best running shoes to alleviate knee pain?

I'm 46, doing a 5K soon, and my knees are really bothing me. Is paying the big bucks really worth it? What's the best deal for the $$$?


  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Yes its worth it. Go to a specialty running store
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Team Nashville is down the street from my office. I will visit tomorrow.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    What works for me won't necessarily work for you, as the shoes need to correct imbalances in your specific gait. Like Tyty said, go to a running store and get fitted. Buy from them, and you'll get a lifetime of excellent customer service and support. If you really want to get a better deal, you can go home and shop online warehouses ( is my favorite) for better deals....but it's a little like stealing from the running store.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It depends.

    Minimalist or bare feet work best for me.
  • Otrogen
    Otrogen Posts: 65
    I am one who suffers from chronic knee joint problems related to thyroid malfunctions, and most of the time when I get into running I have to stop after completing C25K because it starts to hurt and I don't see weight loss.

    I shelled out $140 for a pair of Asics thinking they couldn't possibly help that much, but still wanting to exhaust every option before I tried running yet again. They make such a huge difference for me. Definitely go to the running store and get yourself outfitted. It's so worth it. And once you've bought from there once and know what's up with your feet/stride, you can apply those traits to buying new shoes online if you'd like.

    The Asics don't magically cause weight loss, unfortunately :P, but they do make a world of difference in my pain levels. I've even started to wear them to my 12 hour hospital work shifts for that comfort!
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    You guys are all great! Advice will be taken well! (Don't think I can run barefoot though)
  • janinab75
    janinab75 Posts: 147 Member
    I went to a New Balance store and found out I had very flat feet, which explained the foot pain when I ran, and I pronated. They sold me a shoe which helped both problems. Totally worth the money!! I suggest going to New Balance if you have one (they are made in the US), but if not a running store where they can properly look at your foot and fit you properly with a good, sturdy shoe to help your knees. It will be worth it!! Your knees will thank you!
  • Adirafox
    Adirafox Posts: 107 Member
    Also consider glucosamine supplements. Those have really helped me with joint pain due to repetitive stress injuries (first belly dancing, then running).
  • jenfire1974
    I totally believe in good footwear be it running shoes or work boots. Happyfeet..happybody! I really like solomons running shoes. great support !
    You might want to check out "Chi Running" It has helped me releive aches and pains so far. I have not done it for very long but I cant believe what a difference it has made. Its not something I would try before a race. But something to look at down the road. I am overweight, have asthma, and had ankle surgery last november that I am still recovering from. Started trying chi running techniques last year and it helped (not all of foot and ankle pain...that took surgery) but knee and hip pain was less. Now that I am almost recovered I havegotten back on my horse and have been trying to do walk/runs. The chi running technique helps me a lot because it makes you concentrate on your movements and right now my footfall is where I need themost work.
    however, if you are having alot of painin your knees i would get it checked though. i skied and ran in alot of pain for three years before my surgery. i kept getting sent to pt. every six months to get my ankle stronger my surgery included two bones and four ligaments. ddon't let that be you!!
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    I did a trial of supplements, was outfitted at a specialty running store and visited with a chiropractor. Anything you can do now will make a lot of difference in your next decade of life. I found I cannot run anymore unless I opt for surgery. my arthritis is just that advanced, I am 49 and would like to hold off on any type of surgery. Take care and decide if you really need to run or if there is another type of cardio you can do that will not injure your body. Good Luck ! I do believe that opting for better nutrition is what has helped the most with my pain levels. Yoga too ;)
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    See a specialist in foot ware, and a also Doctor. Pretty simple.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Shoes make a world of difference. I agree with Tyty go to a running store - you will not be sorry.

    I just recently changed my shoes after having issues with my calves cramping and knee pain and within the first 5 minutes of using my new shoes I could tell a difference.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Agree with those saying go to a running store...I have been injury free since I decided to pay more for the right shoe 5 years ago.
  • heidicalif
    heidicalif Posts: 114 Member
    Another vote for a running store. It was really hard for me to spend so much on a pair of running shoes, but it solved ALL my pain problems. Worth every penny!
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    I feel much much better about spening the money now. I'm headed to the specialty store first thing. I will keep in mind the arthritis thing. I was diagnosed w/ osteoporosis at a very age, early 30's, and I really need the impact exercise, so I am going to stick with this. The hardest part is getting myself out the door. I never regret doing the exercise, just not doing it!
  • kudeza25
    You can also try Therafit by Dr.Lisa Masterson of The Doctors
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    I will tell you, it's taken a few times for me to find my shoe. I'm on my second pair, and I'm not happy with it right now. I liked my first one (Brooks Ghost 7), but they are creating a blister on my left foot after 1.5 miles of running. I've got Asics now, but they make my left foot burn up.