megd44 Member


  • Calories in, calories out. Eat what you like within a deficit and you will lose. Choose to eat as you can for the rest of the life.
  • Great job to all!!
  • I am now out of the challenge. Lost a round to my seven month old, 80 pound puppy Saturday. He nailed me in my knee when I wasn't looking. Unfortunately, it was a knee I had reconstructed 10 years ago in hopes that it would last until I was 55 to get replaced. You all go an nail this challenge. I will be cheering from the…
  • Great job!! The difference is definitely noticeable.
  • Feel free to add me as well. 48 years young and a diary open to friends.
  • Ten more flights incorporated into today's workout. 33 total.
  • Totally forgot to track yesterday. I am at 8 flights today, for a challenge total of 23.
  • Mu husband commented this morning on how much flatter my stomach has gotten (still have work to do, trust me!) and that my butt feels firmer. Will definitely take that.
    in NSV! Comment by megd44 April 2017
  • @Mjtckwnow so glad you started this. As I was thinking about how to do it, decided to move my workout to outside, while I still can. For my warm up and cool down, I paced the deck and walked up and down the stairs. Got in a total of 129 stairs during that time, so the equivalent of ten flights. Not as effective as a full…
  • Great job ladies!! I continue to be inspired by this entire challenge and group!
  • So, I paced my deck and up and down the stairs for a bit yesterday afternoon. With my total of three stars on each end, I got five flights in for the day. Also walked along the entire property checking fence, etc (about 3 acres.) Will aim to get 7 to ten flights in today after my workout.
  • I am going to have to get creative with this, as I live in a one story and only have a handful of stairs to the deck, but will figure out how to make it happen.
  • Great job @NelsonKatelyn Sometimes these are the moments that can mean so much more than any scale or measurements. Keep up the great work - and enjoy your vacation!
  • I use the TDEE (minus 10 to 15%) method as well and it has worked great for me. My activity level is pretty steady (that might change when I go back to work, but for now.) I also make sure I am recalculating on a monthly basis. I do not sync my tracker, but make sure I am watching the numbers. And I just ignore the MFP…
  • Great job to everyone. Over 200 pounds lost in one month is amazing!!!!
  • Great challenge. Normally I get a lot of fruits and veggies but have been way off these goals for the last couple of weeks. Thanks for this challenge, an amazing reminder! Think I will go eat a banana now...
  • I lost 1.4 this last week and was super excited. I have had two weeks of craziness, tracking and being on MFP were difficult, but really focused on keeping with the changes I have made in almost two months (and previous years trying this.) It has really driven home this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. I came back…
  • I generally don't sweat with them anymore. My chest is perpetually red fmor the flashes though.
    in Hot Flashes Comment by megd44 April 2017
  • Great job to everyone. That is a lot of weight in just a few weeks.
  • Excellent job to everyone!!
  • Are you going to give up chocolate for the rest of your life? If not, figure out how to make it part of your calories (ie. one piece instead of the whole bar.) I like to have a beer or glass of and make sure they for into my calories for the day, then I enjoy it without caving or feeling guilty.
    in Restarting Comment by megd44 March 2017
  • I use the TDEE method and do log my exercise as *1* calorie. I log it more so to stay accountable than anything else. I also complete my diary daily. I totally ignore the "what you'll weigh in 5 weeks" and usually find it pretty humorous, because it literally changes daily and while I am usually on point with my calories,…
  • 48 here. Used MFP several years ago to lose maybe 10 lbs, got complacent and never lost any more. Amazingly, i maintained the weight loss, but everything seemed to move around. So, back here now with a focus much more on overall fitness than loss, but am down several pounds and close to maintenance for me. My goal is…
  • Today was the day to take measurements (monthly.) I have lost half an inch off my waist and 2 inches from my thighs!!
    in NSV! Comment by megd44 March 2017
  • I went from being able to sleep like a baby through the night to god awful sleep ability during the early stages of menopause. Now, I am back to sleeping almost through the night (usually wake up once to go to the bathroom.) Yes, I was foggy and felt like I was brain dead for a while. It took me maybe a year to adjust and…
    in Exhausted! Comment by megd44 March 2017
  • I also drink around 80 ounces per day. a lot of it has to do with the climate I am in - dry desert. It may be your environment as well. Office heat, air conditioning, etc. I never go anywhere without one of my water bottles. Even sleep with one on the nightstand and husband and i will sip it when we wake up at night.
  • I would check with a PT or certified trainer and see what they recommend. Swimming provides a great cardio workout. I have a stationary bike that has several different HIIT programs on it that I love (and it definitely kicks my butt!!) and I personally love water aerobics because it can give a good cardio workout and…
  • I use your strategic servings trick all the time, but add another component. I eat all my veggies, then lean protein, then the carbs. Usually, by the time I get the the carbs, I am full and eat less than half. My other trick for those days when I am travelling or have insane activities and have no choice but to hit a fast…
  • Great job everyone.
  • Great job @Zulu87 and @hannahhooter I had a similar NSV yesterday, which made me happy since I had a .4 lbs gain this week. I put on a pair of jeans I love and realized that I cannot wear any of my jeans without wearing a belt. B) Usually I just toss them on and go. Took five steps and had to start hiking them up and go…
    in NSV! Comment by megd44 March 2017