loriq41 Member


  • Try taking breaks from the boob tube and eat...
  • Hmmmmm..I am sure they are good but I shudder at how many calories in one cookie. Don't get me wrong, I would want to eat the hell outta them but really, should I?
  • Looks great but i would starve the rest of the day...
  • You're attitude is awesome...just keep it up girl...I was 5 ft 162...fall down, get back up and repeat! :)
  • Word.
  • Patience...i probably have like 15 to lose and there they still be..quite alot smaller but there nonetheless! :)
  • I would tell my hubby straight to his face and probably say it in a very evil way..but then again. we have been together since I was 20 and he was 19..no holds barred! lol
  • question....when you are giving 40/25/35 you are referring to percentages right? I do IIFYM and I calculate my macros by grams...such as 58 g fat, 115 carbs, 115 protein....
  • haha
  • She feels abandoned, boyfriend took mommy away and she is acting how..quite simple. I am old fashioned, probably would look for a deeper commitment (like at least engagement) before moving my child in a house with a boyfriend and his kids..but that is just me. So your commitment is to your daughter, her happiness and…
  • Love me the cookie dough..I daresay I could live on those.....
  • Unless he is built like Joe Manganiello he needs to keep his mouth shut. End of story!
  • Preaching to the choir sister..its like a shelf..that I don't want and don't plan on putting anything on...I am not sure mine will ever go away but I will try....it can be hidden pretty well...I think that you just need to get down to the lowest body fat that you can muster and hope it is not too bad or nonexistent..i feel…
  • I worked at the mall when I was 16 and on lunch i would go to two or three fast food restaurants...one I would have lunch and then I may head to the next one right after for a snack...sometimes I third for dessert.
  • The above....I always get the same thing at Chipolte so I created "Lori's Chipolte Bowl" and it's all good....love me some Chipolte!
  • I would assume dry....usually the size amount is 2 oz....since carbs are so calorie laden if I do have pasta I weigh out my two ounces and throw them in the water....it ain't much...lol....probably cuz I am italian and probably would eat 4-6 servings...lol
  • Better for you but not better (meaning the Sonic)..haha
  • I really f**king want those mozzarella sticks...believe me....lol
  • Truth! I love how when some people start to become more active and eat healthier that some develop that "holier than thou" attitude and all of a sudden mozzarella sticks are 'GROSS"...please...most of those people were eating their *kitten* off 6 months ago..geezus
  • Bingo! Life is too short to not have your cake and eat it too....
  • If they are three days in a row..you have four days after that to work out right? If you do not feel you can do it before or after a 13 hour day then you will have to do it on days off if this is something you want. Everyone has obligations they have to work around and yeah, it is a pain, but just takes discipline...good…
  • Too much exercise..you are going to burn out and you are not eating enough to sustain your weightloss...your bod is going to rebel and hold onto that weight.
  • I got my macros from one of the girls on the IIFYM Women's fb page...they are EXTREMELY helpful..it is a closed group.
  • Very tricky my friend..for the yogurt I would probably say that you ate .50 of a serving..that is pretty darn close to correct I think..you did not just eat .109 of a serving..you ate half a serving. Alot of times on here for example...I ate 1 peanut butter stuffed pretzel...the serving was 10 pretzels with the options to…
  • That sounds ok...I was at 5 ft and weighed 164....I personally would start at 1500 cals..no use starving if you don't have to.
  • I so hate to be the robot on here that says "you cannot spot reduce"...you have a considerable amount of weight to lose and it is coming off all over...unfortunately probably not as fast as you would like. I am a big proponent of lifting so that while you are losing you are getting rid of fat and showing them sexy muscles.…
  • Holds an olympic bar..you can put the weights on, step away from it and do squats or deadlifts...at planet fitness they just have a smith machine, which has an attached bar that you can load with weights but there is an limited range of motion because the bar does not come off...not ideal when working your legs and…
  • I have Planet Fitness and whereas I am pleased with it mostly..I lift and there are no squat racks and that is becoming a bit of a hinderance..so I think it depends on your fitness goals. I would go Golds if you have loftier and more creative fitness goals..otherwise PF is perfectly respectable...I have been a member there…
  • It is ALOT easier to put on weight than it is to take it off..and it burns my butt when people say "well, you did not put it on overnight, it will not come off over night"..well tell ya what, if I binged...it would be put on overnight and it would take me weeks to lose...uggghhhh