Lunch lady arms - I need a timeline - ITS SUMMER

I have HUGE lunch lady arms... well I have huge limbs (for the most part I'm pear shaped, my breasts are small for my size)... I am 300lbs (probably less now... I'm afraid of the scale I'm sorry) so no I'm not exaggerating like many of your average girls are... these aren't just your jiggly arms... they are rounded at the back from shoulder to elbow when my arms are at my side!!! I want them gone! I realized I had these since I was about 8 or 9 years old - I'm 24 now! I started the gym in April and I'm doing well! My stomach has gone down considerably, I can now comfortably fit into my size 22 jeans... but I want to know how long it's going to take to get rid of them!

What extra exercises have any of you who've successfully lost weight in your arms done to get rid of the fat? My trainer has me doing strength training and cardio but I want to pay special attention to my arms. Would it be ideal that on my leg day and my shoulder/back day that I do tricep kickbacks and tricep dips to help?
I just really want a timeline... It's summer and it's HOT and I can't keep wearing long sleeves all day everyday that I leave the house because I'm ashamed. Right now I don't have the right to bare arms lol... So even if for next summer I would like something to look forward to.


  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I so hate to be the robot on here that says "you cannot spot reduce" have a considerable amount of weight to lose and it is coming off all over...unfortunately probably not as fast as you would like. I am a big proponent of lifting so that while you are losing you are getting rid of fat and showing them sexy muscles. I am probably 15 lbs from goal and my arms are still very slow takes alot of patience! I suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women or any other heavy lifting program that you may like in addition to cardio and eating at a deficit..good luck to you!
  • SharAnWil
    SharAnWil Posts: 12 Member
    I so hate to be the robot on here that says "you cannot spot reduce" have a considerable amount of weight to lose and it is coming off all over...unfortunately probably not as fast as you would like. I am a big proponent of lifting so that while you are losing you are getting rid of fat and showing them sexy muscles. I am probably 15 lbs from goal and my arms are still very slow takes alot of patience! I suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women or any other heavy lifting program that you may like in addition to cardio and eating at a deficit..good luck to you!

    Are those books that you suggested in the end? Well I heard I can't spot reduced but I am very impatient (bad habit of mine) I want to see the changes sooooo badly because those were the reason I was often teased and usually hid under hoodies. My waist was actually considerably small but my arms just ruined everything, so you can imagine why I hate them so much. I'll continue with my routine though and I'm quite happy with my results. I just need the bulge near my elbows to disappear forever!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You can't get rid of fat in one place unless you have surgery.

    If you diet and exercise, it will all come off eventually. You just need to give it time.

    Your trainer would be able to show you how to lift weights to tone the arms. There are plenty of DVDs on it, too. They're pretty cheap on eBay!

    It's going to take a long time. You have to get used to that. It's all going to take a long, long time and will require patience, hard work and determination on your part.

    Stick with it!