hgunter10 Member


  • I am cleared by the surgeon. The pulling is just muscle stretching from what he tells me, so not bad. I am walking a little more each day and that helps. I was just wondering if there was something else I might also be able to incorporate. Thanks for the advice!
  • Yep me too! I was tired of counting points and didn't feel like it was getting me anywhere. Way too expensive! Feel free to add me if you need more friends :)
  • Mexican Food! Instead of giving it up, my friend came up with a recipe that has loads of protein and fiber, so I just cook this and don't go "out" to eat :) Try searching websites for low cal recipes of your favorites, they may not be exact, but it will fill the void! Good luck !
  • I'm not quite as new, but you can say I'm starting over, always happy to add new friends :)
  • I did that once before and it caused me to lose focus and quit. Don't get discouraged! I didn't know it then, but I was changing my body, just not on the scale. It will start moving again. I wouldn't suggest lowering your calories that much yet, change your goal settings and see what MFP recommends. Good Luck!!! :)
  • Me too! I host the Halloween Party for work and I did not eat ONE piece of candy, cake, or cookie! I was so proud of myself!
  • I went through this same problem. But everyone is right, you need to eat them in order to fuel your body to burn the excess fat. Good luck!!
  • My boyfriend recently gave me a ring and I had told him I wore an 8 1/2, good thing they sent the wrong size. I had to go have it sized and I am down to a 7 3/4. This is great since my wedding ring from my first marriage was a 9 1/2 :)
  • I had read the same article and wasn't sure, but I had a nutritionist tell me two days ago that it is perfect for before and after workouts. I drink skim with light Hershey's syrup.
  • Have the same problem, little to nothing to do at work. Here is a website that may get you started. Maybe you can modify the exercises to do while standing. http://exercise.about.com/cs/exerciseworkouts/l/blofficeworkout.htm
  • Thanks for all the advice. I talked to a nutritionist at the gym today and she said the same thing. I am eating way too few calories.
  • I have a Wii and instead of the Wii Fit I bought the Active Sports package. It is about 20+ for the game plus 10 for the accessory kit. The kit includes a resistance band, and thigh nun-chuck holder. It has so many preset exercises or you can create your own, you can also track your progress and keep track of calories…
  • I am a single mom too. I always feel guilty for leaving mine in daycare while I take an hour to work out. A lot of times I don't make it to the gym and workout at home. A few DVDs, I also have a stationary bike at home, and a Wii. Wait until she goes to bed if you don't want to sacrifice your time with her.