Good sunscreen for runners/ heavy sweaters?

There's nothing wrong with the sunscreen I have now, however I'm almost out and thought I'd get some opinions on a good sweat resistant sunscreen. I usually run for about 30-40 minutes and I sweat... a lot. Any other tips for sun protection? I wear sun glasses and a visor if I go after sunrise as well.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I like the Nutrogena water-resistant kind. It holds up pretty well even when I get really sweaty.
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    I normally use the Neutrogena Ultimate Sport spray-on sunscreen, and it works very well. Last month I was on a week long vacation, outside in the 95+ degree weather, in and out of the water or walking or kayaking all day every day, and because I remembered to reapply every hour or two, I didn't get burned at all. Well, I got a little stripe of burn on my leg where I just missed with the spray, but it wasn't bad and two days later it was completely gone.

    Without sunscreen I usually get a burn in around 20 minutes, a bad burn in about an hour, and once I was out all day in the sun without sunscreen and ended up getting burned so bad my shoulders blistered. I am super sensitive to the sun, but love being outdoors in the summer, so finding an amazing sunscreen that was super easy to apply has been fantastic.

    I watch a toddler, very pale and very sensitive to the sun, and use either the Neutrogena Pure and Free Baby Sunblock or Vanicream sunscreen on her, and she's never even gotten tan. Those sunscreens work really well in and out of water and while you're sweating, but I personally hate the texture. They're both really thick, and don't really rub into the skin, more leave a film on top of it. Great for protection, but when I forget my sunscreen and have to use hers I feel gross.

    Also, I'm not sure about using this for running, but I have a couple long sleeve workout shirts with the special SPF fabric (from Coolibar, but I'm sure there are other brands out there) and I wear them kayaking and paddleboarding and playing tennis. If it gets too hot, I just get them wet and put them back on.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    This one is excellent. Very expensive but a bottle lasts me about a year
  • Kathandragon23
    Thanks for the replies! I will probably go for the Neutrogena stuff. I have a few moisture-wicking long sleeved shirts but where I live (southern GA, high heat + humidity alllll summer long) it's not very ideal to wear them. Thanks again.
  • Otrogen
    Otrogen Posts: 65
    I, too, hail from South GA and find it very difficult to find a good sunscreen that'll stay on me while I'm sweating profusely. After trying several, I gave up on it and just use a normal one, and go at dusk. I used to go after dark but the bugs are insane, too, and one time I looked down and saw one of those giant beetles attached to my shirt (and he had been for my whole run I'd guess), and I decided I wasn't doing any more in the dark running.

    I'll be watching this thread for sure!