For Ladies ONLY!! (this is for your own sake, men!)



  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    I hope you tell your GYN how bad it is. You could have endometriosis, which is treatable without surgery ( with medications) and then you can have your life back!
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I crave the chocolate. All of it. HA.

    I have an IUD that was put in about 19 months ago and while I have had some sort or TOM since then last two months was super light and nothing this month... I am halfway freaked honestly because all ones gotta do is look at me sideways and I am having a baby (5 babies 3 of which were on Birth Control) I plan to keep working out and prolly eat a SMALL amount of chocolate.

    I am also a little psycho the week before.
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    Me: a migraine type headache 1 day before. I am blessed to not have cramps, but now as I am peri menopausal, I get low back pain ( not cramps but it is steady,like a strained muscle). and no chocolate or bread is safe if I do not control myself.. Want to NAP! If I give in 1 whole bag of mint milano can be inhaled.

    Exercise helps a lot, endorphins rock. weight loss helps a lot too. I do light up on it though, slower rides , less strenuous
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    I am sorry if I caused confusion; I was speaking SOLELY in Chinese medical terms, and I was not advising anyone to do what I said. I was just explaining how we view those statements in the field of acupuncture.

    Chocolate does nourish the blood, salt is the flavour that the kidneys like, and downward pressure is bad to do during menses in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), only. I am not referring to any other medical profession here, nor making claims about any medical profession besides acupuncture. As an acupuncturist, these are the things we would say to those questions, and they are successful when followed through.

    These answers are how we explain those situations in TCM. I am aware that they don't line up with conventional medicine, and I apologize for any confusion or frustration at my words
  • LadyBirdGo
    LadyBirdGo Posts: 39 Member
    I'm guessing that pms time is around right now? I know this because i am pretty moody right now myself. lol.
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    If Flo became real, I would hold a gun to her head, look straight in her eyes for 10 seconds, say "I hate you, you useless *****," pull the trigger without remorse, kick her into the ditch, and spit on her.

    I think all bets are off during pms and those first heavy days. It's all I can do not to wreak hell and havoc on all those in my fuming, raging, crying path, including puppies and small children. I will consume anything and everything I want to, like a voracious beast, like a bottomless sinkhole, and not one MOLECULE of it will remotely resemble a vegetable or a fruit. I will eat enough calories for a person 20 times my size and I will still be hungry. I will NOT exercise because just getting out of bed is already a marathon.

    And then a few days later, I'll be back on track and we'll just put all of that unpleasantry behind us. I'm sorry, but you will not catch me dieting or working out during hell time. Nor will I feel guilty about it. It's too much on its own to deal with.
  • wldrose75
    wldrose75 Posts: 128
    p.s. Chocolate cravings are TOTALLY indicative of magnesium deficiency.

    and because chocolate is nomnomnom...
  • Otrogen
    Otrogen Posts: 65
    Eh, it gets pretty unbearable. Even though I only work weekends and am in school during the week, I always seem to get hit with my period (which only lasts 2-3 days and is incredibly heavy and painful) on the days that I work. I take a lot of OTC medications to help take the edge off the pain, and just deal with what the meds don't get rid of. I also tend to break out and have zits on the lower part of my face, especially my chin, during that week. It sucks =(.

    I definitely don't exercise. It tends to make it worse and not at all better. My mood is fine, other than the pain causing me to be a bit antisocial just due to lack of being able to have a good time when you're in a lot of pain. I don't turn into a kitchen-gobbling monster. My body retains water because of the heavy cramping, but it goes away within a few days of the bleeding stopping. All in all, it's a crippling few days, but it is just a few days, and I know all the other women are going through the same, so I set my teeth and get through it.
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    i crave sweets, chocolate, FROSTING, etc. I hold on to a lot of water so I know to either not weigh myself right before or during, or to accept the fact that I'm not going to be BFF's with the scale right then. Sigh. :ohwell: but then, right afterwards, BAM good-bye five pounds. (LMAO it's mostly water though..............) :laugh:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    working out relieves my cramps so I work out every day for relief. I also gain 8 pounds during that time. LAME!!!!!
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    PMS affects me but there is no food craving. what affects me is the bleeding makes it uncomfortable to exercise..:mad:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Lets see..... I run to get stress out..... so I run a lot. PMS? Nope not had it since I started losing weight. I workout even on the heavy days, there's no excuse not to do it. I've had 13 cycles since starting my journey.....I think my own results speak for themselves. I get cravings, sure..... every woman does at the time of the month because your body needs something extra to replace what it's about to get rid of.... but I learn that it's not always what you think it is that you are craving. Sweet may mean you need some other vitamin source, same as salty.
  • ClaireBoe
    ClaireBoe Posts: 13 Member
    I am entering that lovely time of pre-menopause, and my periods have gotten horribly heavy with bad cramps. Started MFP six weeks ago today, and this is my second cycle since joining.

    My first cycle was exactly the same. I did not find exercising comfortable AT ALL. I ended up doing a shorter work out, but felt like crap.

    Flash forward a month: I upped my water quite a bit (from a lazy eight glasses, to a strict 10 or more per day) have dropped 11 lbs, and the cramps have disappeared. The flow is still heavy, but I think that's just a symptom of pre-menopause.

    I have some cravings, as well. Mine last two full weeks now!!! I am finding that when I exercise, I just don't want to mess up my progress, so I distract myself with reading, or finding something to occupy my mind. Also, I allow myself enough calories to have some dark chocolate in the evening nearly every single day. Keeps me sane.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    before it I get so irritated with everything.
    on first days I want sweet things but I can exercise if I'm not in pain.
    rest of the time I just feel really horny :laugh:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    If Flo became real, I would hold a gun to her head, look straight in her eyes for 10 seconds, say "I hate you, you useless *****," pull the trigger without remorse, kick her into the ditch, and spit on her.

    I think all bets are off during pms and those first heavy days. It's all I can do not to wreak hell and havoc on all those in my fuming, raging, crying path, including puppies and small children. I will consume anything and everything I want to, like a voracious beast, like a bottomless sinkhole, and not one MOLECULE of it will remotely resemble a vegetable or a fruit. I will eat enough calories for a person 20 times my size and I will still be hungry. I will NOT exercise because just getting out of bed is already a marathon.

    And then a few days later, I'll be back on track and we'll just put all of that unpleasantry behind us. I'm sorry, but you will not catch me dieting or working out during hell time. Nor will I feel guilty about it. It's too much on its own to deal with.

    I think I love you!
  • Fit147
    Fit147 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm just finishing my second Aunt Flo MFP visit. I do the salt and chocolate thing too. I ate lots of 100 calorie bags of popcorn to tame the salt cravings and had pizza and a chocolate cupcake at my son's birthday party last night. It's all within the calorie range so it's all good. The worst part for me is the bloat that starts a week before. No matter how well I am doing, the dang scale will not move for days and days. I get a big jump at the finish...but it is frustrating nevertheless.
  • Diahann_Hughes
    Diahann_Hughes Posts: 58 Member
    Likely the whole reason I came in here is because it said Ladies Only. That being said we do a lot of studying about the hormones of PMS and Menstrual Cycles in almost all of my fitness/medical classes.

    Sad fact is there is not much you can do about it. Your body is preparing to have a baby and the hormones tell you to not only pack in food, but it also makes your emotions out of whack. While I have no idea what it is like it is 100% unfair to women and I do sympathize. So yes you will gain weight even if your diet is spot on... sorry :( but it will also come flying off once your all done. If I was a woman I wouldn't weigh myself for about 2 weeks in that time frame.

    Thanxs for the advice I think im gonna suffer on my weigh in tomo cause im starting to feel bloated etc Im gonna try not take it to heart lol ohh they joys of being a women x
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Seriously I am in the category of moody bi@&%#tch for a few days then comes the omg what can i eat! Give me food now and not just any food all the bad stuff gimme gimme gimme, then it starts and I say to myself, what it has been a month already? I very rarely realise what is going on until it actually starts lol.
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    Okay, So I don't know about you but I personally have a little issue with PMS... I get moody all the usual symptoms and usually during this time period I eat super fatty and salt food and super sweet food. I crave it like a crazy pregnant woman.

    Anyway, the point of this thread is how does your red tide affect you and your journey to super sexy health. What do you crave? Do you work out? What do you do to circumvent the effects of PMS in reference to your diet & exercise? What would you do to your period if it could manifest itself into a physical being?

    I personally would punch him in the face repeatedly and rub it's face in the dirt, but that's just me...
    Lol omg!! This is hilarious! My period cramps are so horrible I am nearly in tears the first day and my mood swings are like a pregnant whale! I manifest all stages of the bipolar syndrome during this phase! BUT Since I've started working out, I never miss a day of exercise during my period! It helps me ease the pain from the cramps and doesn't let me bloat too much! I crave very spicey food ( god know for what reason! Maybe it's the Indian in me) but I control what I eat! Don't give in to temptation much :) if my period could manifest itself I would drive over it at least a hundred times! :P