

  • Congrats! That's great =D. I'd love to be able to run 2 miles in under 16 minutes. That isn't a bad goal to work toward, but I'm definitely taking the roundabout way haha. My goal is just to become a runner. I want to keep on running 4-5 days a week, increasing my time, and getting that distance racked up until I can…
  • I ditto what Jen said. You're supposed to start slower so that you get that uncomfortable burning phase out of the way and get into a good warmed-up state, then gradually increase and finish strong. Much more important than timing is your heart rate/exertion level. How hard are you running as you go along, measured by your…
  • I think I got 3 weeks into it when I bought it, but the monotony kills me, and I stopped. The accompanying music is indeed terrible. I've seen good results of the friends who stick with it, and I'd say it was decent, but it's what helped me discover that taped repetitive routines just aren't for me.
  • Nope. You might find a diet that'll give you a large amount of scale loss if you make yourself miserable over the course of the next 2 weeks, but your loss will be mostly water and muscle loss. You'll regain the water as soon as you start eating normally again, but losing the muscle will only make you look worse in the…
  • I am one who suffers from chronic knee joint problems related to thyroid malfunctions, and most of the time when I get into running I have to stop after completing C25K because it starts to hurt and I don't see weight loss. I shelled out $140 for a pair of Asics thinking they couldn't possibly help that much, but still…
  • Done xD. Nice little way to get the heart beating for a few minutes!
  • Good! If you have a heart rate monitor, you already have the key to starting your outdoor workouts. I hate the heat and I hate sweating, and despite living in rural South Georgia where there are literally 0 times you're ever going to go outside and find humidity under 80% (it usually sticks at 100 >_<), I have gotten used…
  • Another thing -- are you making sure to stay within your target heart rate? I know one thing I messed up on early on was pushing too hard because I could. When you're starting to run, pace doesn't matter. Endurance and going the distance are what matter. You have to do a lot of long easy runs to build up your body's…
  • Accepted! I do these as part of a dynamic warmup for running, so I'm sure it won't be so bad :3.
  • Really depends on how hard you were going. Speed and resistance matter. It could be right but almost always I've found the calories burned estimates on gym equipment to be horribly wrong. I wouldn't trust it. Get yourself a cheap heart rate monitor (~$30) and instead make sure you're staying at 60-80% of your max heart…
  • What is your end goal? that is honestly the most important consideration. For me, the end goal is just to be a runner. I want to run a 5k, get used to that, and keep on working until I can run a half-marathon. For this reason, I run outside. Even if I do go to a track a lot of the time, it's important to get used to being…
  • It isn't your height -- it's just your fitness level. It takes time to build up to being capable of running at such speeds. I do feel you on the height problem, though. I honestly run so slowly to keep within my heart rate zone that I don't even go at a speed which qualifies as fitness walking :X. I'm 5'2". I couldn't walk…
  • I use Nike DriFit socks in the winter, but they tend to get too hot on my feet in the summer despite how much I love their support and moisture-wicking properties. I love them so much that I actually wear them to work, where I'm on my feet for almost all of my 12 hour shift. They help. However, for summer runs, which are…
  • How much weight do you typically lift? It has been suggested (and I've found it pretty dang useful) that you can do almost everything you need to do for a good beginner weights routine at home. The magic 9 are squats, one-arm rows, triceps dips, pushups, bird dogs, crunches, biceps curls, lateral arm lifts, and glute…
  • I'm in your boat, too. I've done C25K and completed it twice before, then stopped running so I could focus on other things and actually lose weight. I, too, always get the inches shift and body recomposition in the first few weeks, and then nothing more. I'm at ~218 lbs, started out at 220.5 lbs running, and am on week 7…
  • Thank you for your reply ^_^. The PSMF coach I followed did have me raise my calories (and more importantly, carbs) back up to normal for 2 weeks before going about the rest of my life. As for the maintenance calories, I'm 5'2" and have a slow metabolism anyway. Much experimenting over 2.5 years has shown me that going…
  • No thanks to a lot of the unhelpful replies here, I did a bit of research. First and foremost, for all of you calling me a liar, READ MY WORDS. I have already explained that I don't use my food log on MFP to log what I actually ate. For instance, a lot of mornings, it'll say I logged something like 300 calories by eating…
  • I'm doing c25k =D. Week 5 day 2 here, and so far I've been able to keep task with the days and haven't had to add in any. I usually go a bit above and beyond. So for instance, for week 4, instead of doing 3-5-3-5 with running, I'll do 3-5-5-5 or something similar. I screwed up on week 2 and accidentally did run 90, walk 60…
  • I, too, hail from South GA and find it very difficult to find a good sunscreen that'll stay on me while I'm sweating profusely. After trying several, I gave up on it and just use a normal one, and go at dusk. I used to go after dark but the bugs are insane, too, and one time I looked down and saw one of those giant beetles…
  • I didn't say I don't. I just said I don't with MFP. I'll use MFP to help me out sometimes if I legitimately have no idea what the macro counts on something I just ate were, but I've found that even using barcode scanning with my phone, a lot of the MFP totals are wrong, so it's better if I just keep track of it myself. I'm…
  • You know, I've still got a long way to go with my weight loss (hoping to lose another 80 lbs on top of the 120 I've already lost) and at this point, my weight holds me back from almost nothing. I don't think I'll be able to do things like 10k races or half-marathons at my current weight, so as I get smaller, targeting for…
  • I'm 5'2". At 335 lbs, I was a blob. At 216 lbs (where I am now :3), I'm a very shapely hourglass with pretty even fat distribution everywhere. Having baby-bearing hips is a thing that runs in my family, and my butt has always been particularly perky and shapely. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this fat continue to…
  • Eh, it gets pretty unbearable. Even though I only work weekends and am in school during the week, I always seem to get hit with my period (which only lasts 2-3 days and is incredibly heavy and painful) on the days that I work. I take a lot of OTC medications to help take the edge off the pain, and just deal with what the…
  • It's very oversimplistic to just blame Dr. Oz for being a sellout. The fact is, I doubt he could have kept a popular TV show about weight loss while telling the truth about it, because nobody wants to hear the truth. Unfortunately, you DO have to make time to exercise. You DO have to exert some sort of self control over…
  • I've been losing weight for about 2 years now, and I am a dedicated logger. I do a very restrictive diet so I don't have a ton to log, but you're welcome to check it out and add me if you'd like xD.
  • As specifically as you're doing it, it sounds detrimental. The attitude should be more learning how to control what you eat, and then working out a bit extra if you occasionally go over your limits. "Buying" food with exercise really is just setting you up for future problems. You can only work out so much before you've…
  • Basically, chew gum and stay busy. If I have gum in my mouth, I won't be so tempted to put something else in there. If I'm busy, I don't have time to think about sitting around eating, so it all works out! I don't ever just sit down and watch TV, because it's a recipe for disaster. I find something to do online, someone to…
  • Listening to very upbeat music. It's about all pop is good for, and usually it'll happen as I'm flipping radio stations in the car so I can't even really work out then anyway xD. The gym I used to go to had top 40 pop radio playing all the time, and I liked that a lot. I hate actually finding the music and putting it on my…
  • I use YouTube to get my workout videos when I feel like I need them. I have some of the big ones that have been super popular, but honestly I feel better when I set my own workout routines, though yoga videos can be quite helpful.
  • Lmao right?? I'm sitting here reading these replies and am just in utter amusement. I had no idea this forum was full retard -- I've always just used MFP to track my food! These replies were great for a laugh. But being serious, I know the feeling of stress when dieting and having someone else in the house who isn't…
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