Pandorian Member


  • Only things from my garden so far have been strawberries... oh and rhubarb... can't have one without the other ;) and a spinach leaf that makes an excellent wrap for a burger off the bbq in place of the bun. Raspberries have gone NUTS though and I see that that'll be an above average yield once they all ripen up. Blueberry…
  • It can really vary. I had lost 39 lbs when I started and didn't change size.... I regained that and more and have been losing from that. Now I'm down 25 lbs from THAT trip... but my pant size is 10" smaller in the waist... even though I had lost 14 MORE pounds the previous time. Body composition changed big time ;) Next…
  • Grow Stevia in your herb garden... I do. BUT the commercially available stuff in stores may not be "just Stevia" any of them that are "cup for cup" or "measure for measure" replacement for sugar are "full" of filler.
  • A month to break ground? Jealous here I guess. I can't do any ground work until the May long weekend but certainly start stuff inside ahead of that to get as much time once they hit the garden as possible. I've got about a 3 month window for the outside stuff. Garlic is one I'd have to get planted in the fall in order to…
  • Well you mentioned chickens and rabbit hutches, but have you perhaps considered HOGS for that overgrown pasture? We fenced ours in any areas we wanted to expand the garden into, broadcast some of their favorite treats and let them go to work, they turned it all over... following behind them with the chickens after the pigs…
  • It would seem counter-productive, until you realize that IF you set your profile to any of the LOSE WEIGHT options your daily calorie goal already contains for deficit for weight loss. If you're at 0.5 lbs per week (and your BMR x activity level) leaves enough room that's 250 calories a day deficit. if you're at 1lb per…
  • Since I've got a long way to go yet I do still have all my clothes. I COULD get rid of some of it as I'm now 10" smaller in the waist than when I started this, despite only being 25 lbs down on the scale (had lost 39 lbs regained 44 and am 25 down from that new peak) Obviously along the way I changed my body composition.…
  • If you're looking at the plates anyway why not buy a set of the dumbell bars that you can put weights on just like you would with the barbell. Then you just change what plates are on it for the workout you're doing. Instead of grabbing an entirely different pair of pre-formed ones with varying weights.
  • found one of Scott's post re the fitbit and syncing
  • fitbit is a total daily activity tracker, including the metabolic activity that is occurring while you're snoozing, they allow for that, and your adjustment can change throughout the day ie if you start the day really active your adjustment may be large and then decrease as the day goes along... they seem to assume you'll…
  • unless you enable negative adjustments you won't see ANY adjustment from "fitbit" (other than 0) until your fitbit calculation of your days burn would be greater than what MFP estimates your BMR x activity level setting to be. the "adjusment" is only meant to bring the MFP calories for the day up (or down int he case of…
  • Definitely still lurking just been a lot on my plates with cleaning up the garden for winter, some serious batch cooking ahead of me as well as running the dehydrator and I've been dreading the thought of the lack of fresh greens / veggies for the winter so just picked up my supplies for sprouting. I'll see how that goes…
  • we're around, just got a lot of other items on my plate so haven't been posting as much. But it's fall, cleaning out the garden so batch cooking is very near in my future. Cook ahead, freeze, then I can just grab and go right from my freezer / cupboard where I know what went into the meals rather than having to stop at the…
  • Right above your post is a line that says Home > recent posts > my topics > SETTINGS > Search that "settings" is your forum settings and checking the box found on that page will display your ticker
    in Ticker Comment by Pandorian October 2013
  • There's an entire forum dedicated to recipes if you want to enter them via ingredient lists and quantities to your account. Or if you can find some open food diaries you can copy from any diary you can view straight to your own, but you'd still have to find the actual ingredient list / assembly instructions, which is…
  • Raw is the only way for a person to get the same "calorie count" for your meat (or pasta) depending on how you cook it. Take the steak out of a pack, weigh it (if it wasn't when you opened it) cook to blue-rare which you may consider "cooked" it will weigh something less than purely raw... keep cooking it until it's…
  • Pre-assemble some dry fixings into meals... see 'soup in a jar' type recipes where you just gather the ingredients dry... store them in a jar on the counter / cupboard/ junk drawer... open one and dump it into a pot when you're getting ready for the meal. Depending on the meal some can be made into a soup if you want the…
  • Just reading this one now to see if I can make more useful sense out of it, the first one came across like.. well I do this with all these people so here's how you do it, but we didn't have the time with him personally to get through it, this one is looking 1) more customizable, 2) more adaptable and 3) easier to follow,…
  • walking at 3 mph hour for an hour is the same as logging that you walked 3 miles walking at 3mph for half an hour would be the same as 1.5 miles walking at 3mph for 2 hours would be the same as logging that you walked 6 miles.
  • The MFP blog has a few tasty looking recipes up currently breakfast and lunch options so far with dinner and snack options to come on Friday
  • What I am reading as your intended "serving sizes" as in "suggested servings" as per the food pyramid etc recommendations where a "serving" of meat is 5.5 ounces sure that's "set" based on meeting a 2000 calorie a day diet... but there's "no rules" to what size of package a company 'puts their product in' and then labels…
  • Another MFP user has a great summary with a lot of the commonly used abbreviations you'll see on MFP I believe to be the most current version of the list.
  • It's due to the "labelling requirements" Rules allow them to label anything with under 0.5 grams of fat in a "serving" as 0 grams of fat... have a look at.. what's a big offender for a good example... oh yes those "butter sprays" 0 calories... 0 fat... but if you look at the ingredients... oil.... what's going on?…
  • If you need a calorie burn you go exercise > CARDIO > add exercise > search "strength training" if it asks for the duration / how long you did it you'll get a calorie burn estimate…
  • The sugar in a piece of fruit comes with all the micro and phytonutrients that in combination I'll take those over ... say a brownie which is just plain ol' sugar (yes perhaps the same "sugar" as in the fruit but it's been stripped of everything else besides sugar) and whatever else makes up the brownie. If "sugar is…
  • Except that it IS very misleading when they "choose" the serving size so that they can put 0 grams of fat... Calories from fat 21 CFR 101.9(c)(1)(ii) Less than 0.5 g fat "Not a significant source of calories from fat" Less than 1/2 gram fat per serving when the container has 3 servings... you can "do simple math" to it all…
  • Try food > database and search 'red lobster" you'll see some of their menu choices come up here entered by your fellow users of MFP. You can check any that you think you'd order if you're familiar enough with the chain to know what say the admirals feast is (breaded and deep-fried shrimp, scallops etc etc)
  • if you're logged into YOUR MFP account when you try to "search" it via google it will indeed "appear" to be public, because you're logged in you have access. Have a look at my home > my blog and RIGHT under the "new post" is "preferences" one of the options is "my blog is viewable by..." myself only (private) MFP members…
    in Blogs Comment by Pandorian April 2013
  • Thrift shops, second hand shops, whatever you want to call them. Often brand-name products still with the tags attached at a fraction of the retail price. $2-5 instead of $50.. the stuff is often lightly used and can be a great 'bridge" between your baggy clothes and ultimate wardrobe revival when you get to your goal.
  • Recipe "sharing' isn't a live feature at MFP yet. You could grab a recipe that someone has linked here, search manually via the database for the ingredients as listed and create the recipe to your own account from scratch... But you could try a search via the food database... such as "" just searching for…