calderst Member


  • Sonrie1017... not sure if you've found it yet but there's a group on here now too for ladies with endo
  • Drinking a cup of coffee (decaff for me) right after the meal helps me. Tea works well too. I find if I have a hot beverage, I have to slow down and sip it. The warmth is comforting and by the time I finish it, I feel fuller-- perhaps from the liquid. Often I'll try to do this at restaurants when I start wanting dessert.
  • I rarely do 5Ks anymore for this reason. They're cheaper than the long runs but $20 here and $20 there quickly adds up and I don't particularly like the distance. I'd rather save up and do one or two big races instead.
  • I'm cystic and caffeine makes mine extra achey. Also, have you increased your exercise regimen? The wrong sports bra for the type of movement I'm doing can make mine ultra-senstitive/achey too.
  • Every once in awhile when I notice myself really obsessing over the numbers, I take a short break from logging my calories and just try to listen to my body. Your body will tell you what it needs if you can quiet your mind (fears & guilt included) long enough to listen & obey. I usually try to still check in and look…
  • Sometimes I get non-period related spotting from exercise, esp jumping rope. It's happened once or twice from running but it seems jumping is the worse culprit. It never amounts to much so I chalk it up to the impact. I also have endo though and just had a massive amount of cysts removed. It hasn't happened since so I'm…
  • I just mix it with water... just the thought of mixing it with milk makes my tummy hurt. Thanks for the feedback! I will be on the lookout for some other powders to try.
  • That's just the problem... I don't know exactly what it is in the EAS that's messing me up. It could be the whey or the sweeteners... or some random ingredient. I can digest cottage cheese with no problem, which is packed with casein. I can't drink milk very successfully, although I pretend I can and drink chocolate milk…
  • Burpees are great if you don't have a jump rope
  • I had the surgery at the end of August. My aunt made me a big container of chicken & rice soup and dropped it off when I got home. I usually don't like chicken soups but for some reason this time around it was perfect the night of the surgery and the next day.
  • Bill Murray. There's just something about him.
  • I'm not going to weigh in on the water question (I think it should count but I'm not an expert) but about the tea itself.... Herbals don't contain any caffeine because they don't come from camellia sinensis (the tea plant). They are called "tisane" instead of tea because they are prepared the same way as tea but they come…
  • To add to your already great list of tips... I find a heating pad is great for me when I'm having a particularly painful day. I have one that I put in the microwave and I use it just like I would for menstrual cramps. And you mentioned peppermint-- mini-altoids are great for me after a meal but peppermint tea gives me…
  • Thanks for the feedback!
  • I don't have any answers for you-- my marathon is Saturday and I didn't figure it out for myself but I didn't gain. I actually stopped keeping the journal for a little while because I was obsessing way too much about the numbers and the more I obsessed, the more I wanted to eat because I was thinking about it. It's an…
  • I have IBS/Spastic colon... no fun! Often the impact from running will wreak havoc but I find a bathroom then continue on. You can't let it stop you from doing what you want to do! That's why they put several porta-potties along marathon routes! What kind of stuff do you do with the dumbbells? If you're wanting to tone, I…
  • Are you using different products now than you did before the extra sweat? When I am switching gears from lifting to cardio, or finishing up a heavy cardio workout, I rinse with water just to get the fresh sweat off my face. Then when I shower, I use my regular cleanser. I have really sensitive skin so I don't use product…
  • If you still have the gym membership, I would recommend lifting weights. It will give you the most "visual" change as you are losing weights. has a huge amount of information, as do many of the forums and conversations you can find on here. You can also find many how'to videos on youtube. Good luck!
  • It made me sad for you that people got snarky answering your questions. I always tell myself that if people are quick to get cranky, it's probably just that they need a snack (I get cranky when I'm hungry). Don't take it personally. Anyhow, I'm not a trainer by any means but 2 things that might help you... HIIT…
  • I thought my list was short until I started reading these posts-- my list is growing! Top 3: Running Shoes Indoor bike trainer Weighted vest Others: HRM or fitbit Workout clothes Cold weather gear
  • The incline is a likely culprit. However if you've recently started running and bumped your distance up, it could be overuse. It could also be your shoes. Next time they start hurting, experiment to see if going faster/slower or more/less incline makes a difference.
  • Keep seeing yourself that way.... who cares what everyone else sees.
  • I just saw this article on my facebook so I thought I'd pass it along....
  • I know you said you've spoken to doctors... but have you spoken with your gynecologist about all of it? Even though you have gone off the depo, you could simply have a hormone imbalance. This would wreak havoc on your weight AND your emotional welfare. I actually went off all BC because it made me crazy-- anxiety,…
  • It won't be any time soon but I really want to do the Laurel Highlands Ultra (PA). It's 70 or so miles of trail running. Not sure my body and schedule could withstand training for an ultra, but it's on my bucket list. I also want to do an ironman. Any, really, although I once told my husband that I want to do the one in…
  • Maybe start down on the floor and work on pushing yourself up. Then when you can push up, work on lowering yourself back down.
  • I'm doing a marathon on Saturday... does that count? :) I did a Turkey Trot 5K last year on Thanksgiving and it was a blast! The winners received pumpkin pies as their prizes.
  • Here's some great info shared by others on here about lifting. I haven't read the last 100 or so (it's a long one) but what I have read has been great.
  • Are you lifting heavy? I didn't see definition I was happy with until I started lifting heavy. Don't worry too much about getting big muscles. If they start getting bigger than you're happy with, you can stop and they will quickly disappear. It takes a lot of time and effort to get big & muscley for us girls.
  • A cup of tea... especially an herbal like chamomile... does wonders for me. Without anything edded, it's 0 calories but it warm and soothing. Also keeps your hands and mouth busy from snacking.