How do you guys eat?



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Weigh measure and count everything - except a few veggies like lettuce. I figure 2-3 calories here and there doesn't matter much, but for everything else, estimating or eyeballing can be serious mistakes.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    We have a small scale that I can use, no problem. So i'm not worried about that. People might just be like.... your weighing your chicken?

    What people? But more importantly, so what?
    And also I now count my wine glasses. Now that keeps me more honest. Eta: i also now use a measuring cup at home to properly get the correct 5 oz serving of wine. Apparently every glass I used to pour was more like a glass and a half. :-/

    I just ordered my mom some measuring wine glasses for her birthday! Got them from amazon, they are marked in oz on the glass, genius!
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Mostly estimate.

    I do weigh a few things though, to get an idea so I can estimate them in future. Also, I eat lots off barcodes and restaurants/shops
  • AyanaSan
    AyanaSan Posts: 93 Member
    I weigh everything that is not a fruit/vegetable.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    (when I saw the original question, I was going to answer something like "through my mouth... but sometimes...just sometimes...")

    I just do my best to estimate. Sometimes I have to find a similar dish to a similar restaurant. If I'm eating nuts or chips, I'll count the nuts or chips. If I had a food scale, I'd use that.

    Logging your food shouldn't be stressful. I like to log my calories during breakfast to plan out the rest of my calories for the day. I like to know how much wiggle room I have for snacks... and plan the snacks accordingly.
  • ashleyinthecold
    ashleyinthecold Posts: 89 Member
    I'm a big fan of my digital scale. I weigh just about EVERYTHING. Especially those high calorie items like PB or Avocado. I found that I was overestimating how much avocado I was eating and underestimating GREATLY how much PB I was eating. After while, you're able to eyeball a lot of stuff, but it's fun sometimes to "guess" and then weigh it and see how close you are.

    Oh god.. that's fun? Is this what my life is coming to? Hahaha.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I weigh erything.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Do you guys measure, weigh, or count everything? Or do you just estimate everything? I've been wondering because I just estimate and it seems to work fine because we use different measure cups at my house often so I can mostly tell how many TBSPs of peanut butter I am using when I make a sandwich.

    I measure some things, weigh some things, and estimate some things. It depends on the thing and the circumstances. Even if you weigh everything to the gram, you can still be slightly off. Being careful, honest, and consistent are what's important.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I used a food scale. You mention peanut butter specifically. My PB is 30g or 2 tbsps... but when weighed out, 2tbsps =/= 30g. Rather just be accurate.

    When I weighed 2 tbsp of PB, it came out 29g. Close enough. :smile:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I used a food scale. You mention peanut butter specifically. My PB is 30g or 2 tbsps... but when weighed out, 2tbsps =/= 30g. Rather just be accurate.

    When I weighed 2 tbsp of PB, it came out 29g. Close enough. :smile:

    I know. Just making a point that some folks have misconstrued ideas of what a tbsp is. Some folks use a tablespoon measure and just scoop it full... mounding over the top instead of leveling it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I cook my food- then I pull out the scale- and I tare it with my tupperwear on it- then I put 5 oz of chicken in it and 5 oz of veggies.

    Then for eggs- I always cook an even number of eggs + 1-2 cups veggie... then divide into an half the # of containers-
    10 eggs go into 5 tupperwears...
    8 into 4
    6 into 3

    That way I'm averaging 2 eggs per container.

    ice cream I weigh- fruit I ball park- or do per serving usuall- i'm not wildly concerned with fruit. I eat a crap load of watermelon- I always just ballpark it by the cupfull. It's just not that serious to me.

    I do measure my ice cream though. And count any "junk" food I consume.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I dont count. I did before for maybe a month, but I am too lazy to count. I just eat less
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I was measuring everything in measuring cups. Then I read a thread on here about how innacurate that could be. I decided to measure out my customary quarter cup of almonds and then weigh it. I had an extra ounce of almonds beyond what I had been counting.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member

    I weight my oats and milk - best way to prevent the bowl overflowing in the microwave, and the amount of milk left is either 700 ml, 400 ml, or 100 ml depending on how many bowls of porridge I have from that litre.
    I measure my cinnamon with a teaspoon because shaking a bottle is not the best way to estimate a teaspoon.
    I weigh my melon slices and deduct the skin - don't know if the MFP entries are for flesh only or not, but prefer calories to be wrong than micros to be over-estimates; although I have estimated at times.
    I weigh bags of sweets, raisins, etc where I am not eating the whole lot in one sitting (same as with oats) so I'm not left with half a portion at the end of the bag.
    Everything else I estimate, although I use a tablespoon/teaspoon for me peanut butter, cottage cheese, etc. and the last time I weighed what I though was a tablespoon of PB was about 5 grams less than 15 grams, so assume they all even out over the course of a jar.
    My food isn't shared with anyone, so if I really wanted to see if my estimates were correct I'd just log when a jar/carton/pack/bag was opened and if I got the right number of servings out of it.
    All the bananas I eat are logged as medium. I believe the ones I bought today are small and the ones I bought a few days ago were large, and the ones I bought before that were extra small, but assume they all average out over time.
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    I estimate everything, but i round everything out... exercise gets rounded down, food intake gets rounded up. Works so far... the only thing i measure out if my shakes and meal replacment drinks.