I need some ADVICE!

Hey! I'm 3 days into this and already I'm feelings the stress from it. I don't know if this is because my mum's leaving for a month tomorrow or if it is because my comfort -food- is not there anymore. I am managing my food, yes, but it is really hard like last night... my fam got some KFC and thats one of my favorites and I had to try my hardest to not take some and instead reached for the salad.. :( its really hard so far....


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    IT's good to take the first step, it's the ones that follow that get harder. Be careful not to set yourself up for failure. You can't give in and treat yourself everytime someone shows up with KFC. Make plans for yourself and plan your dining out meal too. Plan to once a month have KFC, or pizza or chinese. Then you can plan ahead and have something to look forward to and it will be worth waiting for. If you plan for it you can relax and enjoy it and not suffer guilt afterwards. It will be worth it. You can do it.

    Best wishes.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    IT's good to take the first step, it's the ones that follow that get harder. Be careful not to set yourself up for failure. You can't give in and treat yourself everytime someone shows up with KFC. Make plans for yourself and plan your dining out meal too. Plan to once a month have KFC, or pizza or chinese. Then you can plan ahead and have something to look forward to and it will be worth waiting for. If you plan for it you can relax and enjoy it and not suffer guilt afterwards. It will be worth it. You can do it.

    Best wishes.

    great advice. I would also recommend writing out your goals and read them daily. When you are feeling like you might cave, go read them. Keep moving forward and it will get easier!
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    You can still eat your "comfort foods" but in moderation. Have a piece of chicken if you want. Just log it in your food diary.

    If I want to splurge on some food item I will exercise that day so I can eat those calories. I don't do it often but it really sets it up in your mind that you need to work a certain amount in order to get that treat food reward. It's tricked my mind and it's realistic.
  • osman2011
    Next time just have 1 piece of KFC, and post it to your food blog. A KFC leg is only about 200 cal. Good luck to you! If you totally deny yourself, you'll stress yourself out and over eat. I allow myself 1 meal a week of what ever I want. Stay healthy.
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    Oh, believe me, I know how you feel!! My honey is AN EATER!! It is so hard to not pig out with him. But it get easier over time, especially once you start seeing the results! Whenever I feel my will-power wavering, I jump on the computer (to MFP, of course!) to give me a little reminder of what I need to do and get some much needed support. And I also agree with "dlaplume2", treat yourself once in a while. YOU DESERVE IT!! Just don't lose sight of your goal! I hope this helps! ***YOU CAN DO THIS!!*** :flowerforyou:
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    Can you rope your family in to help you? Instead of them bringing home foods that aren't good for you perhaps you could all get involved in healthy eating. Or, maybe, you could set a trend and start cooking up some healthy meals yourself.

    Rise above temptation when you can and feel at your strongest and make it clear that these fast, greasy foods have no place in your new eating habits.

    Sometimes, just in fun, people can be cruel and wave temptation under your nose which isn't particularly funny. However, if you make it clear that you want to change your eating habits for better health then they may decide to support you. If they don't, you'll have the last laugh when you become healthier and slimmer and they become sluggish and unhealthy from all that greasy rubbish they keep eating.

    Good luck and remember you can always rant here. xx
  • gt45891
    gt45891 Posts: 25
    I can't directly control what I will weigh next week or next month. But I what I eat (or don't eat) now has a direct and immediate impact on what I will weigh tomorrow morning. And so when I face one of your "KFC" moments, I have my own high fiber foods on hand, or resort to a zero calorie drink. Stay in the "now", -one small step at a time. :)
  • butterflyinamber78
    butterflyinamber78 Posts: 49 Member
    Everyone messes up from time to time...Even models eat McDonalds (and KFC). Long as your commited to change, and keep at it, your fine... Blew it myself a bit today, imperfection is a part of life. So the best advice I can offer is that you'll never be perfect at it. Long as you have more good days than bad, your doing all right. For me, I find that making notes of my feelings and the days events-doesn't have to be novel sized, just notes- helps me see my patterns and sometimes avoid repeating them. At the very least, I can look back at it and say that indeed, there were good days after the bad one in the past, and take a bit of hope from that. Learning to find a new way to cope with stress is one of the HARDEST things ever, especially since you have to cope with changing an ingraned habit WHILE you are under stress. Don't forget to make room sometimes for the treat foods you enjoy, too, you can't live the rest of your life in deprivation. (Thats just my opinion though, others will disagree.)
    - good luck-
  • gertrude13
    i experienced the same thing a month ago, on my 2nd day my sister cooked my favorite carbonara! i can't eat it because i've reached my calorie goal for that day hahaha, so i just slept. But then you know what? when you see yourself shedding some pounds it will be easier to control :)

    another advice is to research the calories in restaurants you and your family will be eating so that you know the calories you can eat, i'm sure you'll find something yummy and lowcal in there! hahaha also allot one time of the month for "happy food day" haha that's the day that i'm allowing myself to eat a food i like (and even exceed my calorie goal into "maintaining" goal) hahaha hoped that helped
  • ilive4potter
    thanks for the advice everyone!!