Unsocial working hours

I work 13 hour days which leaves no time for exercise. Often 3 in a row. How do others deal with exercise when working patterns are like this?


  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    If they are three days in a row..you have four days after that to work out right? If you do not feel you can do it before or after a 13 hour day then you will have to do it on days off if this is something you want. Everyone has obligations they have to work around and yeah, it is a pain, but just takes discipline...good luck in finding something that works best for you! :)
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Days off. Also you can get short bursts in when you get up and maybe a good stretch before you go to sleep. All exercise counts even if it is a quick 10 minute body weight exercise.