I blend it into my coffee as a replacement for creamer. It is so good. Apparently, it also does wonders for hair/skin. I do notice that I get much more energized after I've had my coconut oil coffee (and it's not due to the coffee - caffeine does nothing for me unless I consume a ridiculously large amount). 1-2 Tbsp of…
I use it in place of sour cream and make low-cal fajitas! Low carb/high fiber tortillas, chicken/beef fajita strips, tons of veggies, fat-free shredded cheese, and plain Greek yogurt.
Lol, I posted this in the beautiful faces thread, but it belongs here too:
Sean O'Pry is always relevant.
I was never fat, but I did gain some weight due to eating too much and being lazy.. mainly caused by depression and a lack of self control. Overcoming it by eating less and lifting, of course.
Maybe try coconut oil?
Ephedrine is not banned in the US. I live in Indiana, and there's a purchase limit (I think like 3.4g per month) and you have to be over 18 to buy it. Anyway, if you aren't a fan of stims, that's perfectly fine. Like I keep saying, I merely answered OP's question.
Eh, I don't think the two drugs are comparable. Like I said, I only answered OP's question. I highly advise looking up more information on an EC stack if you're considering it.
Don't really feel like arguing. If you're interested in fat burners, then you should look up as much info as possible on it before trying it out. I simply answered OP's question. All fat burners will have some sort of negative side effect. No one is forcing you to use an EC stack.
It's relatively safe if you know how to dose properly. Stop being so dramatic.
Caffeine / ephedrine But without a caloric deficit, any fat burner is useless.
Cottage cheese on toasted bread
5RMs: BP - 45 (lol) Squat - 95 Deadlift - 105
Eggs, sweet potatoes, chicken - Time to go grocery shopping.
I've had issues sleeping when I was on a low-carb diet as well, but I've never gotten mood swings!
If you're cutting weight, muscle loss is inevitable. However, you can minimize muscle loss by eating enough protein (~1g per pound bw) and lifting heavy.
Smile :D
I've dealt with an eating disorder for 5 years (bulimia). I did go to a therapist while I was still in school, and she made me visit a nutritionist who used to be bulimic. The advice she gave me was that, in order to stop binging, you can't be actively trying to lose weight. Instead, focus on maintaining your current…
Leggings + UGGS... nearly every girl on campus wears this combo every single day.
@jellybean The Pikachu one!
180? Really depends on your height though.
Coffee date :D
It's a pretty good form of motivation. Once, I had a "friend" who, when our friendship ended, told me that he wished my eating disorder (bulimia) would get worse and worse. It definitely gave me that extra push into getting therapy and attempting to recover.. now I'm on a journey to become healthy/fit (but it's not hatred…
I eat 120g of protein each day. On lifting days, I do higher carbs/lower fats. On rest days, it's lower carbs/higher fats.
Of course. I have several male friends that are "just friends."
"What" ain't no country I ever heard of, do they speak English in "What?" - Jules in Pulp Fiction
Curling in the squat rack... Not so much weird as it is annoying, especially since my gym only has one squat rack.
A shot of Jager with low-carb Monster or sugar-free Redbull.