vballscriscuolo Member


  • You can do it girl! I am not a young mom, but I am 23 also. I got married last year (at 22) and ym family thought I was nuts for awhile too, and they know that I'm trying to have a baby as well and also think I'm crazy! So I feel your pain. While I am not pregnant yet, I am in a similar situation. As for being unemployed,…
  • Theres nothing wrong with that!! When I met my now husband he was bigger than he is now and it's kinda changed things a bit.....he's all nutzo about the gym and getting muscles and stuff but I'm not into that and it's causing some issues sort of....so I hear where your coming from! My Ex was a "bigger" guy and I think a…
  • Hahahahaahah....................plus......2 hours of vaccuming? that must be a mansion!
  • I actually do it on a weekly basis.....so I don't consider it exercise since I do it anyway
  • No to be rude, but from your page and the "hasn't checked in for 3 days repeating over and over.....that can't be to case......if your not ready to get into the swing of this site and the program then maybe you need to try something else! It's not that hard to log foods especially if you save commonly eaten ones, it will…
  • That's more what I meant, is I've seen logs for 15 min of cooking and 20 min of light/moderate effort cleaning..............I know every person is different and can do what they want, but I know I did that in the past and felt guilty because I felt like I didn't desere it and just wanted an extra candy bar and that's how I…
  • I wasn't trying to offend anyone.........like I said I have only ever included a daily activity I think once...bu I don't log it because I would have done it anyway.............deep cleaning is hard work, I'm not saying that, I just know for me personally I'm not going to log anything like that because I feel like I'm…
  • I agree completely!!! anything I do on a daily basis I don't include as exercise because it's not like I'm taking special time to do it.....like cooking, cleaning, walking........it's something you do anyway so I don't want to "claim" the extra calories just as an excuse to eat them back
  • Haha, awesome topic btw......I think sedentary is jsut what it says.......sedentary, basically doing nothing except what you wrote which is me too btw) and I, personally don't consider cooking or cleaning to be "exercise"..............but I won't go there hahaha
  • Stupid MFP........I'm trying to quote this: """""""I'm eating the 1200 just didn't know if I also ate the extra 300. Which would give me 1500 calories to consume a day. So yeah I always eat the 1200."""""" yes if you exercise and burn 300 you should be eating total 1,500.......which technically you aren't actually taking…
  • YES!!! Eat the excercise calories!!!! you have to eat them especially if you have the 1,200 limit!!!! Ok look at it like this.....you have1,200 for the day.....you eat that and then go and burn 300....that leaves your body with only 900 left from the food you ate which is not enough.......you HAVE to eat your exercise ones…
  • Another thing is try ellipticals and bikes too!! that is if you like the treadmill! Because you burn more on a bike/elliptical then a treadmill and it helps you to use different muscles as well. Because even with the intervals of jogging to running your body will get used to it and you'll see a slow in progress so variety…
  • PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome......basically it is a disease that causes fertility issues, possible insulin resistance, and a whole mess of other side effects....it's quite debilitating actually......my doctor will not do anything else for me regardless of my symptoms.......weight gain, depression, lack of energy,…
  • Oh my god yes!!! Ironically, it started with WOW.......now it's evolved to Zelda and Wii.......not a good mix!!! Add me if you'd like!! I'm always looking for new friends!! We could probably help each other to "shed" the video games haha!!
  • I have PCOS! I was diagnosed in July of 2010, so not too long ago. It's been a battle and depressing at times since I've been trying to get pregnant and the diease is preventing it sore to speak....my doctor had recommended this website and it has helped me to try and keep on track.....I know my "weight lost" ticker says 0…
  • Absolutely!! Go to the foods tab then on the options bar there should be settings and there you can add and change names of categories as you'd like! I think there's only 6 spots but that's perfect for your 6 meals!! I have my set up: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Drinks and vitamins!
  • I have been told many times that drinking more water helps you lose weight "faster". Not sure if it's true. I have the same problem. I can never reember or force myself to drink water during the day unless I have a specific desire for it. I've been trying to add in crystal light or the new Mio drink flavorings because…
  • :smile: :happy: :laugh: :smile: :happy: :laugh: :smile: :happy: :laugh:
  • I don't know any of my MFP pals in real life :sad: Although I would eventually like to meet a couple who have been SO great to me...unfortionately one of them lives on the other side of the country :(
  • Laxatives are supposed to be used for constipation, not to clear out your system. It can be dangerous to use them in any other setting. I would just read a package of them and the side effects and that should be enough to stop you. As said in an earlier post, poop doesn't weigh as much as you think. If you think that there…
  • I have the same problem sort of.....my calorie intake is the same, set at 1,200/day, plus whatever excercise calories.....I knwo for me personally if I don't eat my exercise calories, I get tired and super hungry.......I think you had wrote that you get almost lethargic after workouts.....so as a previous MFP member wrote,…
  • Has anyone ever seent he movie Super Size Me? Because this is what it's about....fast food and the negative effects it can have on the body if eaten on a regular basis. I'm no saint for sure. I enjoy my "Ronnies Steak House" as my family and I call it (haha), but in moderation, like a 4 piece nugget and small fry, which…
  • Thanks a lot everyone.....I'm thinking about it now and realizing I really had nothing to apologize for, but what's done is done. If people wanted to take it the way they did, then so be it. I've had many MFP members send me personal messages teling me I'm amazing because I spoke my mind where others would have shied away,…
  • Haha, That's a fantastic way of looking at it, thanks for the boost everyone!!!
  • If the arguing and attacking each other doesn't stop I'm going to just delete the topic all together. I posted this topic based off of concern for others and the very basic information I have learned from my doctor and personal trainer.........it has gotten way out of hand and the back and forth is unnecessary.
  • I do apologize for this getting blown way out of proportion. I had only posted the topic out of concern for others. I had absolutely no idea it would cause such an issue and I do apologize for that.
  • I am very picky when it comes to eating and eat almost the same thing from day to day and like to see what other healthy options people have come up with. That's why you have to option to post your diary or not...just as I have mine posted for anyone who wants ideas. It's got nothing to do with being a "bully", its out of…
  • Hello! I am new to MFP as well and need to lose about the same amount of weight. I just logged in a couple hours ago and already I am getting friend requests and messages from great people. I recently got married and am looking to start a family and that is part of the reason why I want to lose weight. I also carry weight…
  • I just got diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome....not quite endometryosis but on my way there.....I have not heard of lupron shots but i always tell anyone be it friends or family to get a second opinion before starting any sort of serious medical treatment. Good luck and feel free to add me for support!
  • Hi! I'm only 5'2" but I have the same problems, feel free to add me, I could use support and am more than willing to help if I can!