Hubby threw out all my "healthy food".. WTH



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?
    It's a mishmash of random spices that generally have no business being mixed together. Basically, take every single spice in your spice cabinet, throw it into a bowl together, and you have Mrs Dash. It's the stuff that people who have no idea how to cook use in order to pretend they have a clue.
  • Otrogen
    This forum is great but the "my husband is sabotaging me" stuff is getting old. And dear god some of you sound like you would call for divorce if your "hubby" left the toilet seat up. Buy something you both like and fight about something more important.

    Lmao right?? I'm sitting here reading these replies and am just in utter amusement. I had no idea this forum was full retard -- I've always just used MFP to track my food! These replies were great for a laugh.

    But being serious, I know the feeling of stress when dieting and having someone else in the house who isn't dieting. I'm on an incredibly restrictive diet right now, and I'm not doing free meals twice a week like I could be, so when one of my two roommates microwaves pizza rolls or brings home fries and a sandwich for lunch, I just want to choke them sometimes! My husband is large like I am, but he doesn't want to diet, so we eat very different foods (mine mostly being chicken + veggies, his mostly being junk). I am the primary food shopper, so I still buy him his junk and will occasionally offer to make it for him if he's busy. I just have to have the willpower to stay out of his crap food!

    Your husband should apologize, no doubt about that. Tell him you want to discuss it without him throwing a fit, and that you're willing to compromise, but be willing to see where he's coming from, too. I know I massively disrupted the lifestyle my husband and I had when I decided to start exercising a lot and stop eating crap food. I'm at 220 lbs now, down from over 330 lbs., and my life couldn't be more different. Your husband doesn't sound like he's adapted too well to your changes. Talk it out with him!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?

    Some seasoning thing. I've never tried it but I've seen the commercials for it. *shrugs*

    Whats wrong with regular salt? I like my regular salt... I get to control how much I put in my food that way...

    I dunno. I rather have my own salt and spices all separate so I can control the taste better. *shrugs again*
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?

    Some seasoning thing. I've never tried it but I've seen the commercials for it. *shrugs*

    It is disgusting - and if you get a few good recipe books you will never use it...but it sounds like the beginning stages of changing your diet. It all goes a bit Robocop food pellet for a bit until you figure out that 'change' and eating food pellets are not interchangeable and that you should explore cooking well but reasonably. As PP poster has said you can cook with butter, eat roast chicken on the bone and still loose weight so long as you don't eat all the butter ever and maybe skip the skin.

    I don't know about anyone else but whenever one of those biggest looser type shows goes into someone's home and tsk tsks at the pantry and throws things out I get a bit annoyed. I don't like waste and I also hate that they don't take them shopping to show them how to replace what is in there with good stuff that doesn't taste like *kitten*. I ate homemade brownies today and they were great - 157 cal par 2" square of divine made from real chocolate yumminess - and in my count. You can still eat sweets and savoury naughties but you have less or you realize you can't control yourself (hello chips) and then say - well I won't ever have those except a couple of times a year on special occasions and live with that.
  • Doing_me
    Doing_me Posts: 91 Member
    In all fairness, you're the one who is trying to change your eating habits and you've kind of forced it on him. I'd suggest making some of the things he wants available in the house. Continue to eat healthy yourself and cook healthy. If he chooses to eat crap, so be it. You can only change you.

    This is so true! My hubbs is the same. He has not really found his way to completely healthy eating so we go grocery shopping together and he chooses whatever he feels like eating. We even buy different milk and I dont mind. Seems like you guys need to talk once both of you have calmed down!
  • kitty_764
    He sees that you are serious, and he feels threatened so he had a tantrum and threw away your food.

    He wants to keep you fat.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I buy for me. I keep the law known. I am queen of this kitchen. you don't like what I make, STARVE
  • paleirishmother
    what a ****head.
  • greyoutside
    You go replace that food! That is absolutely not an appropriate reaction to your trying to get healthier. He's a grown man and if he wants different food, he can go to the grocery store and cook it himself. You are absolutely not responsible for catering to him at your own expense. It sounds like your husband just threw a bit of a temper tantrum (which everyone does to some extent every great once in a while even if they won't admit it), but if this is pretty normal behavior you might want to do something more about it.

    My boyfriend isn't on the same eating plan as me, and we've worked it out by finding healthy foods that we both like. He will have a piece of toast on top of whatever I make for breakfast... or he'll put his own salt on his food... or if we can't think of anything we both want we go out somewhere cheap and get completely different menu items... etc. There are ways to make it work :)
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    In all fairness, you're the one who is trying to change your eating habits and you've kind of forced it on him. I'd suggest making some of the things he wants available in the house. Continue to eat healthy yourself and cook healthy. If he chooses to eat crap, so be it. You can only change you.

    not in my house. my husband and kids eat what i cook. im not a waitress. if im eating healthy, they are eating healthy. if my husband doesnt like it, he knows where the door is, and also knows my address to mail his child support payments to :)
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    you have 80lbs to go. And you talk about "Every journey starts with a single step" . I think you may have taken some steps a bit too fast. This is a lifestyle change. You cannot expect to hijack your eating habits and his all in one go and not have problems. You need to take baby steps with this.

    Your husband doesnt need to go on your change of diet if he doesnt want to. You said that YOU decided to change the way you eat. So do just that. Dont drag him into this unwillingly.

    Both of you obviously havent talked much about this before you decided to jump right into it, or he'd know what was to be expected.

    Communicate. With him. And keep it off here.
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?
    It's a mishmash of random spices that generally have no business being mixed together. Basically, take every single spice in your spice cabinet, throw it into a bowl together, and you have Mrs Dash. It's the stuff that people who have no idea how to cook use in order to pretend they have a clue.

    Its damn delicious- And I know how to cook- Dont be an *kitten* and insult people just because you don't like something

    And from the way you reacted to his reaction OP- it doesnt seem like this is the first time he's acted like this about something. You deserve support- And if he cant - or sounds like Wont- give it to you- at some point youre going to have to choose- you and your health or him and his ways-
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    That ***** gets to sleep on the couch tonight. There's no way that's acceptable. Tell him he can eat whatever the eff he likes, but you are going to keep to your guns. You want to be healthy and be around for a long time, and if he doesn't want that too, then there is something seriously wrong.

  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    its called venting and frustration people. Hes sick of her healthy groceries, and shes the one buying them and fixing the meals. NOOOOOO BODY wants to cook multiple meals like a line cook. So I understand both reasoning, just not the husbands reaction.

    Get him a junk cabinet. I have a healthy shelf in my pantry, and a junk one for my kids. I have my own 1/2 gallon milk though (well almond milk) they have 2%. No big deal. My husband had the same fit (well not like that- you know what i mean) and it was not even about the food, it was insecurity. Then he jumped on board and now hes worse than me lol. it will work its self out. unless were missing something.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?

    its a blend of western spices. Just like Indian masala blends. Its supposed to be used as a seasoning . Although not as a crutch for ugly cooking skills ...LOL
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?

    its a blend of western spices. Just like Indian masala blends. Its supposed to be used as a seasoning . Although not as a crutch for ugly cooking skills ...LOL

    This. And Mrs Dash is no Garam Masala...I guess it's reputation is bad because it is the kind of thing my widowed father likes to put on chicken breasts he cooks or because of the marketing which proposed it as a salt substitute.
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    I make 2 meals at dinner, one for hubby and one for me and the kids. My husband is a picky eater so he won't try all the things I make.
  • kmk_natasha
    Sounds like a horrible husband; however, you might want to test your willpower and by a mixture of types of food, like get two gallons of milk - his and yours. As far as cooking goes... he can cook for himself, or add salt if he wants.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    That guy should man up and go out and buy his own groceries if yours aren't good enough.

    That's what I do - the people I live with eat some of the worst crap ever. I go and buy my own stuff for 99% of what I eat. Works well!
  • spiritful7
    Just continue with your goals and believe in yourself. You are on the right path. And I'd have to imagine that you have a friend or another family member that supports you in your quest to be healthy. I'd calmly sit down and ask him what is really bothering him about this whole thing. What does he really fear about all of this? It seems as though his ego is threatened by you living to true yourself. Remember you are worthy of respect and support. Good luck and continue your healthy journey.