I am just wondering if theres a specific go to diet that is used often by most or if its just certain food you avoid, any help would be greatly appreciated, i would just like to know how to start and what to eat and what not to .

    Thank you

    Don't spin your wheels. You've already identified the problem. If the word doesn't have an accepted definition, then it just turns into so much of a semantic game and parroting of Chicken Little by pseudoscientific scare sites.

    Focus on what matters, eating a mixed diet full of nutrient rich foods and satisfying your macronutrient, micronutrient and fiber needs.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Essentially avoid all processed food / food with more than 3 ingredients on the label.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    All food is clean

    Unless you get it dirty.

    IIFYM !

    5 second rule!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    Let me add that if you have a tendency towards ED, as your profile mentions, getting yourself involved in clean eating and all of the arguments about which foods are processed and which foods are "clean" or not, is probably not going to be so helpful with your recovery. There is lots of talk of "toxins" that are never identified, and a general fear over things that have no basis in fact. It does, in truth, attract its share of people with EDs.

    As I said before, focus instead on eating a diet with a large variety of nutrient dense foods, and satisfying your macronutrient, micronutrient and fiber needs.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    organic, unprocessed, no chemicals or pesticides
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Clean Taco Bell
  • JorisSt
    Clean food is indeed natural food and not processed food. If you want to lose weight and on a healthy way you can stop eating processed food.
    Interesting ebook about getting a flat belly i saw from Dr Charles, i have it on my website and for me it was verry usefull. But you need to follow it 100% correctly or it wont work.

    Joris S.
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    i believe im a 90% clean eater... (ive been struggling recently though..) to me this means that i enjoy fresh, unprocessed, home made food.i dont believe in products with high saturated content. im not saying all fat is bad- good fats are the way to go- salmon avocados and so on. i think clean eating is not a diet, its more a life style and the choices we make when we shop for food. obviously this is only my opinion.