Losing a too much time

When I run, I find that I'm losing the most time between my first and second mile. Yesterday, I ran three miles and theses were my split times, 10:46, 12:22, 12:46. Any help would be great.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Could you try slowing down your pace on your first mile so that the three paces are steadier, then work on building a faster pace from there?
  • Otrogen
    Otrogen Posts: 65
    I ditto what Jen said. You're supposed to start slower so that you get that uncomfortable burning phase out of the way and get into a good warmed-up state, then gradually increase and finish strong. Much more important than timing is your heart rate/exertion level. How hard are you running as you go along, measured by your breathing? Are you able to carry on with a conversation in full normal sentences? What exactly are you training for, and what kind of workout was this supposed to be? Gaining speed is so relative to everything else in your training plan as well as your goal that it's hard to answer the question without specifics.
  • Ilb320
    Ilb320 Posts: 56 Member
    My training is two fold. I'm prepping for military physical training test. I have to complete 2 miles in 17 mins. I also have an obstacle course race that's 11 miles.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    When are these things? I'm not a really seasoned runner, but I have heard that adding distance to your runs can help to increase your speed on shorter runs, but that can take time. You may want to incorporate some speed training as well. Perhaps do a slower, long run one day a week, a session that incorporates sprints and/or hills, then just work on doing 2 miles for a run so you can get a feel for it, and see about evening your pace out.