

  • LGBT? That's me; out late, but GREAT! I'm wildly successful at losing weight using MFP as tool to manage my intakes, and in keeping most (but not all) of it off 1.5yrs later. It's time I run an intake deficit again. Here we go....... Hit my friends box; I'll add you.
  • Sister, ur amazing! xo
  • Food for mental clarity: A fresh peeled/parted orange. Aromatherapeutically, (is that a word?) apply about six drops of lemongrass oil, and eucalyptus oil to a paper towel. Mount (tape, etc) the paper towel near a source of moving air in your room. (such as a furnace vent, AC, or portable electric heater. Enjoy the…
  • Egg Beaters: I use them for a fat-free protein boost. But the downside is the sodium content out of the box.
  • So well spoken; thank you! Add me ;)
  • I see sodium as my short term enemy for tomorow's weigh-in. (water retention) I'm typically below 1500mg of Na per day. Raw and/or unprocessed foods generaly the way to go for low sodium. For low fat/low sodium proteins, I've been using Kashi Go lean cereal, lean ground turkey, and fish. Egg Beaters original is a distant…
  • One theory holds that cravings are the result of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Empty calories and processed foods fuel the cravings. You may consider a healthy well balanced diet, in addition to natural (earth based/primal) supplements.
  • Welcome, come'on aboard :) Add me if it's right for you.
  • Amazing. Weight loss is 99% inner work. Once that occurs, the outer work falls in place naturally. Add me if it's okay. ~namaste'~
  • I can't directly control what I will weigh next week or next month. But I what I eat (or don't eat) now has a direct and immediate impact on what I will weigh tomorrow morning. And so when I face one of your "KFC" moments, I have my own high fiber foods on hand, or resort to a zero calorie drink. Stay in the "now", -one…
  • Kashi cereals make great snacks, -all of which are high fiber, low fat/healthy fat products. The "Go Lean" almond-flax is a great granola type of snack. The toasted berry crumble reminds me of a high fiber version of "Captain Crunch". And the plain "Go Lean" is an awesome 140Kcal/serving high protein/high fiber filler for…
  • I'm known for showing up with fruit, or premeasured granola cereal, and guzzling lemon water or Diet Coke! (yes, -at Pizza Hut, et. al.)
  • Six + weeks is prime time for plateaus to occur. Document what you eat honestly and accurately: no "guessing", or "kinda-sorta" approaches to intakes. This is the most common self-delusion of dieters. If there ever was a time to be consistent, it is NOW, -during the plateau. My plateaus are typically followed by a week of…
  • I live in the "now", not yesterday or tomorrow. For what I think and do in the "now" affects my weight NOW.
  • Insanely accurate. I measure in GRAMS!
  • 2000Kcal/day for me would be close to a maintenance intake. If there's an energy deficit at that intake level, it bears zero tolerance for any "cheat days", and measurement errors. Measurement errors are those in which portions are (usually) under-estimated. At the 2000kcal intake/day, a single cheat day, and/or a 10%…
  • I dry weigh the (uncooked) spaghetti (56g) all the time,every time. That takes the guess work out of it. And if there's an error in guessing, -its' probably underestimating the portion size. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Protien Snacks: Edamame (roasted/salted soybeans), Smart Balance nut spread and/or natural peanut butter on a whole wheat sandwich. (avoid the fake peanut butter loaded with "axle grease" (hydrogenated/trans fats). Or a 28g (1 ounce) bag of Kashi "Go Lean" cereal. ..makes a great snack with anything. If you're cooking,…
  • Northwest Ohio! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Food scales are a fantastic idea; without them, I tend to underestimate what I'm eating. Welcome aboard! :D Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I just had an amazing 352 cal lunch: 1 slice (95g) fat free honey smoked turkey on Brownberry Health Nut bread, plus 1/4 cup cottage cheese, plus large serving (310g cooked) of asaragus. Its basically a full plate single layer of asparagus, with quick coat of spray on oil, with a bout a teaspoon of chopped garlic (in…
  • Friends needed; add me! I started MFP Jan 4th. You'll love it! :D Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • My Strategy: High complex carbs (~65%) w/low glycemic index; Low fat but maximize mono and polyunsaturated fats; high fiber -30-50g daily; absolutely positively NO empty calories; sodium restriction <1500mg/day:...all packaged in 800kcal to 1100 kcal per day. It's heresy, -but it sings to the tune of 0.83 pounds lost per…
  • Short term weight fluctuations are a side effect of the body maintaining electrolyte/sodium/water balance in addition to potential effects of your body's monthly cycle. Consuming processed and/or snack foods is an indicator for high sodium intake. And your body will compensate for that by retaining water. To offset this,…